Yue QingHan has never let Su Miaomiao down, and her previous cooperation with the Yue family has been very smooth. Moreover, she gives Yue QingHan the right to manage the official salt. On the one hand, she can make the official salt management right produce the greatest benefits in a short period of time. On the other hand, she has got along with her for such a long time, and she has already trusted Yue QingHan, And her career as a top bodyguard makes her believe a person as soon as she believes him. Believing in Yue QingHan is like believing in Bai Ziyan. There is no reason.

"Well, you still need to pay more attention to the management of official salt. From now on, I can count my money." With Yue QingHan's talent in doing business, more than 100 Zhiwei shops will soon prosper. The Yue family is different from the Qian family. Su Miaomiao also knows that the development of the Yue family over the years is the result of Yue QingHan's hard work, and the Qian family can become one of the best in Dashun without the help of the Empress Dowager, It is not easy for yueqinghan to gain a firm foothold in Dashun under the background of Qian family.

If the Qian family gets the management right of the official salt this time, it will certainly suppress the business of the Yue family in every way. This time Su Miaomiao gives the management right of the official salt to Yue QingHan. Yue QingHan is a smart man and can't help but know what it means.

Seeing that the savage girl fell into meditation again, Yue QingHan couldn't help scratching her lips: "it's still my worst fate. After negotiating with the government, the official salt can be sold in Zhiwei shop. Next, I need to work hard for a while. I'm afraid I can't return to Wenxing County for a few months. Ah Yan needs you to worry more."

Su Miaomiao said a few more polite words to Yue QingHan, bought some more things on the street, and rushed back.

By the time they got to Zhuangzi, Wang and Xu had already packed up their things. Hu Xiaozhuang was helping to carry the burden to the car.

At this moment, shanliu also happened to bring Su back late at night. She was greedy. Just now, she bought a lot of Shunjing snacks in the market. As soon as she got a firm foothold, she quickly divided up some strings of stinky tofu in her hand.

Wang disliked the stinky tofu. No matter how Su put it in her mouth, she didn't want to take it. Looking at the red face of Wan Wan, Su Miaomiao came forward with a faint smile, grabbed Wang and handed the string of stinky tofu in her hand to Wang's mouth: "grandma, try it. Although you smell stinky tofu, it tastes different, It's said that Shunjing's stinky tofu is the most authentic. Since it's here, it's better to try it. "

After listening to Su Miaomiao's words, Wang's face relaxed a little. If she put it on weekdays, she would never eat it. But since Miaomiao said it was delicious, why don't you try it?

Wang frowned, put a piece of stinky tofu into his mouth, chewed a few, did not expect that this crisp is quite delicious.

”Grandma, how are you? Is it delicious“ Su Miaomiao took the opportunity to pass stinky tofu to Wang's mouth, and Wang ate two pieces at a time, which caused Su wanwan's dissatisfaction. She pursed her lips and seemed to be a little unhappy: "my grandmother is eccentric, I don't eat what I give, and she insists on eating the elder sister's."

Su Miaomiao laughs when she hears it. She talks about the delicious food in Shunjing all the way here. Now she brings so much back, I'm afraid she also brings a lot to Luo Ziyu.

Su Miaomiao has something on hand all this time. She doesn't care about Su's evening. All she knows is that she is very close to Luo Ziyu in recent days. Luo Ziyu is helping Qiao's work in the workshop. She is only a little old. Now she can help Qiao's work. She seems to be able to support half an adult. Of course, Su Miaomiao won't treat Qiao badly. This time she comes out of Shunjing, Thanks to Joe's care in the workshop.

Shunjing has a good reputation as the jade capital in Dashun. Naturally, the price of jade is much cheaper than other places. If you want to find some good things, you have to go to the largest jade market in Shunjing. Su Miaomiao has a chance to go there these two days. She has found a lot of good things, which are gifts she is going to give to others.

When she was a top bodyguard, she had few friends around her. But what she experienced here made her understand that all feelings should be managed with heart. Only when she treats others sincerely, can she get others' sincere treatment. She is very grateful for the chance of rebirth, which makes her never trust anyone and regain the trust with others.

This trust is not easy for her, so she will cherish it well. She will live up to everyone's sincerity to her. But if someone dares to count on her, Su Miaomiao can't hold any grain of sand in her eyes.

Su Miaomiao went back to the house and took out a bag she had prepared. All the things in it were small things she had found in the jade market.

Because Wang's body can not stand the toss, so the mountain flow of the carriage is very slow and stable.

Seeing Hu Xiaozhuang chasing two streets behind the carriage, Xu could not help but shed tears.

"Chu Yun, Xiao Zhuang is so promising now. You should be happy. He will hurt you now. I think he will be a man of his own in a few years." Wang Shi sees Xu Shi sad, can't help but at the side open solution.

But Xu felt a little affected. He wiped his tears from the corner of his eyes and broke his tears into a smile: "you see, I'm so sad. I should be happy when I see Xiaozhuang's growth“

"Is that it?" Wang stretched out his hand and patted Xu's shoulder. Su came up again later and took out another sugar gourd from the paper bag.

"Aunt, this sugar gourd is sweet. You won't feel sad if you eat a bunch of it!" Su wanwan's big eyes blinked at Xu, who was amused by her appearance.

Not only Xu, but also su Miaomiao couldn't help laughing. Wang gave Su wanwan a fierce look: "you know how to eat. It seems that we spoil you on weekdays."

When Su wanwan heard this, she pursed her lips and said, "grandma, when I was a child, I suffered a lot. If it wasn't for my elder sister, our family would not have such a good life. I may not be able to come to Shunjing in my life. Now I don't want anything. I just want to eat what I like and do what I like."

In fact, Su wanwan is right. It's really rare for a girl who has experienced so much suffering and still has a simple mind to be like her. Su Miaomiao takes advantage of the opportunity to bring Su wanwan over and scrapes her nose: "you can eat whatever you like and play whatever you like."

"Really?" Su wanwan got into Su Miaomiao's arms with a happy face and rubbed her intimately: "well, elder sister is better to me! I like big sister best“