The sky is a little dim, and there is still a little rain scattered between them, dropping down from the humble house, and then wetting the wet haystack house.

Young Xue Qingqing shrunk her body, then looked pitifully at Xue Lili and asked: "sister I'm so cold. How long do we have to hide like this? I'm so hungry. "

She had forgotten how long the time had passed, and only remembered that she had kept such a posture for a long time, and her stomach was even grumbling.

Although the young Xue Lili was also afraid, she didn't want to cause her sister's fear. She could only cover Xue Qingqing's mouth calmly, and then she whispered in a low voice: "bear it again, mom and dad are out, and they say they will come back soon. What's more, there are so many people coming in and out of our house recently, what if they are bad people?"

Just when the two children were still quietly discussing, the door was suddenly kicked open rudely, which made the two sisters immediately sweat.

Xue Lili's cold hair stood up in that instant. A pair of small black eyes keep turning, hiding in the crevice, vigilantly sweeping into their homes to strangers.

"I don't think there's anything valuable in such a shabby place. I heard that the couple seems to have two children. If they raise them and sell them, maybe they'll be better than before."

"Don't talk about children. I can't even see a diaper here. Those children must have run away for a long time. I feel like I'm going to die in such a shabby place. I really don't know how those poor families live."

"Yes. Let's go. There won't be anyone in this place if we continue to stay. The boss really cares so much about these children. Even if we want to cultivate them, we have to lose money first. It's still one thing whether we can get them back at that time! "

In a group of people mumbling, the door was forced to throw up again, and those people just swaggered out. Xue Lili, who has been shrinking her body, came out quietly after confirming that the other party really left.

However, just when she was relieved, the door was suddenly kicked open again, and the people outside came up slowly with an obscene smile.

"This child is really stupid enough. Do you really think we haven't found anything? Really stupid enough! No wonder it's the boy and the girl. "

"Yes. I think her face is not bad. She should be a good embryo when she grows up. Tut Tut, it's worth cultivating! "

Around a few men obscure smile, and then looked up and down at Xue Lili's body. Although her poor physical development is not as good as normal children, but her thin face is still difficult to cover up her own charm.

What's more, some of them may not be able to do other things accurately, but looking at women's point, they dare to guarantee the absolute quality!

Xue Lili subconsciously stepped back, and then asked warily: "who are you in the end! What's the intention of coming to my home! As you said just now, what did my parents do to them? "

Young Xue Lili is very stubborn, in the face of these tall men, she is still not willing to give in. She understood what kind of situation she might be facing now.

But Xue Lili has no choice! Because as long as she flinches now, her sister is likely to be found out. What kind of situation Xue Qingqing will face at that time is the unpredictable state.

A man who is nearest to Xue Lili is smiling darkly, and then he takes the initiative to ask: "what do we want to do? What else do we want to do? We just want to have a good chat with you, don't we? You're still so young, uncles won't hurt you. Darling, tell Uncle where the other child is now? "

As long as you know the whereabouts of the child, you can take it with you. Since you can't find anything valuable, you always have to take something back to hand it over! Otherwise, they won't be able to explain.

Xue Lili's brain is also easy to use. After her eyes quickly turned, she pretended to doubt: "my sister has gone. She said the house is too shabby, so she has gone. What can I do for you?"

Although she doesn't have these people, she's not stupid either. Understand what kind of mentality these people come from, and if they want to do something wrong with their sister, what can they do!

Now she is a sister, so she needs to protect her sister. No matter what the cost, she will do her best to protect Xue Qingqing!

When she said that, Xue Lili carefully moved to the door, and the adults didn't have much vigilance for her, so they didn't think much about it.

"The child is going to run! Come on! What do you think of people? They are going to run away! "

I don't know who is the first one between them to shout. In a moment, everyone's eyes are all focused on Xue Lili.Because Xue Lili covered Xue Qingqing just now, those people didn't notice that there were two children in the room. Plus, at first they weren't sure if the kids were really here.

Come back to see if there is any movement inside, it's just a sudden idea. Who knows that they can really catch it! I'm so lucky.

"Don't run! That child runs very fast. Hurry up and chase. Are they all rubbish? If the boss knows later, we will die! "

Running in the front of the man while roaring while loud noise, it seems that there is no fear that this will disturb other people in general.

It seems that for them, everyone is at a distance from them, after a long time, they also gradually began to become arrogant. Basically, no one will be stupid enough to challenge them.

Xue Lili knew that she couldn't run away from those people, so she quickly got into the garbage cans around her, and forced herself to feel nauseous. She just pulled those garbage bags down on her head.

There was the buzzing sound of flies all around her ears and nose. That kind of sound made Xue Lili's heart hairy. But in order to avoid the disaster, she had to bite her teeth and bear it.

I don't think those people will have the patience to go through these trash cans, will they? They can't accept it, otherwise they won't complain so much when they just entered their house.

While Xue Lili comforts herself and hypnotizes herself, the lid of the garbage can is suddenly lifted! Xue Lili's body a little stiff, and then immediately dare not move, shrinking body, waiting for the moment the garbage can lid was closed again.

However, to Xue Lili's surprise, the other party didn't seem to want to leave. Instead, she took the initiative to stretch out her hand to tamper with the garbage can, and the garbage can shakes violently!

A heart beats wildly. And at this time, Xue Lili heard the footsteps of those men approaching. I think at this moment, those men have all gathered around!

Now she really has nowhere to run. When thinking about it, Xue Lili burst into tears. She still has a lot of things to try and do in her life. Is she going to die here like this?

Those men are definitely not good things. Once they are captured by them, it is still a question whether they can survive! Thinking about it, Xue Lili finally couldn't help vomiting.

As soon as the tense nerves relaxed, I couldn't control the smell immediately. And the men immediately caught the sound.

A man from behind is gentle and gentle. After he pushed his frame a little, he explained with a smile: "little friend, my uncle's children are playing hide and seek with my uncle. It seems that they are hiding in the garbage can. Do you mind giving way?"

However, as soon as he finished his words, he was immediately pushed away by the colleagues around him. Their faces were all full of irritable expressions. It seemed that they were not very satisfied with such elegant performance.