Chapter 45.2: There’s No One Like You (2)

“Speaking of which, I have a twin sister,” Ji Xinxin raised the subject with feigned casualness. “Have I told you about her before?”

“… Are you close with her?” asked Li Xiaoxing.

“We used to be, but now…” Ji Xinxin sighed softly. “My big sis seems to harbor some misunderstandings about me.”


“I’ll introduce my big sis to you if an opportunity arises in the future. We’re identical twins, so we’re like two peas in a pod.” Ji Xinxin paid close attention to Li Xiaoxing’s expression in order to determine if he had met Ji Fanyin before. 

Despite her words, it went without saying that there was no way she would do something as dangerous as introducing Ji Fanyin to Li Xiaoxing. Those were just empty words.

“Two peas in a pod?” Li Xiaoxing shook his head. “There’s no one like you.”

It doesn’t seem like they have met each other…? 

Uncertain about her judgment, Ji Xinxin continued assessing Li Xiaoxing’s expression.

Even though she had known this man for over a decade now, she was still unable to decipher his emotions from permanently placid face.

But based on what Li Xiaoxing had said, it didn’t seem like he was interested in Ji Fanyin even if he had met her before.

That put Ji Xinxin’s heart at ease. A smile emerged on her lips and she continued pushing the wheelchair forward. “Can you tell me what I’ve done to make you unhappy? We can’t resolve the problem unless you tell me what it is.”

“You told me over the phone that you don’t wish to lose me,” said Li Xiaoxing. “You said that I’m your most cherished friend.”

“Yeap. is there something wrong?” Ji Xinxin felt her heart beating faster. 

The next thing he’s going to say is probably… 

“I don’t need a friend, Xinxin. If all you want is to remain friends, I don’t think that there’s any need for us to remain in contact.”

Ji Xinxin’s footsteps screeched to a halt. She lowered her gaze to look at Li Xiaoxing.

“Make your choice, Xinxin.” Li Xiaoxing kept his eyes straight forward. “Lovers or strangers?”

“I…” Ji Xinxin bit her lips as her mind furiously whirred into action to find the optimal solution to this problem. 

She could tell that this was an ultimatum from Li Xiaoxing. If she rejected him here, there was a chance that she would lose him for good. 

But if she accepted him, it would trigger an explosive chain reaction… 

“… I need some time to think about it.” Ji Xinxin bit her tongue and forced herself to remain calm. She looked at Li Xiaoxing with a troubled expression and continued, “It’s a huge leap for us to suddenly become lovers… I need time to consider and accustom myself to it. Are you willing to wait for me?”

Li Xiaoxing turned his wheelchair around till he was face to face with Ji Xinxin.

“I’m willing to wait, but how long do you need?” Li Xiaoxing stared deeply into her eyes as he asked. 

Ji Xinxin had never felt so anxious and pressured before. She began sobbing helplessly. 

“I… I don’t know… Didn’t you tell me to pursue my dreams when I was hesitating whether to go abroad or not? Why are you changing all of a sudden?”

Tears were a powerful weapon if used correctly. 

Ji Xinxin wiped off her tears with the back of her hand. In her peripheral vision, she could see Li Xiaoxing’s fingers rising slightly, only to be placed back down as if he was restraining himself.

At least he’s still unable to let go of me.

This brought Ji Xinxin a tinge of confidence.

“I never changed. I’m willing to let you continue doing whatever you want,” said Li Xiaoxing deeply. “But how long do I have to wait? Xinxin, I need a deadline.”

Ji Xinxin sniffled.

Li Xiaoxing hasn’t fallen for anyone else, and he hasn’t noticed my deception either. If so, until I find the perfect excuse and solution to resolve this crisis, I just have to stall him. 

Ji Xinxin squatted down in front of Li Xiaoxing till they were on eye level with each other. She grabbed his large hands and said, “I’ll think it through. I promise that I won’t keep you waiting for long… but before then, can we go back to the old days? My heart hurts whenever you give me the cold shoulder…”