As soon as night Muhua heard this, his eyes brightened, and a happy smile appeared on his confused face. "White clothes are really smart in ice and snow, which is a good way! Well, fire power people come forward, water ice power people are ready at any time."

Since they stay, although they don't want to be called by night Muhua, they still can't refute him at this time. But they just listen to his orders. Among more than 400 powers, 200 powers have fire attributes.

It is conceivable that this fire attribute is common to any attribute power.

Then the 200 powers came forward, including Yue Baiyi and Murong Xingli. Because it was the task of Yue Baiyi, Yue Baiyi gave orders this time, and the strength of Yue Baiyi was also seen by everyone. They had no objection.

The world is getting along more and more with the model of respecting strength.

However, there may be nothing wrong with this.

"OK, everyone, prepare. Listen to my password. I count to three. Let's attack together. It's best to achieve synchronization and make the temperature rise to the highest in an instant."

"OK, vice captain Yue, we all listen to you." compared with night Muhua, they are more willing to listen to the command of Yue Baiyi. First, Yue Baiyi is a member of the mercenary team like them. Second, her strength is above all their powers, on the same level as night Muhua. Third, she is a rare beauty. Fourth, her intelligence and nature of mind have been praised by many male powers these days.

So they are more willing to listen to her than yemuhua.

People still have to have a backbone.

Month white clothes didn't think so much. Seeing that the people promised to be cheerful, she didn't waste time. She opened her red lips and counted down, "three, two, one. Attack!"

At the command, the already prepared powers give full play to their powers. When the flames are sent out at the same time and communicate with each other to form a huge flame to spray on the vines, the hot high temperature instantly burns the green vines like red buttocks. Seeing this, Yue Baiyi immediately said, "Water and ice powers are ready! When I count to three, fire powers stop attacking, fire powers and ice powers attack at the same time! Do you understand?!"

"Understand!" at this moment, Yue Baiyi was very much like a leader, commanding the rhythm of the field, and her majestic voice and unconsciously revealed the upper breath of the king, so that people unconsciously obeyed her orders.

"OK, three, two, one!"

As soon as the voice fell, the fire power stopped at the same time. The huge flame disappeared. Before the red fire on the vine disappeared, it was poured by a column of water with ice crystals.


When the high temperature meets water, it instantly turns into water vapor. The water vapor emitted from the vines almost wraps people. Fortunately, there are wind powers who pop the water vapor away, otherwise people will fall into the fog.

At this time, the moon white clothes at the tip of his ears suddenly heard a "click" and hurriedly said, "everyone stop!"

The voice fell, the powers stopped their attack, the water vapor dispersed, and there was still no trace on the vines, which made people feel disappointed. However, yuebaiyi clearly heard the voice before. She knew that the hard vines had left a fragile empty shell at this time.

She walked forward slowly and touched the vine that had become an empty shell with her hand. Suddenly, there were small cracks everywhere on the vine. With a slight push of Yuebai Yi, the vine turned into a pile of waste and disappeared into the air.

"Yes. Did you succeed?!"