On the other hand, on the top of the mountain, there are lush branches and leaves, surrounded by steep mountain walls. If you are careless, you may fall off the cliff. However, here, there is a human base, a high wall, which gives people an extra sense of sureness on the edge of the cliff, and there is only one way in and out, which has become an easy to defend and difficult to attack terrain.

Inside the city wall, many militia in uniform clothes, with rifles on their backs, looked serious and patrolled the streets in an orderly manner. With a rigorous attitude, we can see that the chief of the base is a capable man.

Compared with the seriousness of the soldiers, the residents in the base have different hopes and happiness from this end of the world.

It seems that they are not infected by the end of the world, as if they still live before the end of the world, if they can ignore the soldiers who are serious, constantly on duty, on sentry duty and so on.

At this time, the atmosphere in the reception room of the top person in charge of the base was particularly serious and reserved.

"Major Ye's reputation is ringing. I've looked up to it for a long time. Today, I see that it really deserves its reputation. However, it's hard to convince me by major Ye's one-sided words alone.

Even if, as major ye said, those people fell off the cliff, I'm afraid they are still... "

"Pa!" a heavy slap on the table sounded like a thunderbolt in the whole reception room.

"They'll be fine! Absolutely! You like to send people or not. As long as you let us go through and round the cliff, you don't have to worry about the rest!"

"Miss Yin." night Muhua frowned slightly. Why is this Yin Xiaoxiao so impulsive? Now he still collides with him in other people's territory. From the planning in this base, he can see that this man's ability is no less than level D!

Yin Xiaoxiao stared at night Muhua. He pulled her at that time, otherwise she wouldn't be able to see the master as soon as possible. Although she believed that the master would be all right, she couldn't help worrying.

Originally, I thought this man was quite reliable. I didn't expect that when I came here, I kept chirping and grinding. There was also this man. Let them go around the cliff and die?!

"Miss, it's not that I won't let you pass through, but that you don't know that there are many zombies under the cliff. In order to build such a safe base here, we spent a lot of effort and effort and lost many companions to trap those zombies under the cliff. We built a huge gate up to 500 meters on the top of the mountain to prevent them The zombies came up from the bottom of the cliff.

Every time the gate is opened, all kinds of zombies will come. Even if the gate is closed faster, it will take 30 seconds. In these 30 seconds, those zombies may take the opportunity to enter the base. At that time... I don't need to say any more. This lady should know how serious the consequences are. "The man is neither slow nor ill, Slowly, from his sexy red lips, he spits out this scene after scene of horror pictures. His expression has not changed. It seems that he is just telling a story, which makes people feel a little strange.

"Commander Yuwen, what you said, Yemou understands very well, but... If there are so many zombies, when they evolve and can cross the cliff one day, the people in this base will be turtles in the urn of these zombies.

Yemou just mentioned that now there are a group of people who call themselves the blood spirit family, but to put it bluntly, they are zombies. No matter how well they say it or how their scientific name changes, they still have no disagreement with humans, and each of them has wings. This tall cliff can't resist them at all.

Now these people are so. It is difficult for Yemou to ensure that the zombies under the cliff will not give birth to wings.

You know, this zombie beast is different from the mutant beast. Now, in this dangerous end of the world, if we don't get rid of these life-threatening guys a little, when they have full wings, we will perish! "