Yue Baiyi, holding a baseball bat, found a zombie with an energy source in his brain according to the tips of the brain system.

Not all zombies have this energy source, that is, the spirit core. There may be only one zombie with a spirit core among 100 zombies.

Yue Baiyi thought it was a pit of goods. After she killed five or six zombies, the system slowly told her! She was so angry that she wanted to hit her head with a mallet, but thinking of the end of those zombies, she resolutely restrained the resentment in her heart.

However, for more depressing things, if she can have experience in killing zombies, it's no problem for her to kill more than a few, just

This damn system gave her two experiences with a zombie! Shit! She's going to kill all the time?!

She almost ran away. She really wanted to open her head with a mallet and see what the damn system looks like!

Fortunately, the system seems to know her idea. It has no "backbone" to indicate the location of the energy source.

This makes Yue Baiyi's mood a little calmer.

However, the location of the energy source is not good or bad for her.

The place prompted by the system is a small store five meters away from her community. The people in the store either become zombies or become zombie food.

So she was lucky not to deal with humans.

After she ran out from home and saw the messy things in the community, she suddenly felt that maybe being a zombie, oh no, it's good to be a blood spirit family, human... Human is really the source of all evil!

Because she is a zombie, human beings naturally dare not approach her, and zombies will not invade her, so she is quite leisurely. She naturally sees that zombies eat people and people beat zombies, but zombies do not die. In human eyes, she also wants to help, but she dare not. She doesn't want to be too abrupt. After all, her appearance is no different from zombies, If you rush up to help, who knows if you will be stabbed.

Although she thought about whether human beings were too dark, in fact, she saw such a scene, which made her completely eliminate the idea of saving human beings with this face.

This scene happened in front of her. Two zombies wanted to eat a man and a woman not far from her. Obviously, the relationship between the man and the woman was different, either lovers or husband and wife. However, what did she see?

The man pushed the woman to the zombie as a shield, but he slipped away alone. Such a scene shocked her already stopped heart. Why? Why not resist the zombie together? Is human nature so... Fragile? Is the moral bottom line so low?

Originally, she thought that maybe this was a special case, but she saw scenes after scenes on the street, throwing away her wife and children and pushing her friends into the mouth of the tiger, in order to only seek a glimmer of life. Such human beings made her afraid. Such human nature made her feel that they were different from those zombies who only knew how to eat people?!

Why do humans do this?!

Yue Baiyi shouted and cried in her heart, but she couldn't shed a tear in her already dry eyes, but no one knew her inner pain.

Until she came to the small shop, her mood changed.

Having witnessed the ugliness of human nature, she suddenly felt that she did not believe in human beings, because no one knew that the original close people would stab at the critical moment. This pain was obviously much more painful than being eaten by zombies.

Yue Baiyi closed the door of the store when everyone didn't pay attention. She sat alone in the dark store and listened to the screams, insults and grief stricken cries outside. Her heart was gradually hardening.

I don't know how long it took. Yue Baiyi raised her not very beautiful face at this time, with a touch of indifference and firmness in her eyes.

In any case, she must find her parents and brothers, whether they are zombies or human beings... She must protect them forever!