Although Bai Ziyan is unwilling to admit it, the fact is the fact.

"Uncle, if you don't believe me, come with me!" Bai Ziyan gets up, and Qi Yang follows him out of the room with doubts in his heart.

When he came back from Qi Jiao's graveyard just now, Bai Ziyan deliberately noticed that a fast horse stopped outside the apricot forest. The rider should be the emperor's guard. It must be that Bai Yuting is in the palace now.

If it wasn't for the sake of dispelling the idea that my uncle would bring my mother back to Ningling, Bai Ziyan would not have set foot in the house of Bai Yuting in his life.

Push open the door, the furnishings in the room are as simple as ever. There is a set of golden Phoebe wardrobe in the room. Bai Ziyan opens the door of the wardrobe, but there are not many clothes inside. It's strange that on the inside of the cabinet, there is a delicate red sandalwood box, which seems to contain something precious.

Bai Ziyan took out the box. When he opened the box, a faint fragrance came from the box.

Inside the box was a suit of clothes. Looking at the pattern of the clothes and smelling the familiar fragrance of the cloth, Qi Yang could not help but wet his eyes.

No one is more familiar with this cloth than him. It's very rare in Ningling. Shizifei asked him not to give it. Instead, she left a piece for jiao'er to bring. But jiao'er didn't want to wear it. She gave it to Bai Yuting to make clothes.

Bai Ziyan reached out and stroked the cloth. The cloth's tentacles were silky, just like stroking a woman's white skin: "uncle, do you understand now? This cloth is from you. You should know how precious it is. "

As the eldest brother, Qi Yang feels aggrieved for Qi Jiao. Unexpectedly, in the end, jiao'er is reluctant to be Bai Yuting. Fifteen years ago, jiao'er went to Dashun alone to get married. She thought it was a happy marriage made in heaven, but this marriage has bound her all her life.

Qi Yang remembers what Qi Jiao said when she was a child.

Qi Jiao was only 12 years old that year. Under the apricot tree, she was in the age of cardamom. She said with a smile: "brother, I grow up to marry a man who has only me in his heart. He has me in his heart, and I have him in my heart. It's good for us to live a simple life. In the future, I will give birth to a child and a half for him, and then watch our child grow up slowly, If we both grow old one after another, I will feel very happy as long as I think of such a life! "

Qi Yang dotes on Qi Jiao's forehead: "you, you are my princess of Ningling. How can you live an ordinary life? My brother tells you that in the future, my brother will find a marriage for you. The man he wants to find for you will love you more and love you more than his brother. If he dares to bully you, he will beat him with his fist!"

Qi Jiao blushed and was a little shy, but she didn't forget to retort: "brother, no, no, don't beat him, I'll be distressed“

With a jealous smile on his face, Qi Yang shook his head helplessly: "ah, my sister, I'm not married yet. I'll speak for her future husband. My brother has really hurt you for so many years!"

"Brother, don't laugh at me. After you find me a sister-in-law in the future, you will know what it's like to fall in love with someone." Qi Jiao said, giggling, a gust of wind blowing, the branches of apricot fall, fall on her long hair.

Qi Jiao suddenly turned around and picked one. When Qi Yang didn't pay attention, she stuffed the apricot flower into Qi Yang's hair: "ha ha, brother, it's really beautiful to wear this apricot flower. I don't know which woman will be lucky to be my sister-in-law in the future."

"Jiao'er, if you're naughty again, I'll take care of you!" Qi Yang said, angrily turned to catch Qi Jiao.

Qi Jiao made a face at him and turned around to hide in the apricot forest.

Qi Yang's eyes are a little fuzzy. The more beautiful the memory is, the more painful the loss of Qi Jiao is. He thought that he and Qi Jiao could run and play in the apricot forest again, but now all this can only be realized in a dream.

It seems that jiao'er really likes Bai Yuting. If he really doesn't like him, when he came to Dashun the last two times, he couldn't have noticed that this silly jiao'er, for the sake of a man, should have done so. How can Qi Jiao not be distressed? He's lovely. It's jiao'er's decision. She has no regrets. If he insists on taking her away, She must hate herself.

Although Qi Yang was reluctant to give up Qi Jiao, he thought twice and decided to give up.

"Ah Yan, I understand your mother's hard work, but now that your mother is not here, the ministers in charge of the battle in Ningling will certainly make an issue of your mother's death. I can only do my best in this matter. If Ningling and Dashun really go to war at that time, I just hope we don't fight each other on the battlefield." This is what Qi Yang was most worried about. Now it seems that the emperor and his mother are in power in Ningling, but in fact it is the general Yin batian who controls most of the court because of his military power.

Over the years, the father and mother relied on Yin batian to eradicate the turmoil in Ningling. But because of this, Yin batian's power became more and more powerful, and Yin batian was good at fighting. When the Yan family was prosperous, Yan batian's idea was enough to make the court turbulent. If he really wanted to attack Dashun because of jiao'er's death, At that time, the emperor and his mother will be afraid to offend him and ignore his thoughts.

Bai Ziyan has heard a little about the situation of Ningling state in recent years. Of course, Bai Ziyan knows those who are in charge of the war in Qi Yang's words. He refers to Yin batian.

And Yin batian was really a figure. For so many years, he was superb in his martial arts and military skills for eradicating various forces in Ningling. Such a person would inevitably have a sense of pride and ambition.

"Uncle, I know that you don't want to see the dead people of Dashun and Ningling. Although Yin batian is belligerent, I'm not alone in Dashun. If the war starts, our two countries will lose each other." The white son continued: "my uncle must also know that in recent years, the frontier is not peaceful. Those small countries in the frontier want to see the jokes of our two countries. If we take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters when our two countries are at war, they will benefit at that time."

"Ah Yan, I understand what you said. You don't have to worry about Yin batian. The two countries have a big war. Even if he wants to make an issue on jiao'er's death, and his uncle is with your grandparents, he won't be able to succeed easily." Qi Yang then reached out and patted Bai Ziyan on the shoulder: "ah Yan, it's you. Your grandparents have been talking about it. It's time for you to go back and have a look“