However, everyone will also pay for the choices they make.

Originally, the power of zombies was even greater than that of an ordinary adult man. Although there were only ten zombies, the power to clap the door and glass was incomparably great.

Bang Bang... Zombies rest and stop every time. They are tireless, they don't know pain, their eyes exude the most instinctive appetite, and their mouth flows saliva that only beasts can flow out. No matter who sees them, they will be scared to death by their terrible appearance and bloodthirsty instinct.

This is not true. The same is true of the more than 20 people locked up in the store. Although they are more than zombies, it is obvious that they are much cowardly in the face of those who do not want their lives.

"Hey, Zhang Fengwei, you hurry to... Kill them!" Wang Yiyang pushed his side, shivering, holding the man in his place, with a frightened and contemptuous face.

Zhang Fengwei is not a bloodless person, but sometimes human blood will gradually fade with the changes of the times. It is the so-called that people should have leaders and leaders, but people don't want to be the first to eat crabs.

Therefore, although they all have a trace of blood in their hearts, they can not be released at this time. Their hearts are praying that there is such a person to appear and lead them out of trouble.

However, they don't know that people can't save themselves. How can they expect others to save themselves?

Sometimes a man is obviously small. He can be humble into the dust. And sometimes people are great, because they are indomitable, not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles, and move forward bravely!

Just humble and great are only between one thought. Every humble person hopes that a great person can lead himself, while a great person hopes that he can lead people out of difficulties and build a better future.

However, in this world, there are obviously more humble people than great people, so great people can't help every humble person at any time.

At this time, we need the self-help of humble people to become great people.

You can have no strength, you can have no ability, even if you are a woman, even if you are a child, but you have a strong heart, then you are a strong man!

At least this point seems to be so correct and firm in Yue Baiyi's view. She doesn't know it's the influence of blood. She increasingly feels that her character is changing a little, becoming strong, atmospheric and meaningless.

Just because she has faith! She wants to lead her parents and dearest brother to a better life!

So people, if they want to live better, they must have faith.

At this time, Zhang Fengwei obviously didn't have that belief. Looking at the zombies who kept clapping the door and clapping the glass door, he was timid. He was afraid. He didn't dare to take that step or take up arms to fight it.

At this moment, he forgot that he was a man. He just wanted to be saved.

However, the goddess of fate really didn't let him die so early. Just as everyone was praying to heaven, a gunshot caught the attention of the trapped people in the store.

People looked at each other and seemed to see a surprise in each other's eyes. Their prayers really worked?!

When they saw the pestering zombies who had been patting the door, turning their heads one by one, turning the direction and slowly leaving the door, their eyes burst out of hope until they saw the military Hummer at the door of the gas station.

They were not abandoned!