"Brother Chu, if you ask me, I'll tell you everything." the man spread his hands and had a very friendly attitude. It's hard for people to think of him as a 'bad man'.

Chu also took a look at the moon white clothes behind him, took another look at the moon one, and then put his eyes on the man, "but before that, can you tell Chu your name?"

"Nirvana." the man gently spit out two words, with a faint smile on his face. Although the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes, it did not damage his perfect image.

"Nirvana?" Chu also said in amazement. Then he was silent for a moment and said, "your name is really a good name. Well, I would like to ask your excellency nirvana, what kind of race is the blood spirit race mentioned by your excellency nirvana. As far as Chu knows, there is no such race in the world. Moreover, even if it is true, it is difficult to compare with those things in your appearance."

Nirvana smiled, shook his head, and said innocuously, "brother Chu, don't compare this king with these unfinished products. There is really no blood spirit in this world.

However... The king didn't say that the blood spirit family lived in this world. Do you remember how the end of the world came as you said in the human world? Huh? "

Chu was stunned at first, and then his pupils dilated. It seemed that he thought of something very scary.

"You... The blood spirit family is in the universe..."

"Bingo, you're right. I'm the most completely evolved blood spirit royal family. I absorbed the essence energy source of the blood spirit family. As for these wastes, I absorbed the energy emitted by the residual essence energy source, which led to the appearance of people without people and ghosts without ghosts.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that your human body is too fragile. "Nirvana looked contemptuously at the human beings behind Chu Yisan, which scared those people to step back and hug each other.

Chu also heard the speech and gradually recovered his look. He was silent for a while, and then asked, "in that case, where did we come from?"

"Tut tut..." Nirvana shook his head funny. "Not every human who absorbs the essence energy source can become a blood spirit family.

The body of these wastes is the closest to the energy source, but they only absorb small afterwaves, and naturally can not achieve evolution.

As for you superpowers, you are the best in human genes. After absorbing the energy source, you not only did not become these wastes, but got a new round of evolution. Hehe ~ brother Chu, that's why I'm interested in you.

As long as you like, you can also have the memory of the human period. Come on, come to the king and lay a land with the king! "

Nirvana seduces Chu Yi and wants to try to attract him to his side. This is indeed his voice and what he expects.

At first he intended to kill them all, but now he saw these people and suddenly changed his mind.

How can you kill it? It's not fun to kill! If all of them are attracted around, we can unify the country and mountains in the near future!

However, Chu is not a fool. Naturally, he won't listen to people's nonsense, not to mention that the matter of the blood spirit family remains to be discussed. In addition, the faint smell of this mysterious man also makes him feel extremely depressed.

Of course, he would not refute the man's words at this time. Chu was silent for a while and suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha, your excellency nirvana is indeed a great husband with lofty feelings. It's just... You and I just met and don't know much about many things. How about giving Chu a few days to think about it and reply to you?