Meanwhile, province B.

The center of province B is zh city. Before the end of the world, Zh city was the largest and most prosperous city in the whole province B, with a particularly large flow of people. Now, after the end of the world, the people on the streets have become a man eating monster - zombies.

These zombies are very strange. They are not like those zombies in moon white clothes. They are very scattered. Instead, they are very disciplined. They travel from one area to another. Zombies in this area will not easily go to another area.

It's like soldiers on duty in human J department.

This abnormality is normal in human beings, but it is particularly gloomy and terrible in such a zombie.

If not everyone's zombies have wisdom, then they have higher zombies to empty them!

Whatever it is, it is undoubtedly a disaster for mankind!

In the center of ZH City, on the top of a building with an altitude of 500 meters, there is a man wearing a white slim shirt, black tight casual pants and his clean to shiny leather shoes, which makes him particularly out of place in this last world.

There are several people behind the man, a man and a woman, whose appearance is particularly excellent, but they hold a beautiful woman in their hands.

"Let go of me! I don't know anything!" the woman suddenly raised her head, and her true face suddenly appeared. If the moon white clothes came again, she would cry out in surprise.

"Don't know? How can you not know! Tell me, where is the adult!" the speaker is the woman holding the woman behind the man. Oh, she should not be called a woman, because she looks too young.

A head of black hair like ink, lying on her skin like lanolin jade, with big and divine eyes, curved eyebrows, small nose, and a small cherry mouth, it looks particularly delicious.

Only 1.5 meters tall, she looks particularly carved in powder and jade, but her serious look is very inconsistent with her Laurie appearance.

The woman looked at the Laurie girl and looked at the man who seemed to have nothing to do with him. She really said, "my Lord, I really don't know where my king is." although the words were true, only the woman knew whether the contents were true or false.

However, her words did not move the man, but she still stood there and said nothing.

Laurie girl saw this, the strength on her hand increased, and she threatened the woman with a fierce face, "do you believe I'll break your hand? If you don't have a hand at that time, it depends on how you work for your king! I'm afraid your respected king will abandon you at that time!"

The woman was still unmoved and said firmly, "I really don't know!" even if I know, I won't tell you! Even if the king abandoned her, she would never betray the king!

The woman's loyalty made Laurie admire the girl and feel angry at the same time. The strength on her hand increased. The momentum was going to really pull off the woman's hand.

However, he was stopped by the man who had not spoken.

"Mumu, stop. Let her go." the lazy and evil voice sounded. As soon as he spoke, it seemed that the whole world was quiet. Even the zombies on the ground trembled one by one, raised their heads and looked up, as if they were looking up at the God in their hearts.

"But, Wang..." Laurie girl, that is, mu mu, looked at the man in amazement and said reluctantly.

"Mu Mu, I don't like to say it a second time, huh?" it was a very soft voice, but it was a little dangerous. When I heard Mu Mu, I quickly put down my hand and half knelt on the ground.

"Yes, Wang!"

Mu Mu put his hand down, and the cold man on the side also put his hand down and half knelt on the ground waiting for dispatch.

Seeing this, the woman shook her arm, stood up, saluted the man and said, "thank you for not killing me!"