Otherwise, it is not a way for Xue Lili to avoid him all the time. If there is a misunderstanding that can not be solved, it will be a very troublesome thing to meet in the future.

After a little hesitation, ah Jin still looked at mu Qingsu's position and asked, "Mr. mu, do you feel safe here?"

In fact, what ah Jin wants to express is, if he is not here, is it safe for mu Qingsu to be here. He can't calm down for a moment now. At the thought of Xue Lili's indifferent face, ah Jin feels uncomfortable.

If you can't explain to Xue Lili in time at the moment, if you meet in the future, you will have no chance to explain well! When I think about it, ah Jin's breathing is also rapid.

Mu Qingsu is a smart man. Naturally, he knows what ah Jin wants to express. After some helpless glances at ah Jin, mu Qingsu said coolly: "if you want to go, go, just go and return as early as possible, otherwise there will be some trouble later."

Even if ah Jin is not there, he will not be easily hurt, because at the moment, mu Qingsu is surrounded by many of his people, who are always protecting his life.

Just now, when mu Qingsu was almost in danger, they didn't come out because there was a Jin. Mu Qingsu also knows that ah Jin will rush out at the last time.

Even if he did not come out, with the other side's ability, mu Qingsu is sure that he can escape at the last moment. Because that man's boxing speed is not fast, at least in Mu Qingsu's eyes, it seems like this. If it's someone else, it's another matter.

After getting mu Qingsu's permission, ah Jin nodded eagerly, and then said his worry: "well, thank you, Mr. mu. I will try to solve the problem as soon as possible. Another reason is that I'm a little worried about Xue Lili. After all, she had some unhappiness with her. This is her territory after all. If I want to move to Xue Lili at that time No idea is impossible. "

Who did she have some disagreements with? Who should be referring to Liao Jingxin? Xue Lili doesn't have a festival with others. She mainly meets clients. So when ah Jin says this, mu Qingsu first thinks of Liao Jingxin.

But Liao Jingxin is really the object that ah Jin is worried about. In addition, ah Jin also said that this is her place. Besides Liao Jingxin, he can't think of anyone who meets this condition.

When Xue Lili just walked out of the place and wanted to go into the bathroom, her mouth was immediately covered. Before she could react, she was dragged directly to another place.

The amazing speed made Xue Lili have no chance to breathe. The door of the men's bathroom was directly closed with a touch, and Xue Lili's mouth was also stuffed with a huge rag.

It seems to be stained with the smell of red wine, and some flavors that Xue Lili can't smell, but the taste of mixed dishes is not very good.

Xue Lili's eyes were wide open. She wanted to speak, but she couldn't say it. In the end, helpless, she could only stare her eyes wide open, and then glared at the two strange men in front of her.

Who are they? She didn't offend anyone, did she? They tied her down in such a way that it would not do them any good.

Xue Lili doesn't think she has any use value. She hasn't had a festival with anyone in her life. The only thing she can think of is Liao Jingxin, a landlady.

It's just that Liao Jingxin should be so open and aboveboard to her. She's really confident. If Mu Qingsu knew it, it would not be buried so easily.

After all, she still has a very important thing to do tomorrow, and mu Qingsu will definitely need her at that time, so when she finds out that Xue Lili is lost, mu Qingsu will be furious and ask someone to dig three feet inside and outside

At the thought of Mu Qingsu's practice, Xue Lili was a little relieved. But where will Xue Lili know? Ah Jin, who follows her out at the moment, has found that Xue Lili has disappeared.

Although he didn't know where Xue Lili had gone, he knew where she was leaving, so he finally stopped at the door of the women's bathroom and waited patiently.

The only place you can walk around in this place is the bathroom. In addition, Xue Lili just said she wanted to go to the bathroom, so it must be right to wait here!

When thinking about it, ah Jin seemed to feel a little tired. He jumped up, turned over and sat on the washing table. Then he strained his face and stared at the women's bathroom.

Many girls were shocked when they came out of the bathroom, and finally gathered ah Jin. In a short time, ah Jin was already surrounded.

If an adult uncle is sitting here at the moment, I'm afraid she will be denounced as a sex wolf or something. But when the object is changed to a cute child, ah Jin, the woman's attitude changes 360 degrees in an instant.Ah Jin didn't want to see the situation. He stood up slightly displeased, and then yelled: "go to your business, don't make trouble for me, I'm still waiting for someone!"

What he said is quite reasonable. However, in the eyes of those adult women, it seems that this is a sign of shyness. Many girls even screamed and were fascinated by ah Jin.

Although he does not have muqingsu that kind of arrogant and domineering, but it will not be inferior to too much. After all, mu Qingsu gives people the feeling that strangers are not close to each other, but the child doesn't. There is no such feeling of disparity.

Just when ah Jin was about to break out, a woman around him put her body up curiously and asked, "little brother, I think you've been waiting outside here for about ten minutes. Who are you waiting for? Are you waiting for your mother?"

After all, he's still a child. I'm afraid he's lost with his parents because he can stay on the washing table so peacefully. Although ah Jin caused quite a stir just now, some people arrived later, so they are not very clear about what happened just now.

If they knew how crazy ah Jin had done just now, I'm afraid there would not be so many cases of overflowing love, and they would gather this terrible object.

Although a Jin is a little impatient, he can't directly break into the women's bathroom to look for Xue Lili. He assured me that he had never missed anyone who came out of the bathroom.

But even if Xue Lili is in line to go to the bathroom, it should not take so much time. Is it difficult to fall into the toilet and have no way to escape?

At the thought of this possibility, ah Jin immediately became anxious: "I am looking for a child who is similar to me, about so tall, so thin, short hair, looks very cute, and then wears a white evening dress, and then..."

In a Jin's description, all the people around looked at each other, because they came out of the bathroom at different times, and they didn't see the children described by a jin at all.

And ah Jin kept saying that he didn't see the child come out, that is to say, if Xue Lili really went into the bathroom, she didn't come out, that is to say, Xue Lili should still be in the women's bathroom now!

Just as ah Jin was making a fuss, two suspicious men came out of the men's bathroom. They were wearing masks and cleaning up the garbage.

A Jin's vision has been locked in the women's bathroom, did not notice anything unusual behind him. In addition, he was surrounded by women, so he had no chance to see the situation behind him.

"It's impossible. I remember when I came out, there was no one in it. You can't be mistaken!"

The crowd did not know who was suddenly speaking, and ah Jin was also sounded the alarm at this time.