Bai Ziyan took the medicine bottle and put it in his arms. He had to find time to send it to the little lady. This month's Secret pill is a good thing. Even this golden sore medicine is better than the one in the palace. If it's not for Bai Ziyan's imperial use, he really doesn't know that this month's pill, even if the royal family wants to use it, will take a lot of thought.

"Come on, ah Yan, you just need a few bottles. You don't know how precious it is. You can save some money." On the cold some distressed continued: "the remaining bottles, and later to you."

Bai Ziyan lowered his voice: "by the way, did you find anything when you entered the treasure house just now?"

"I can't tell you about it for a while. Let's find a clean place." The moon was cold and continued: "it happens that our moon family is on the side of Yuzhou Prefecture. There is a house. Let's go there first and then make a long-term plan."

Two figures, then disappeared in the dark.

In the south of Yuzhou Prefecture, there is a biezhuang.

Two black figures turned into the yard.

Bai Ziyan follows Yue QingHan to a room. Along the way, the pavilion is incomplete, and biezhuang is so clean. I think someone must come to take care of it from time to time. This house is very quiet, which suits Bai Ziyan's heart.

When they enter the room, Yue QingHan twists a candlestick on the bookshelf, and the two sides of the bookshelf retreat. Bai Ziyan unconsciously hooks his lips. Unexpectedly, Yue QingHan has dark grids and secret rooms everywhere, no matter in the store or at home. With his careful mind, no wonder the business of Yue family can be so big.

Down the steps of the chamber of secrets, they went to a small room. There was wine and meat in the room. It was really the style of cold moon.

When the light came on, they sat down in front of each other, but the cold moon opened their mouth first.

"Ah, as like as two peas in the chamber, I did see the treasure that the treasure house had just like the Pearl you gave me, but it was taken away by a woman." Looking back on the situation just now, no matter how hard yueqinghan tried, he couldn't remember the woman's appearance. At that time, the light in the room was really too dark.

Bai Ziyan said thoughtfully, "it seems that this jewel really came from Hou's house. Since someone took another jewel first, is it to destroy the evidence?"

"No, I don't think it's like any other treasure in the treasure Pavilion. It's also very dense. The Marquis of Yuzhou must attach great importance to it." Yue QingHan suddenly remembered that when the woman left, he didn't hear the sound of fighting outside, so the woman's guess with her is right, it's the family of Hou in Yuzhou.

"Ah Yan, that woman is either Cao Xi, the eldest wife of the Marquis of Yuzhou, or Feng Su Su, his second wife. If I want to see their backs, I will be sure who took the jewels." Yue QingHan pauses and continues: "however, Fang Chengye will inevitably be suspicious about this matter today. If we go so rashly again, I'm afraid we'll come back in vain."

Also, Fang Chengye, who lost so many treasures today, must have a grudge. Moreover, if he returns to the treasure house and sees his precious jewel lost, if it's really a burglar, it's hard to guarantee that he won't be blamed for this. Although Fang Chengye doesn't have any evidence, he can't make any small moves behind his back.

This matter needs to be considered in the long run. If we act too hastily, it will backfire.

"Ah Yan, I'm surprised. What does Fang Chengye's wife want that pearl for? And today, I'm still taking the time to take the jewels from the library. Obviously, I'm going to blame us, right The coldness of the moon is in my heart. The more I think about it, the more I feel that it's very important.

"The woman should have planned to take the jewel, but she happened to come across us visiting Yuzhou Marquis's house at night, so she could clean herself up because of this. It must not be long before Yuzhou Marquis's house will tell us about the loss of the jewel." The white son continued: "at that time, the jewel will certainly become a hot potato. If the woman doesn't want things to be revealed, she will try her best to deal with the jewel unconsciously. At that time, we can see the opportunity to act. Sooner or later, the fox's tail will be exposed."

"What ah Yan said is that I'll order people to dress up outside the Yuzhou Marquis's house. If there's any disturbance, I can't hide it from my family." Yue QingHan frowned and said, "after this, Fang Chengye must be on guard against us. We can't stay in Yuzhou Prefecture any longer. We'd better go back and make plans first."

Early the next morning, Bai Ziyan and Yue QingHan went to the post station of Yuzhou prefecture to choose a fast horse. They rode towards Wenxing county.

Yuzhou Marquis's house is in a state of chaos.

After Fang Chengye sends Bai Ziyan away, he severely punishes the bodyguards who fail to catch the thief. When he returns to the treasure house to check, he is missing two jewels.

In the whole treasure house, only the two precious pearls are his treasures. He lost them under his eyelids. Fang Chengye even lifted the table angrily.

Recalling what happened yesterday, Fang Chengye turns his mind. Does it have something to do with Su Su? He is going to take Su Su to the treasure Pavilion. Is it because Su Su knows how precious the treasure is that she has moved her mind?

The more Fang Chengye thinks about it, the more suspicious he is. He asks Liu Dadong to call Feng Su Su over.

Feng Su Su's face was a little pale when she was called. Fang Chengye observed to himself that she looked frightened. He was not sure for a moment whether it had anything to do with Su Su Su. He had to find out first.

Let Liu Dadong go out, and Fang Chengye gets up and helps Feng Susu sit down.

Feng Su Su looks pale and coughs violently. Fang Chengye pours a cup of tea for her.

Feng Su Su doesn't know how long she hasn't been sitting with the Marquis like this, let alone pouring tea for herself. She has been married to Fang Chengye for so many years, and the warmth between her husband and wife has long been polished by the years. Now she only has a heart full of scars. Now she only hopes that Jing Rong can become a tool, so that she can stand up in the Marquis's house of Yuzhou.

Fang Chengye, looking at Feng Su Su with slightly red eyes, reaches out and holds her hand tightly.

"Su Su, I've treated you badly these years. Don't you blame me?" She has a very gentle voice. For the woman who once loved her, Fang Chengye knows that she won't lie if he asks anything at this moment.