This is Xu Jingan's first suspension. Linna talks about her past. She is like a fog. She is clearly in front of you, but it always gives people an unreal feeling.


Xu Jingan wants to ask again, but she is interrupted by Selena. Obviously, she doesn't want to mention her past.

Xu Jingan no longer asked. Their table manners were very good. When they ate, they almost didn't make a sound, and the needles fell in the room.

Because Jiang Zien was pregnant and vomiting, the family were trying to make her happy, just to let her have two more meals.


"Aunt Jiang."

Rui'an and Zhan Yu are surrounded by Jiang Zien. The two children are playing in front of Jiang Zien. They sing in unison. Jiang Zien is smiling.

"After the war."

Jiang Zi'en calls Zhan Yu.

Zhan Yu came to Jiang Zien's side. His face was red because of the movement just now, and he was still breathing heavily.

"Yu Er, may I call you that?"

Jiang Zi'en caresses Zhan Yu's little head painfully.

Zhan Yu heard Jiang Zien's words and immediately nodded his head.

"Yu Er, do you miss your mother?"

Jiang Zien was pregnant again and suffered from pregnancy vomiting. She realized how difficult it is for every child to come to this world.

Zhan Yu's face froze when he heard the word "mother", but his slightly forced hand still exposed his inner restlessness. No matter how sensible he was, he was just a child of several years old.

"Yu Er, you can call me mom if you like. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

Jiang Zien looks at Zhan Yu tenderly, with a little caution in his tone, for fear that he will touch the child's scales. Although Zhan Yu doesn't say it, Jiang Zien sees Zhan Yu's longing in his eyes more than once when he looks at Ruian and nono calling his mother.

Zhan Yu's eyes suddenly become red, tears flow down a small face.

"If you don't want to...

" Mom! "

Before Jiang Zi'en finished his words, he saw Zhan Yu crying and falling on her arms, absorbing her warmth.

Zhan Yu's crying eyes are red and swollen in Jiang Zi'en's arms. God knows how much he envies Ruian and Nuo's gentle mother Jiang Zi'en. He is a very competitive child, so no matter how hard he feels, he won't say it easily. But Jiang Zi'en's words seem to open the gate of his mood.

Jiang Zien is also distressed to hold the baby in his arms, and his eyes are moist.

Rui'an, standing on one side, looks at Jiang Zien and Zhan Yu happily. He doesn't hate Zhan Yu. On the contrary, he likes this little friend very much.

Zhan Tingchen doesn't mind having more than one child. Anyway, Zhan Yu was originally raised in Zhan's family. Let Jiang Zien be happy.

Master Zhan likes Jiang Zi'en more and more, which is rarely seen in men. It can be seen that his granddaughter-in-law is really a man of great wisdom. He is right about her.

"If you don't go to work again, Zhan's family will close down!"

Finally, on the seventh day when Zhan Tingchen was at home with Zien, Jiang Zien couldn't bear to talk. She found that Zhan Tingchen had the potential to be a weak king if he was born in ancient times.

Zhan Tingchen is still sitting with nono in his arms. He is infatuated with buying clothes for nono recently. All kinds of small skirts are sent to Zhan family one by one.

"Zhan is not so fragile."

Zhan Tingchen looks at Jiang Zien's jumping foot and laughs.

One side of the Nuo Nuo looked at Jiang Zi en Qi a pair of air, soft mouth.

"Dad, go to work. I'll take care of mom."

Jiang Zien looks at Nuo with satisfaction. They all say that his daughter is a kind-hearted little cotton padded jacket, which makes sense. If she is so young, she will share her mother's worries.

Zhan Tingchen looked at his two favorite women and sighed silently.

The final result is that Zhan Tingchen takes Nuo Nuo and Jiang Zien to the company.

So on this day, Zhan's employees were surprised to see that the president, whom they had not seen for a long time, came into the company with a little Laurie in one hand and a casual dress in the other hand, but still could not hide her delicate appearance.

Jiang Zi'en secretly slanders Zhan Tingchen in his heart. Is there anyone who works like him? He takes care of his family, but his hand is tightly held by Zhan Tingchen and he can't break free.

In Zhan Tingchen's arms, Nuo has a cold face. Even if he is surrounded by people, he doesn't feel the slightest stage fright.

"Wow, is it his daughter in Zhan Zong's arms? It's so beautiful!"

"Zhan Zong is too warm. Have you seen Zhan Zong's eyes on his daughter, gentle enough to drip water?"

"I've been waiting for his daughter for fifteen years at the most!"

A male staff member opens a way, but ushers in a burst of sobs.

"Forget it, you see Zhan Zong's attitude towards his daughter. Who doesn't want to live dare to rob his daughter from Zhan Zong!""That's right. I'm afraid it will be difficult for this little girl to get married. After all, no one is as good as her father."

Someone seriously exclaimed, causing people around a burst of laughter.

All this gossip is shut out of the elevator.

Zhan Tingchen puts Jiang Zien and nuono on the sofa of his office, and gives them a tablet. Then he finally sits down to deal with the documents.

The assistant looked at the two Buddhas in the president's office and asked if they came in to serve tea. Jiang Zien was always smiling as before, while Nuo was always cold, as if he didn't care about anything.

The assistant secretly sighed that she was the daughter of general manager Zhan. She was so cold when she was so young. She had the style of general manager Zhan.

"Mom, I want to go out and have a look."

Nono put down his plate and opened his mouth.

Jiang Zien nodded gently.

"Do you need mom to go with you?"

Nono shook his head.

Jiang Zien no longer insists that Nuo Nuo is more independent than children of the same age.

Nuo Nuo looked at the huge Zhan Shi coldly, and there were not too many waves in his eyes.

"Oh, is there such a small staff in Zhan's family?"

According to the sound of Noro, he looked back and saw Jiang Zhuo with a smiling face.

Nono just looked back and was about to move on. She didn't have the habit of talking to strangers.

Jiang Zhuo saw that his family had been ignored by a child, and the little Ou in the corner of his lip was even worse, blocking the way of Nuo Nuo.

Nuo Nuo was not angry, but turned to go back when he was stopped.

Finally, after the belt was stopped three times, nono raised his head and looked directly into Jiang Zhuo's eyes.

Jiang Zhuo's smiling face suddenly stagnated, because it was a pair of clean eyes without any impurities. Jiang Zhuo had seen all kinds of people for many years, but he had never seen such a pair of eyes.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

Nono asked politely.

The smile on Jiang Zhuo's face.

"The little girl looks so good. Uncle, take you out to play."

Jiang Zhuo is just like a bad person who abducts and sells children. He just needs sugar to lure nono.

But Nuo Nuo is always that light look, no loss, no fear, a pair of pure eyes just looking at Jiang Zhuo, let Jiang Zhuo have a feeling of being seen through by several years old children.

This feeling is his first encounter, very wonderful, but unexpectedly he did not exclude.

Jiang Zhuo looks at the child in front of him and remembers where he is. It's not difficult to guess the identity of the child in front of him.

Nono gently shakes her head. Because of her personality, she doesn't like to talk to strangers.

"Why, Mr. Jiang has changed his profession to abduct and sell children?"

Jiang Zien's cold voice came from behind.

Jiang Zhuo turned and raised his hands, looking at Jiang Zien innocently.

"Secretary Jiang really wronged me."

Jiang Zhuo's face was again hung with that constant smile.

"Nono, go back first."

Jiang Zi'en ignored Jiang Zhuo, but squatted down and said to Nuo Nuo.

Nono nodded gently and left obediently.

Jiang Zhuo stood in the same place, looking at the small back of Nuo, his eyes were a little complicated.

Jiang Zi'en didn't Miss Jiang Zhuo's eyes.

"Ginger should not be so tasteless, even a child will not let it go."

Jiang Zien said coldly that as a mother, as soon as it comes to her children's affairs, she will become tough immediately, so she doesn't even bother to maintain her smile on her face, and her face is cold.

"Compared with children, I still like the beautiful secretary Jiang."

Jiang Zhuo approached Jiang Zien step by step.

Jiang Zi'en looked at Jiang Zhuo's eyes with unabashed disgust.

"Mr. Jiang, are you sure you want to cheat on Zhan's president's wife?"

There is not much fear in Jiang Zien's eyes, because she knows that Jiang Zhuo doesn't like her, she is not a fool, and even she can feel that Jiang Zhuo still hates her.

"If I can kiss Secretary Jiang's Fang Ze, I will die."

Although Jiang Zhuo's face was always smiling, his eyes were cold without a trace of temperature.

"Mr. Jiang, don't pretend. You hate me and I hate you too. Can't everyone be honest?"

Jiang Zi'en just looked at Jiang Zhuo, his eyes were clear.

The smile on Jiang Zhuo's face stagnated, but it was only for a moment, and he soon recovered.

Jiang Zhuo put Jiang Zi'en against the wall and put his hands on her side. The distance between them was very close.

"Secretary Jiang, it's very sad for me to say that."

Jiang Zhuo looks at Jiang Zien with an injured face.

Jiang Zien felt Jiang Zhuo's breath spraying on her face, and the disgust in her eyes was more obvious."Mr. Jiang, please respect yourself!"

Jiang Zien reaches out to push Jiang Zhuo away, but Jiang Zhuo takes the lead in holding Jiang Zien's hand.

"No wonder Zhan Tingchen is so crazy about you. He looks so good even when he is angry."

Jiang Zhuo holds Jiang Zien's hand and looks infatuated.

Jiang Zi'en was so angry that he stepped on Jiang Zhuo's instep. He slapped Jiang Zhuo in the face when he was unprepared. He left quickly when he was a moment.

Jiang Zien bumped into a familiar embrace in a panic.

Jiang Zien raised his head and ran into Zhan Tingchen's eyes as deep as water.

"Husband, he bullied me!"