"I'm not hungry, and I don't have an appetite. Chen an, you don't have to care too much. I'll just be quiet myself."

Jiang Zi'en looked at the food in front of her. She didn't want to eat. She just wanted to be alone and quietly for a while, and slowly smoothed her mind.

But he Chen An's face is tiny a Shen, voice asks a way, "son en, you still want to fight Ting Chen?"

The reason why he asked is to point directly at Jiang Zien's disease. If he can, he doesn't mind cutting off her disease in person!

Jiang Zi'en had a reaction. He suddenly turned to see he chen'an, pursed his lips tightly, and replied speciously, "there is no difference between thinking and not thinking. Chen'an, I thank you very much for looking for a doctor for me to treat me, and for looking for a child for me. I'm afraid I can't repay your kindness. No matter how hard it may be to find the children, I still want to try my best to find them, even if it's exhausted At the end of my life, I have no regrets. "

Jiang Zien's mind is light, as if she has long been indifferent to her virus. Her only obsession is the two children who are in debt, who belong to her and Zhan Tingchen!

He Chen an quickly grasped her hand, put the dinner plate on the table, and said firmly, "Zi en, since I promised you, I will do it. Now that you come back, why don't we go back to the past? Back in these four years of life, together again, I'll look for the illness and children for you, eh? "

Jiang Zi en Lin frowned and said with a cool smile, "I didn't know when I lost my memory, but now I have recovered my memory. How can I be so selfish? You have always been a true friend in my heart. Chen an, I really can't..."

Jiang Zien's words had not finished, he Chen an interrupted, his brow slightly twisted, with a bit of dryness, "Zi en, it turns out that our four years together are very happy, Zhan Tingchen is not suitable for you, now you have separated, what do you want him to do? Zi en, I can give you time to forget him. "

The last sentence is to expose he chen'an's possessiveness and strength, but he hides it very well. Jiang Zi'en can't find it for a moment.

Jiang Zien gradually released his hand and did not respond to his question. Instead, he turned his head and quietly looked at the quiet scenery outside the window.

"Zi en, I will give you time. Please don't be too determined with me." He Chen an softened some tone, a word like a blade general ruthless Zha in Jiang Zi en's heart.

Jiang Zi'en closed her eyes powerlessly, but he chen'an didn't force her, so she stood up slowly and walked out with a light step to leave her an environment for thinking alone.

Only when she was alone in the room did Jiang Zi'en take off her disguise completely, with a look of pain on her face. She fell down from the bed and sat down on the carpet, sobbing, and her tears ran down uncontrollably.

She raised her hand and wiped the fierce tears. She also wanted to lighten her feelings for Zhan Tingchen. She also knew that he chenan was good to her, but she couldn't repay her. What's more, she couldn't take her feelings selfishly to repay and cheat him.

Jiang Zien's head gradually buried in his knee, outside the lonely moonlight sprinkled on the room, so lonely.

At the same time, it was the day of the second day in Hangzhou. In the hospital, Zhan Laozi was too frightened and fainted. He had been lying in the ward all night, and the housekeeper Wang was watching all night.

Zhan Tingchen's condition was even more dangerous. When he suffered severe impact at that time, Zhan Tingchen's head was seriously bruised, and he lost too much blood. The doctor treated him all night, but Zhan Tingchen's condition was still not alleviated.

Xu Jingan's face solemnly walks back and forth in front of the door of the operating room, while Gu Xuan can leave after he has brought the war master, but now he appears in front of Xu Jingan.

When Xu Jingan found Gu Xuan here, his eyes flashed with surprise. Then he stepped over and called, "Gu Xuan."

Gu Xuan eyes slightly Yang, seems to be a casual glance, that is still on the red light of the operating room, do not care about the opening, "he is still in the operating room?"

"Still in the process of rescue." Xu Jingan replied solemnly.

Gu Xuan's eyes gradually rise to ridicule, his sharp eyes and ridicule, Xu Jingan naturally quickly found Gu Xuan's face flashed emotion, some puzzled, "Gu Xuan, what do you mean?"

Gu Xuan looks up at Xu Jingan. He has always been free and easy, even suddenly, and other people don't care. Even Gu's father and mother, who have nurtured him, still have a faint feeling. Only one person he cares about, so when he sees Zhan Tingchen bail Gu Qi out of prison, he will be so angry.

At the moment, he seemed to look at Xu Jingan with a kind of seriousness and said, "I think you are a fair police officer. You have a sense of propriety and trust. Then I will tell you that yesterday, Zhan Tingchen sent Gu Qi out of prison."

Xu Jing'an hasn't returned to the police station. He doesn't know anything about it. Police officer Wen is the one who has the full power to deal with it. Although there is no shock on his face at the moment, he is still shocked. He repeated and asked, "what did you say?""Gu Qi's harm to Zi en is in our eyes. I don't care what the purpose of Zhan Tingchen is. Whenever he sends Gu Qi out of prison, Zi en is the most dangerous one. Originally, I wanted to take her away, but a hechen'an came out to take her away. Therefore, even if Zhan Tingchen didn't rescue her now, it's nothing to regret."

When Gu Xuan mentioned Zhan Tingchen, he didn't care about him, but he had a kind of paranoid care and protection for Jiang Zien.

Xu Jing'an narrowed his eyes and asked calmly, "Gu Xuan, do you have any love for Zi en..."

Gu Xuan chuckled. His rebellious face was a bit uninhibited and didn't dodge Xu Jingan's eyes. "I have no less feelings for her than you, but you can be her brother..." It's very good. It can at least make up for his absence for more than 20 years.

Of course, he said the following sentence secretly in his heart. Seeing Xu Jingan's slightly stunned eyes, he just shook his head and didn't say much.

Xu Jingan watched Gu Xuan closely. He always felt that there was a secret hidden in his heart. The meaning in his black eyes was full. But since he didn't want to say more, Xu Jingan couldn't ask more.

He sighed, some for Zhan Tingchen to maintain the mouth, "Zhan Tingchen do all this must have his ideas, he Chen an is not necessarily on the surface of Jiang Zien sincerely good, these are still unknown, now he is still uncertain, is a bad fate."

Gu Xuan didn't refute, his heart is also to he Chen peace of mind to put doubt, he slightly frowned, suddenly thought of the crux of that day.

"He chen'an can easily get rid of Zhan Tingchen's subordinates, so fast and accurate, must have been ready. Zi en is staying at home, so naturally she has no chance to contact him. But she doesn't look surprised when she sees he chen'an's expression. Maybe there are other people leading the line for them." Gu Xuan doubts calm analysis.

As soon as Xu Jing'an's face sank, his eyes turned and he asked, "you said that you rushed to the warring family to pick up Zi en and leave because you saw Gu Qi get out of prison. At that time, did the warring family have any other movement?"

"When I went there, the gate of the warring family opened and I didn't see anyone else. It was just a servant who was a little older standing with Zi en."

Xu Jing'an listened carefully and searched for effective information from inside. Are you a little older servant?

Xu Jingan nodded, "he chen'an is unpredictable and considerate, but I'm sure he won't cause any danger to Zi'en if he takes him away."

After that, he raised his hand and patted Gu Xuan on the shoulder, as if to let him relax.

Gu Xuan put the question about he chen'an in his heart, and the dark and dense eyelashes covered the brewing mood under his eyes. After their conversation, the light in the operating room finally went out slowly.

The automatic door opened slowly. The doctor was tired physically and mentally. He took off his mask and came out. Zhan Tingchen, who was lying on the stretcher, was pale and bloodless because he lost too much blood. He closed his eyes tightly and had no strange breath in the past. He was very weak.

Xu Jing'an took the lead in responding and went to the hospital bed in three steps. Then he asked the doctor anxiously, "doctor, what's the matter with him?"

"The patient lost too much blood and his heart rate was unstable for many times during the operation. Now he has tried his best to give emergency treatment. The patient is in a coma and can't be sure when he will wake up."

"What if I don't wake up?" Xu Jingan thought in the worst direction.

The doctor's face became a little sad, and Xu Jing'an read out the consequences from the doctor's silent expression in an instant.

"Are vital signs peaceful now? As I said before, he is the president of Zhan's family. Now he is the only grandson of Zhan's family. Even the most authoritative doctors will cure him. "

"Officer Xu, everything depends on the nature of the patient. Zhan Zong's physical characteristics are very good. He can keep himself in the safest place in danger after being hit so hard twice. I believe that Zhan Zong will survive and the doctors will try their best to treat him."

After the doctor explained, he walked forward a little tired.

Xu Jing'an looks down at Zhan Tingchen deeply and orders a few words to the nurse. The nurse then pushes Zhan Tingchen to the intensive care VIP ward.

One side of Gu Xuan is to take a panoramic view of this situation, he took a deep look, turned his head and walked out.

Xu Jing'an is in a hurry and doesn't notice Gu Xuan.