Again, every time she meets this kind of thing, she will lose her sense of propriety, and eventually she can't do anything. She also hated this kind of herself, but after all, nothing could change.

The feeling of confusion and worry in her heart spread to Xue Lili's whole body in an instant. I don't know whether the driver's skill is good or the other side's tracking speed is slowing down. After a while, Xue Lili's back is empty.

The place where I go to muqingsu villa is a bit remote, basically contracted, so few people will take this road. Not many people know.

If ah Jin hadn't given the driver a gilded pass just now, he would not have gone so smoothly now. It was because he knew what this gilded pass meant that the driver did not dare to be dull at all.

These two children are from Mu's family. They are very noble people. And such a person will often lead to a murder, so this kind of thing is also very easy to understand.

Looking at Xue Lili secretly wiping her tears alone, the driver was distressed after all. After all, no matter what the other party says, it's just a child, and it's normal to cry.

I saw the driver sighed, and then he took the initiative to comfort: "don't do that, I understand, as a rich family, sometimes it's inconvenient for you to move. Since I took your money, I must protect you and send you to Mu's house. But I hope you don't blame me at that time. After all, the child told me to do it. I can also see that the child doesn't want to implicate you. After all, there are so many people chasing after him. Look at his expression, the other party is not good at it! "

But how could the driver know? Xue Lili didn't understand what happened from the beginning. After he said that, it aggravated Xue Lili's uneasiness.

Xue Lili suddenly stopped her tears, then slowly stretched out her hand and clasped the driver's wrist, asking: "master, driver, what did you say just now? You say there's a big crowd behind you, who's not good at it? "

The driver was driving seriously. After being caught by Xue Lili, he broke out in a cold sweat. Regardless of whether Xue Lili's identity is special or not, the head of the driver directly threw away Xue Lili, and then angrily scolded: "don't you want to die? I'm driving. If there's something that I don't pay attention to, we'll both die at that time! What the child did was in vain

If Xue Lili died, he could run away immediately. After all, he could shirk the matter. Of course, if Mu Qingsu can trace him.

If even his own life is involved, it's not worth it. His family only depends on his meager income. If he does anything more, the family will not be able to support it.

Xue Lili pulled back her hand in a panic, and then she said, "yes, I'm sorry But master, can you tell me what you mean by what you said just now? I can't understand some of them. "

She didn't mean it. She just lost the ability to think when she heard ah Jin's action. All the actions she did were instinctive.

In other words, didn't ah Kong leave her alone because he hated her or was tired of her? Did he just drive her away because he was afraid that the other party would hurt him?

At the thought of this explanation, Xue Lili's tears rolled down again. She is really stupid enough. Ah Jin Ming was so wrong just now, but she didn't notice anything.

Even so, she gave a back leg to ah Jin, so that he had to face the so-called group of people alone. Xue Lili had no idea of the group of people described by the driver. She only knew one thing at the moment, that is, ah Jin is in danger!

Xue Lili bit her lips tightly for a while, then she decided: "master, I beg you, put the car back, I can't leave him alone, you also said, there are many people on the other side, he is just a child, how can we resist so much, let's call the police!"

She can't let ah Jin take such a big risk alone. Just in the morning at that time to see him covered with blood, Xue Lili is suffering to death.

Because she understood that Xue Qingqing's life was almost like that. Since she can't make up for the pain of Xue Qingqing's absence from her side, let's start taking care of ah Jin.

Besides, ah Jin is also very good for her, many times for Xue Lili. Xue Lili sees such things in her eyes.

Although she is persistent and dull in her feelings, it doesn't mean that she can't understand ah Jin's mind. Before, she always thought that ah Jin was just teasing her, so she would keep close to her, please her, and then treat her well, but now Xue Lili really understood.

Who knows, the driver's attitude was very firm. Instead of stopping his car, he sped up and said: "the other side doesn't look easy to get into trouble. Even if he goes to the police, it will only enlarge the matter and it won't make any difference. I've seen a lot of such things. Don't worry. It's OK. The child is very keen, and his eyes are not made by any child. "He was really scared by ah Jin just now. Ah Jin's eyes really made him sweat out of thin air. The child's eyes could not be seen in a day or two.

What kind of experience did the child have? His eyes were so determined, even with a sense of irony. The driver could not describe the feeling, as if he was surrounded by dozens of wolves, and then he was thinking about how to divide them up.

While thinking about it, the driver could not help shivering. While the two people were in a stalemate, the car slowly stopped. It turned out that it was because it arrived at a inspection site hundreds of meters away from Mu's door.

Even if you have a gilded pass, you still have to be checked if you want to go in. If someone accidentally picked up the card, he would want to come to Mu's house. It's just a fool talking in his sleep.

The driver had never experienced such a thing at all. He was stupid in a moment. At that time, he would recognize the gilded card because it was reported in the news at that time, so he had a little impression. Now when he was about to enter Mu's house, he didn't have any information at all.

Just now, he didn't consider whether the other party was really from the Mu family. Now when he realized this problem, it was too late. After all, people have come here for inspection. It's impossible for him to get back in the car and drive the car in the opposite direction without saying a word?

Mu family's guard has always been strict. I'm afraid that before he could get out of this area, he was immediately suspected and then detained.

Fortunately, Xue Lili has lived here for a long time, so she is familiar with such things. There is no need to say anything more. When Xue Lili just poked her head in, everything was completely solved.

"It's Miss Xue. Let's go."

After the person in charge of the inspection confirmed that it was Xue Lili herself, she was released immediately. After all, Xue Lili has lived in this place for such a long time. If even her servants don't know her, Xue Lili would have failed too much.

Xue Lili nodded a little uneasily, and then she said to the inspector, "can you give me your mobile phone, and I'll give it back to you later. I'll come out later. "

Although the other side didn't quite understand what Xue Lili wanted to do, she still took the initiative to submit her mobile phone to Xue Lili. At the moment of receiving the mobile phone, Xue Lili did not hesitate to call mu Qingsu.

At this time, it's better to tell mu Qingsu the news, although she also wants to be angry with mu Qingsu, making him feel angry and need to be appeased. But it would be better to focus on ah Jin at the moment.

She is not a person who can make a tantrum and understands the advantages and disadvantages of things. If something happened to ah Jin, Xue Lili would not forgive herself.