Forget it, I'd better send my mother back first, and then come back to find her!

Or, she'll understand, will she?

Chu Haotian in countless uncertainty, finally start the car, can't help looking at her shadow in the rearview mirror.

It doesn't matter. At first glance, he almost drove the car into the guardrail.

Because, he saw another car driving to Lu Lingxi's front, and then, walking down from the car, a person opened the door for her, that person, was Wu Shengrui!

She came here with Wu Shengrui?

Lu Lingxi stood still. In fact, she had seen him for a long time.

No matter when and where he is, she can always see him at the first sight.

Today is no exception, from the moment he stepped out of the restaurant, she seemed to have a sense like eyes locked on him.

She also thought, so coincidentally, he actually accompany customers here to socialize?

Just a little bit, she could not restrain the excitement in her heart and wanted to run in his direction. Then they would go home together, and then it would be a wonderful and unforgettable night.

However, he is not alone.

He and his mother, and Mo Tingting!

At this moment, Lu Lingxi only felt that his heart was put into the oil pan as if it had been fried so that his bones and blood were in pain together.

A sense of Indescribability came to her, almost drowning her in an instant.

However, whether it's sad or heartache, it can't resist the strong sense of disappointment.

That's what he's up to?

Accompany mother she extremely understand, however, is not in accompany mother at the same time, also accompany Mo Tingting?

The information he sent to her still exists in the mobile phone, so glaring, so obvious to show a fact that he cheated her!

She thought that such a man would never lie.

It turns out that men are the same!

If he is really honest and straightforward to accompany his mother to dinner, he can tell her that she is not unreasonable.

Also, she clearly remembers that when she asked Mo Tingting last time, he was so magnanimous.

His words are still in my ears! But in a flash, he told her with action that his words were untrustworthy!

She is not a fool. How can she believe it?

The reason why he cheated her tonight must be because of Mo Tingting, right? If his mother was the only one, she couldn't think of the need for him to lie.

But why did he lie when she was present? That only means that he had hidden something from her before.

What he said is nothing, just what he said!

She always naively thought that if two people like each other, it doesn't matter if they can be together. Only at this moment did she know clearly that love is easy, but getting along with each other is a science.

Because Wang Shengyu had something to do early tomorrow morning, he left Wu Shengrui to send her back.

At this time, Wu Shengrui had driven the car over and finally stopped in front of her. When he came down to open the door for her, he saw her in a daze.

In fact, he also saw it. Although he didn't really see it, he only saw Chu Haotian come out of the restaurant with two women.

He also knows that the only person who can make Lu Lingxi lose his mind is the man!

He didn't know much about the situation in front of him, so he didn't come to any conclusion for a moment, so he stood with her and watched the three figures get on the car together, and then the car drove away in front of them.

The man, after all, did not stop for her.

Seeing Lu Lingxi's gloomy look, Wu Shengrui just wanted to say something, but saw that she had taken her eyes away from Chu Haotian's direction, and reluctantly laughed at him, "let's go!"

He nodded. After all, he didn't say anything.

Along the way, they kept silent until they reached their destination. Wu Shengrui could not help but open his mouth, "Lingxi, don't hurt yourself too much..."

Lu Lingxi was shocked and looked at him. He added: "I hope you can be happier than anyone else!"

Lu Lingxi pursed her lips, and the wind came in from the window. Somehow, after she understood the meaning of Wu Shengrui's words, she felt cool.

She got out of the car and stood outside the window, still smiling at him, "me too..." The same, I hope you are happy!

After a deep look at her, the car wagged its tail in the night and finally left.

He had tried to think about the ending with her countless times, some happy, some despairing, but he never thought that it was like now, blessing each other, and then smiling quietly.

This smile, as if all the former love, all disappeared.

That's it!

That's good! He was still glad that he had been able to accompany her for some time.Lu Lingxi watched his car go away, took a deep breath, and then slowly spit out, as if everything had been relieved, and then turned to walk towards the room.

As soon as she opened the door, her mobile phone rang. The clear bell was particularly harsh in the quiet night. She didn't need to look to know who was calling. She could feel it.

So she just stood by the door, looking at the darkness, even forgetting to turn on the light.

After a long time, the ring stopped. After only two seconds, it rang again. Then she took out her mobile phone and connected it.


Chu Haotian has been extremely anxious since he met Lu Lingxi. He first sent his mother home by the way, and then sent Mo Tingting home under his mother's instructions.

Mo Tingting refused. In the end, of course, because of his mother's insistence, he didn't say anything.

However, as soon as his mother got out of the car, he couldn't help it. No matter Mo Tingting was still in the back, he quickly took out his mobile phone, plugged in the headset and dialed Lu Lingxi's phone while driving.

The first time when no one answered, his heart was a bit fidgety, can't wait to dial the second time.

This time, the phone finally got through.

Lu Lingxi's voice came, as low as he imagined, "hello..."

"Where is it?" He asked hastily.

"At home."

Her voice was a little cold and distant, but when he heard her say that, his heart suddenly settled down.

He could hear that she was not happy, but fortunately, she didn't even go home when she was not happy. If only she was at home!

He said, "I'll be back soon..." Before he finished, there was a hum, and then he hung up directly.

Chu Haotian's words were stuck in his throat. He was indisposed and his face was not very good-looking.

Mo Tingting naturally saw all the expressions on his face, and he became restless from the time he was in the restaurant.

Mo Tingting's face did not change much, but the coldness in her heart was getting colder and colder.

It's not so easy to be with that woman!

She snorted coldly at the bottom of her heart, but her voice was very soft.

"Mr. Chu, if you are very busy, put me down at the crossroads in front of you! I can go back myself

Chu Haotian, of course, would not stay, and soon stopped at the intersection.

Mo Tingting was so surprised that she pushed the door open to get off. However, just as she stepped out of a leg, she heard Chu Haotian's voice again, "wait..."