When Su Miaomiao finished his meal in the hospital and was ready to leave, Yue QingHan sent a letter.

The letter was brought back by the caravan of the Yue family. After su Miaomiao asked, he knew it was from Yin Feng.

Worried about Yin Feng's safety, Yue QingHan is not an outsider. After reading the letter, the three of them know that general Yin's injury is almost healed. In less than a month, she will join general Yin in Dashun. One is to thank Su Miaomiao for their help, and the other is to discuss with emperor Dashun about resisting the army.

After reading the letter, Su Miaomiao could not help but feel relieved. With the help of general Yin, he did not dare to act without permission. However, when general Yin came to Shunjing this time, he would be stopped by the army. They had to be ready for marriage.

On the other hand, after three days in Yuzhou, Fang Jingrong arranged everything and went to the border.

This time, he had the title of marquis. He was a general guarding the border with Murray. Murray had beaten him in the army before. This time, he returned to the border with the emperor's reward, and he would not believe that he could not repay the humiliation of that day.

Starting from the Yuzhou Marquis's residence, Xu Shi wanted Murray to see what he looked like after being awarded. Fang Jingrong didn't delay for a moment. It took him only eight days to garrison the border.

After getting the news that Fang Jingrong was back to the border, I heard that the deputy general had been waiting with his brothers on the way to the barracks early in the morning. When I saw Fang Jingrong riding on a horse and wearing the powerful figure of the general's house, he and his brothers quickly formed a welcome team by the side of the road.

"Welcome back“ It is said that the deputy general is the right person. Now that Fang Jingrong has received such a reward from the emperor, he still wants to take this opportunity to wash away his mediocrity in the military camp for so many years, and let those people see that his deputy general does not have this title.

Seeing deputy general Wen, Fang Jingrong jumped down from his horse, patted deputy general Wen on the shoulder, opened his voice to his brothers who met him on both sides of the road, and said, "brothers, you have worked hard. It's everyone's credit that I can have today. I won't do you any harm. Each of you can get 100 liang of silver for the reward I brought this time, After that, you will follow me and drink spicy food

When the brothers heard that they had a reward of 100 Liang silver, they were all happy and said, "thank you, marquis. We will follow you and serve you in the future“

The Marquis didn't disappoint himself. I heard that most of the people under the deputy general were older and depressed in the barracks. Let alone being looked down upon, even the military pay was inferior. Although they worked hard in the barracks, there were very few barracks every month. If they were short of supplies in the army, they couldn't get two liang silver in a month, These days, whose family didn't send their son to the battlefield to support their family. Originally, they thought that their livelihood would be more stable after they arrived at the military camp. But now these brothers sometimes suffer from being unable to send money to their families on time.

Now with the reward from Fang Jingrong, they can naturally give an account to the whole family.

"Brothers, come back to the barracks with me. You will be my soldiers in the barracks. If anyone dares to look down on you, he will look down on Fang Jingrong." Fang Jingrong patted himself on the chest and said excitedly.

After losing his title as Marquis, Fang Jingrong knows better. Now he has to consider every step carefully. He will not make a decision easily before he has a complete chance of winning.

Fang Jingrong recruited the soldiers under deputy general Wen and returned to the barracks with rewards. However, when he arrived at the barracks, no one else met him.

At least he was a garrison general personally granted by the emperor. This Murray was really hateful. He didn't even give him such face.

After arranging the people he brought, Fang Jingrong changed his clothes and took vice general Wen to Murray's camp. He wanted to see how ignorant Murray was.

Outside Murray's camp, the camp was empty. Fang Jingrong listened carefully and heard the roars of the soldiers in the open space outside the camp.

Fang Jingrong and deputy general Wen come to the barracks. The black heads are all heads. Murray is wearing general's armor to order troops on the training ground.

This Murray is really hateful. Today is a happy day for him to go back to the barracks. If he doesn't welcome himself, he will take this opportunity to win people's hearts. Of course Fang Jingrong won't miss this opportunity.

When Murray went to the barracks, he would order soldiers every few days. First, he would let these soldiers not forget their original intention to defend their country when there was no war. Second, he would let these soldiers increase their cohesion. Naturally, he didn't know what Fang Jingrong was thinking. So when Fang Jingrong went to the battlefield in full view of the public, His indifferent eyes in Fang Jingrong's eyes became a look down upon.

"Welcome back, general Fang." Murray is about to meet Fang Jingrong, but he finds that Fang Jingrong's eyes are not right. Because he left the military camp without permission, he almost made a big mistake. Moreover, Bai Ziyan and Su Miaomiao once told him to be on guard against Fang Jingrong, so Murray doesn't intend to make friends with Fang Jingrong.

Therefore, it is doomed that the two of them are totally opposite in the military camp. Although Fang Jingrong was awarded by the emperor to guard the border with him, he did not intend to divide his forces to Fang Jingrong.

"General Mo, what are you doing? Now I'm also the general guarding the border. Shouldn't you join me in such a thing as ordering troops?" Besides Fang Jingrong's words, he is obviously blaming.

But Murray didn't go to his heart: "general Fang, it has become my habit to order soldiers these days. If general Fang wants to order soldiers, please help yourself."

Murray's words fell, and he turned around and left the arena without looking back. As soon as he left, most of the soldiers who had followed Murray naturally broke up.

Fang Jingrong's teeth itch with hatred. How could he be ignored?

Looking at more than half of the scattered soldiers, I heard that the deputy general woke up beside Fang Jingrong: "Marquis, this can't be done like this. Now you are the red man around the emperor. You might as well join him in front of the emperor. Let's see when he can look up?"

Fang Jingrong clenched his hand tightly into a fist. Even if Wen's deputy general didn't remind him, he had to find a chance to teach that Murray a lesson. It was too obvious.