Beep! Beep!

In the forest of death, in the giant cocoons of trees, there is a rapid beep.

This voice is directly in Ye Bei's mind, and only he can hear it.

"Complete intelligent upgrade of the system!"

When the sound disappeared, a clear sound appeared immediately. Compared with the previous cold system, the sound was more magnetic, more energetic, and more mysterious and powerful.

"What are the new features of the system after this upgrade?"

Ye Bei immediately asked.

Of course, when he said these words, his mental field was always in a state of release. He kept a close watch on the situation outside. If the Golden Lion couldn't carry it, he would catch up with him at the first time.

"All functions of this system have been updated! It's very complicated to explain it in detail... " The voice of the system came: "new biological level division, cosmic civilization technology division, data improvement of evolution mode The latest information panel of the host will be displayed to some extent! " After the sound fell, ye Bei immediately appeared in front of a huge screen.

This screen is close to substance.

The numbers and words on it are very clear, and even have a sense of three-dimensional.

Compared with the previous translucent information panel, it is more than ten times ahead


Ye Bei takes a deep breath.

Staring at the panel with wide eyes, he took a serious look.

Infinite evolutionary system.

Host name: ye Bei.

Biological level: Level 5 (the weakest level is 0 and the strongest level is level 30. Please consult the system for details and refer to the biological level classification.)

Age: 23000.

The final evolutionary conditions of Titan Python are: 5000100000 gene points; 18000010000000 evolutionary points.

Average ability level: 6 (from strong to weak, there are 28 levels in total, 0 is the lowest, 28 is the highest, the current host can use the ability, please query the system separately.)

Apostle: 310 (you can find the system for details. In addition, no matter where the host is, it can give the Apostle all the abilities the host has and can arbitrarily deprive them.)

Treasure: Qiankun bag (with an area of 50 square kilometers)

territory: blue star.

Physical condition: 1500 meters long; average diameter: 50 meters; pressure resistance: 2000 level; speed: 680 MS; weight: 3000 tons.

Survival value: 100100.

Tip: the system is completely upgraded, and the database is greatly updated. When the host needs to, the host can inquire independently.

Task 1: comprehensively crack the technology of animal God civilization, reward 1000 evolutionary genes.

Task 2: evolve into a python, reward a diamond treasure chest.

"Much tidier!"


When ye Bei quickly browsed his information panel, his first reaction was to be tidy.

The system will remove all the previous detailed explanations and only display valuable information. However, the current intelligence quotient of yebei can easily understand many meanings from these simple information.

"The former species has become a biological hierarchy. According to the current meaning, the strongest creature in the whole universe has reached level 30, and I am only level 5 now So, what are creatures at higher levels, and how terrifying are creatures at level 30? "


In the cocoon of the tree, ye Bei was spitting out a letter. There was endless expectation in his eyes and a lot of fear in his eyes. At this time, he remembered what the female snake had said in Area 51. Sure enough Even if you become a giant python, it's just the beginning.

"The life span has increased to 3000 years, which has doubled. That is to say, as long as I keep this state, I can live for at least 3000 years if I don't devour any living things and do not undergo any evolution. Let alone the existence of an infinite evolutionary system, the so-called long life is absolutely not excessive."

"The ultimate stage of Titan python, which means that in the next evolution, I will become a giant python. This evolution directly crosses three gene levels, which is quite unexpected."

"Even the size of the Qiankun bag has changed from 20 square kilometers to 50. I didn't expect that evolution could make it go up with it."

"Territory, blue star, this should be the name of the earth in the universe. The number of Apostles is doubled, and the body state is greatly increased. The life value and damage value are all replaced by survival value!"


Ye Bei's voice is constant.

When he said this, he gradually felt that his body began to regain consciousness, and huge power was surging in his body Every move, a breath, seems to be able to destroy the general.

"Although there are many questions I want to ask you, I'll talk about it later Now look at how far your body has evolved. " After the body is able to move, ye Beina's blood red eyes light up, and his mental field retracts. While speaking, he quickly observes the whole body, and even directly looks inside his own organ structure.No, it's ok When the field sweeps out, ye Bei's breathing becomes rapid.

Under the field of mental power, ye Bei can see his body very clearly.

The whole body is still silvery white, but the whole body seems to be covered with layers of scales. The upper layer is clear and full of sci-fi aesthetic feeling. It is at least 100 times harder than the bright diamonds, as if invincible. The absolute golden ratio, in the dark cocoon, can not resist the dazzling light. This body alone does not know how to throw away the ugly group How many streets are there for the gods of beasts.

The sharp spines on the back are very smooth, as long as the consciousness moves slightly, you can control it at will.

The teeth in the mouth are sharper and more toxic.

Every cell in the body is even more powerful. There are silver and white energy lines flowing continuously for a long time. Even for a moment, yebei feels that even if there is only one cell left after being destroyed, yebei will recover sooner or later as long as there is enough time.

Besides these

With a body size of 1500 meters long and 50 meters in average diameter, this giant body alone is enough to give countless lives a tremendous sense of pressure.

"This evolution is beyond imagination. Now is the time to solve the beast gods! When they think they are right, they can't even dream of my existence! I don't know what the taste will be if they swallow it up. "


A low roar came out of his mouth.


When the sound falls, the cocoon that envelops the north of the leaf explodes directly.

Shua Shua Shua

In the dead forest, the branches and leaves of countless living plants are shaking, and the strong breath makes these living plants sound constantly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!