"King!" several exclamations came not only from Mu Mu and Xuekui's mouth, but also from above people.

When people heard the sound and looked over their heads, they were surprised to find that there were three women standing on the wall more than five meters away from them, and one of them was the woman who sacrificed herself to leave with the monster in order to save them, that is, one of the members of the blessing team.

At that time, none of them mentioned it, but it doesn't mean they didn't have any ideas in their hearts. They are very grateful. After all, in that dangerous place, the power can't be used at all, and they can only let the mermaid flesh. However, this woman used herself in exchange for all their lives. They have always thanked the blessing team and apologized at the same time, But now the Lord is coming out, and an impulse has sprouted in his heart.

"Hey, everyone, come and see! It's the member of the blessing team! She saved us at the beginning, and now we'll save her quickly while those monsters are entangled with major Ye!" at this time, a power man shouted out his heart, and his words contained the thoughts of many power men.

"Well, even if we can't beat this big boss and these two little monsters, we can't save people if we go together!"

"Yes, that's right. We can't have no conscience. We must save people!"

"Save people, save people."

The powers were encouraged. Most of them wanted to save people and participated in the discussion on how to save people. However, a few powers, who were unwilling to follow, retreated and watched quietly. Some even stood at the mouth of the cave. As long as there was an emergency, they rushed out of the cave and fled.

At this time, several people in white also naturally saw Gu Youge and immediately lit up. They were the first to prepare to save people.

She was agile and jumped along the wall with her bare hands to the platform where the three stood. When people saw this, they also drew gourds and ladles to keep up with the pace of Yue Baiyi one by one. Because the platform is too small, people can only go up one-third of the people.

The rest of the audience can only watch nervously and be ready to replace the people above at any time.

At this time, Nangong Lingxue and menglip stood up undamaged when they saw nirvana, and played the ash on the bullet as if nothing had happened. They were relieved, and they focused on Yue Baiyi.

"White clothes." Gu Youge cried. When she looked at the moon in white clothes, she was not as happy as she thought, but she had a trace of sadness and hesitation in her heart.

Just now she was so afraid that the damn man was hurt. What's the matter with her? Are you in love with him? Is it because she fell in love with him that she was not so excited to see her relatives and friends? She doesn't know

Yue Baiyi nodded at her. I don't know why her intuition told her that Gu Youge didn't want to go with them, but Gu Zhili didn't think so much. At the moment when he saw Gu Youge, he looked up and down several times and found that she wasn't hurt, which was a great relief.

"Xiao Ge, are you all right these days? Have these guys bullied you?"

Gu Youge shook his head, smiled at him and said, "I'm fine. They've always taken care of me." she just told the truth, but it made people feel more distressed about her.

"Xiaoge." Gu Zhili felt distressed and angry. At this moment, if he could, he would like to break Nirvana into pieces. However, at this time, he knew that the most important task was to save his sister.

"Brother, I didn't."

"Hum, why, do you still want to take the king's princess away?"