Murray also heard about Fang Jingrong.

I heard that he left the barracks for his own selfish desire last time. As a supervisor, he slacked off his duty. After being demoted, he still drank in the army? I've made myself look like this. Now what's the result?

Before Murray asked questions, Fang Jingrong said: General Murray, the 20000 people who ate a lot last night wanted to attack Dashun. They were annihilated in Fengqiu gorge not far from the border of Dashun by the 5000 troops led by me and vice general Wen.

"General Mo, this man is the deputy general who led the army to attack Dashun this time." The deputy general's face showed pride.

"Oh 20000 people who eat a lot attack Dashun? Murray has never heard of this news, but these 20000 troops are enough to prove Dashun's ambition. Knowing that there are fireguns in the warehouse of the border, Dashan dares to invade, which Murray did not expect.

Although Fang Jingrong had made mistakes before, this time he made such contributions with deputy general Wen. Although the 20000 troops did not pose a fatal threat to Dashun, Murray would always be rewarded for his meritorious deeds. This time, he would report the meritorious deeds to the imperial court. As for how the imperial court rewards and punishes him, that's the business of the imperial court.

However, the truth of the matter, Murray will send people to Fengqiu gorge to check, as for the eating song deputy general, he will be tied to the punishment column of the camp, so that the morale of Dashun's bodyguards can be greatly improved.

After being punished by Murray, Fang Jingrong and Wen pulled Qu from the ground and tied him to the punishment pole. Many guards in the barracks came to watch. Many guards heard about the ambush of Dashun's 5000 troops and the annihilation of Dashun's 20000 troops last night. They gave each other a thumbs up.

For the first time in so many years, deputy general Wen was looked up at by so many people. He felt that he had light on his face and didn't follow the wrong person. If Fang Jingrong hadn't come up and told him such good things, he would not have made such achievements. Now that he is in the military camp, no one would say that he is mediocre.

Fang Jingrong is different from deputy general Wen. His ambition is bigger than him. He wants to take this opportunity to make a comeback, so he can't make any mistakes.

He still has his wife and children waiting for him at home. I don't know what happened to them since I haven't been back for so long? Fang Jingrong's thoughts are all about Qian Baoyin and his son. He wishes he could put on his wings and fly back quickly. But now he can only wait for the reward from the imperial court to arrive first. He only hopes that everything will go well this time.

The war in the Dashun frontier soon came to Bai Zhengming's ears.

Originally, she wanted to gather ministers to discuss the reward of deputy general Jing Rong and Wen and the five thousand bodyguards, but the Empress Dowager came to him first.

Bai Zhengming helps Zhao Yunshan sit down. Because of the Qian family's affairs, the Empress Dowager has become estranged from her. This is the first time in such a long time that the Empress Dowager has come to him on her own initiative.

Bai Zhengming's mood is naturally better. He thought that the Empress Dowager had settled the past quarrel with him.

"Mother, the weather is getting colder and colder recently. There are still some excellent furs in the children's palace. I'll send them to you. You are most afraid of cold in winter." After Bai Zhengming's words fell, Zhao Yunshan sighed.

"I don't know why my mother is upset?" Bai Zhengming saw Zhao Yunshan frowning and asked anxiously.

Zhao Yunshan stretched out her finger and rubbed her forehead with her finger pulp: "what else can I do? It's not about the Qian family. My headache is getting worse recently."

Bai Zhengming, surprised, went around to Zhao Yunshan and gently rubbed the sideburns for her: "listen to the royal doctor, gently kneading here will relieve the headache. Mother, you still need to take care of yourself in the future."

Listening to what he said, the emperor said that Zhao Yunshen came here just for Fang Jingrong's sake.

Last time, she didn't help the Qian family, and she also caused the Qian family to lose half of their property. Zhao Yunshan has been worried about it, but she can't take the initiative to say good things to Fang Jingrong, and will ask the ministers to say that they interfere in state affairs.

Zhao Yunshan reached for Bai Zhengming's hand and took him to sit in front of him: "the emperor, the mother's body is getting worse recently. The mother doesn't know how much time she can accompany the emperor."

Hearing Zhao Yunshan say so, Bai Zhengming is sad. It's his mother. As a son, he has to step back first.

"Empress, you're really speechless. You're just in a bad mood. These days, my son's ministers have been looking for a troupe outside the palace to give the empress joy." Bai Zhengming's words fell, and he saw that Zhao Yunshan was still frowning tightly.

"This heart disease, also need heart medicine doctor, the empress knows the emperor your filial piety, the empress, ah, already satisfied, others, the empress this age, what can you expect?" Zhao Yunshan's words fell and sighed heavily.

Heart disease also need heart medicine, Bai Zhengming naturally know, what is Zhao Yunshan say?

It seems that if you can't deal with the mother's mind, I'm afraid Bai Zhengming can't handle state affairs with ease.

"Mother, my son's minister will tell you a good news. If you know the good news, you will get better soon“ Bai Zhengming pauses and continues: "Er Chen also just got the news that he wanted to attack me with 20000 troops. He was stopped by Fang Jingrong with 5000 troops, and captured the deputy general alive“

Sure enough, on hearing the news, Zhao Yunshan raised her eyebrows slightly: "I said that Fang Jingrong was also confused at that time. Now he is a prodigal son and has made war contributions to Dashun. I don't know how the emperor decides to reward him“

It seems that the mother came to him this time for this matter!

But if the light reward does not accord with the mother's mind, it will not be so easy.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhengming opened his mouth: "mother, how about I send someone to restore his Marquis's title and appoint him as the general of Zhenyuan to guard the frontier fortress with Murray?" After Bai Zhengming's words, Zhao Yunshan finally had a smile on her face.

"The emperor, the empress of the military aircraft administration doesn't understand. It's only up to the emperor." Zhao Yunshan paused and continued: "compared with government affairs, the mother wants to say two words for Fang Jingrong. The emperor has banned him in the frontier. Now that he has made great achievements, he has to come back to see his wife and children."

"Well, well, according to what my mother said, I'm going to draw up a decree to reward Fang Jingrong and other people, and grant him permission to come back to visit his family and wife“ Bai Zhengming continued to ask, "is the mother's headache better now“

Zhao Yunshan showed her face: "the emperor still loves her mother. She has a headache. Now she's better than half."