Yunluoxi was just thinking that those people would not be so shameless. As a result, she heard the noise outside and jumped up from the stack. She really underestimated the shameless degree of some people.

"Glass, tourmaline." Yunluoxi clapped her hands and called.

Liuli and Bixi come in a hurry.

"Coral, pearl, you two block, glass, tourmaline with me jump off the wall." Yunluoxi said and ran to the back of Meiyuan.

"I'm afraid they've been watching around. The princess can't get out of the yard." Coral said nervously.

"As long as they can't find me." Yunluoxi didn't figure out the yard.

Coral and Pearl had to go to the front to block, where glass and tourmaline had already jumped out of the plum garden with cloud.

Yunluoxi just jumped out, and a group of people led by King Su also entered the plum garden.

"I've met several lords." Coral and Pearl salute.

Su Wang looked at the plum garden and said, "we are elders at least. Now that we have arrived at the plum garden, will Princess Bao not come out to see us?"

"The princess is not in Meiyuan." Coral rightfully said, yes, now really not.

"Oh, not in Meiyuan?" Su Wang said, his eyes began to scan the plum garden, "where is the treasure princess, we can't see it?"

"The palace is a little big. The princess likes to be quiet. She doesn't know where to go." Coral is neither humble nor overbearing.

"Then you go to find it, and we'll wait in Meiyuan." King Su said a little shamefully.

"This plum garden is the residence of the family members of the royal family. Are you not suitable to wait here?" Pearl is a little angry.

"But a cheap maidservant dares to talk to me like this." King Su was angry.

Jingshou saluted in a hurry: "King Su, the princess is not in the plum garden. I'll send someone to look for her. The princes will be calm and wait in the front hall for a moment."

King Su was about to lose his temper when he was pulled by King Kaiping.

"So we'll wait in the lobby, but don't keep us waiting too long." Kaiping Wang said with a smile.

Jingshou immediately took them back to the front hall.

Pearl gas is not good, these people dare to come to the palace to look for trouble, still so arrogant.

"Forget it. It is estimated that steward Jing has sent for the Lord. " Coral opens up.

All they have to do is delay.

In fact, she felt that the princess was not afraid of these people at all. She just felt bored.

Jingshou sent someone to invite Baowang. That's right, but Baowang was also haunted by people. The people sent to Baowang couldn't see fenglinyuan at all.

Yunluoxi hiding in the rockery there boring, angry out, although tired of those people, but why is she hiding?

Just when she got to the front hall, she saw Yuanyi standing there and yunluoxi coming to salute in a hurry.

"Princess Bao, the emperor called Princess Bao into the palace." Yuan Yi saluted with a smile on his face.

"Oh, let's go!" Yunluoxi turned and left.

"Princess treasure." Su Wang stopped with a smile on his face, "can you take a step to talk?"

"No Cloud Luo Xi looking at Su Wang that smile, always feel is calculating her.

Su Wang's old face is a little hard to hang. Even if the emperor refuses him, he also wants an excuse. The refusal is very circuitous, so he can save some face. This treasure princess is still "why is the princess so urgent." Tourmaline did not understand.

"I'm in such a hurry." Yunluoxi is not in the mood to explain to Bixi.

"Yes." Tourmaline also felt that she was talkative.

Liuli and Bixi went to do their own business. Yunluoxi went to the palace in the carriage, and it was just time for dinner.

The emperor ate lunch with yunluoxi directly. The emperor held back the servants and left yunluoxi here.

"It's just in time for me today." Yun Luo Xi said with emotion.

"What's the matter?" The emperor looked at the lucky look of Yunluo Xi.

"Suwang's shameless people want to stop me from borrowing money." Cloud Luo Xi a face helpless say.

The emperor suddenly sneered, another person really because can't wipe face, was given them to succeed, but want to pull hair on Luo Xi, obviously impossible.

It seems that this time they really hurt their muscles and bones. They can even think of such a way. They also know that Feng Linyuan will directly block Yunluo in the name of building a triumphal road.

"They want to cry for poverty. You can't borrow it. If you borrow it, you can't pay it back." The emperor said immediately.

"I know, but I'm not as shameless as they are. I have to find a way to keep them from talking." Yunluo is proud.

"You seem to have a way?"

"The secret." Yunluo Xi complacently said, "by the way, why do you want me to enter the palace?"