Gu Zhili watched his beloved woman fall off the cliff like a broken kite. Negative emotions such as sadness, anger, pain, anger and hatred swept through his whole heart.

"Damn you!!!" Gu Zhili frantically launched an attack on nirvana. Even if no attack caused damage to Nirvana, he could not feel it at all. His eyes were full of blood and tears flowed out of his eyes. His actions seemed to be venting his anger.

Seeing this scene, Yue Baiyi felt as if she was oppressed by something. She was very uncomfortable. Looking at the invisible figure of Murong Xingli, she calmed down, untied the nylon rope around her waist, took a deep breath, and jumped down the cliff without anyone reacting.

At the same time, Chu, who was coming to the edge of the cliff, also saw the scene that made him want to crack, and it was a sad cry.

"Yiyi! No!!" Chu also shouted and jumped off the cliff.

The people who were originally in a daze immediately reacted and looked at the position where Murong Xingli stood before. The thick nylon rope had been completely cut off, which just explained why Murong Xingli fell off the cliff alone.

Watching Chu jump down, Yue Yi, in turn, pulled off the nylon rope at his waist and jumped down.

Then Yin Xiaoxiao shouted and tried to jump off the cliff, but was stopped by night Muhua.

"Stop making unnecessary sacrifices!"

"Go away! It's all the traitors in your army! Otherwise we won't be trapped here! Otherwise Xingli won't fall down! Otherwise the master won't jump down because of self blame! Brother Chu won't jump down because he wants to follow the master! And on January 1! It's all you! It's all you! It's all you! Let go of me! I'm going to find my master!" Yin Xiaoxiao is a little crazy, In her heart, Yue Baiyi is the benefactor who saved her from fire and water, and the master she respects so much. She has the same status as her own mother in her heart. How can she watch her mother fall off the cliff and be so calm?!

Night Muhua was even more afraid to let go. He was afraid that if he let go, the little girl would follow the girl who made him palpitate. His heart said that it was false not to be sad. He also wanted to jump down and follow her, but he couldn't. He still had a mission.. This time. This time he couldn't stand by her.

It was mo Yanqin who was behind Yin Xiaoxiao. When she saw the king jump from the cliff, her heart was inexplicably warm. Her king was really a kind person. Although her body was colder than anyone, and her heart was quieter than anyone, her hot and kind soul infected her again and again, and she did not waste her follow.

However, she believes that her king will not be defeated by the small cliff. She believes that my king will appear in front of them unharmed, so they must live unharmed and wait for her to come back.

"Young lady, please believe her and she will come back alive."

Yin Xiaoxiao was stunned by Mo Yanqin's words. Her struggling body suddenly stopped. She looked up and saw the firmness in her eyes, and her heart relaxed.

Yes, who is her master? How could something happen? She will appear in front of them alive. She must live well and wait for her return!

Others, she must guard! Never let Shifu down and sad!

Yin Xiaoxiao protected Gu Youge, who was stunned and wooden chicken, coldly stared at Nirvana and watched his every move with vigilance.

At this time, Mu Mu and other four people also came to nirvana.

"My subordinates, see my king!"