Shanliu came down from the stage, his stomach growled, and the wine bug in his stomach began to cause trouble again.

Find a place under the stage, the mountain stream slowly sat down, the opposite shopkeeper came over, the bottle in his hand toward him a throw, his hand a stretch then steady catch.

After a bottle of wine, shanliu felt that he was still a little angry. Just now, those fists hit him painlessly. Now, only drinking wine can make him feel so touched.

After drinking, there was someone he wanted to see in his dream. But as soon as he lay down and was ready to sleep, he heard footsteps approaching.

Shanliu continued to close his eyes, hoping that he would come to find his enemy, so that he could reunite with the people he wanted in another world.

Su Miaomiao approached the man lying down and squatted down where he was lying.

"Well, are you interested in fighting with me? As long as you can catch me, the conditions are up to you. " Although this mountain stream seems to be a little bit indifferent, as long as it is human, there will always be weaknesses.

Shanliu opens his eyes slightly, looks at Su Miaomiao, turns over and goes on sleeping.

"Don't you like wine? What about? As long as you catch me and drink, I'll buy you enough? " Su Miaomiao doesn't know whether shanliu belongs to the former or the latter, but wine seems to be more cordial to him than others.

Sure enough, when shanliu heard that the other party wanted to buy him a drink, he got up and stretched.

Although shanliu's hair is a bit messy, covering half of his face, even so, Su Miaomiao still finds that he has a pair of wise and divine eyes, which are not the eyes of a drunkard.

Even Bai Ziyan had to admire Su Miaomiao in his heart. It seems that the little lady didn't see the wrong person this time.

"Young man, it's really shameful. Tell me, if I lose, what conditions do you have?"

Su Miaomiao's words are not wasted when he talks to smart people: "if you lose, promise me a condition."

"Well, come on!" Shanliu said, then stood up, because of drinking too much, Xu's body a little shaken.

"Doesn't it matter?" Su Miaomiao doesn't want to take advantage of others' danger. When she was a top-level bodyguard, she was most proud of the speed and strength that ordinary people couldn't match. Although it still needs her to confirm whether the mountain stream is deep, he felt that he had taken advantage of others in his drunken competition.

The mountain stream went up to the stage and hooked up with Su Miaomiao: "come on, if you want to compete, come here now, otherwise you will not wait."

This guy is really stubborn. Su Miaomiao stepped on the stage and stood opposite the mountain stream. Although he was a little drunk, he walked steadily. Is this to relax her vigilance?

This mountain stream is really good at it. She met an interesting opponent.

Come on, as long as you can catch me“ Su Miaomiao said again, although according to ordinary people's thinking, it's really difficult for the mountain stream with only one arm to catch her, but according to ordinary people's thinking, is she not the one who is thin and has no chance of winning? "

Sounds like a girl? Shanliu didn't know how long he had been in the night market. He lived a life of intoxication every day. He didn't spend much time awake, except playing black boxing and pouring himself into the mud.

However, there are not many people who dare to challenge themselves like this. In this night market, who doesn't know that he is a bad luck? So he has no friends. To the shopkeeper, he is just a tool to make money. He wants wine, he makes money for him, a deal, even he doesn't know when he will leave.

Since that disaster, he broke his arm, and all his friends and relatives left him one by one. Finally, he was left alone. It was ridiculous. It was clear that what he was afraid of most was loneliness. In the end, he became the kind of person he hated most.

But there's nothing wrong with that? As long as he drinks, he can go to the dream to meet the people he wants to see. Even if it is a moment of reunion, the dream is the only warmth for him.

And this cold world, long ago no longer exists, now he is alive, do not know what to live for, all day long like a walking corpse in general, by the people here despise and spit.

At first, shanliu just wanted to play, but he didn't expect that the small young man in front of him had such a fast speed. He grabbed it several times, but he didn't even touch a hair of the other person.

"Shanliu, if you don't take it seriously, the wine will be gone." Su Miaomiao's words are both provocative and radical. She just wants to see how deep the mountains are.

Next, she didn't disappoint Su Miaomiao. At first, she only used 50% of her dodge speed, but later she was forced to use 90% of her speed by her opponent. You know, even if the martial arts practitioners are hard to break through 50% of her speed, can this mountain stream keep up with her 90% speed?

There is a day outside, and there are people outside. It's not that the speed of the mountain stream is not good, but that the person in front of him is not an ordinary person at all.

It seems that he has never been in such a mess for so many years. He is not slow in doing anything. Now, in order to win wine, he even bet with a young man and lost. It's really ironic.

After reaching out for the last time, shanliu stopped and said, "if you are willing to accept defeat, you can tell me if you have any conditions."

In fact, the speed of the mountain stream is not slow. What's more, he only used one hand. At the last moment, Su Miaomiao almost caught his hair. Judging from his pace just now, Su Miaomiao concluded that he had learned lightness skill, otherwise his body would not be so fast and light. Lightness skill and martial arts are inseparable at this time. If Su Miaomiao guessed correctly, Shanliu's martial arts are not bad.

"Come with me, I promise you'll have a drink every day except for your salary." Su Miaomiao spoke faintly. He knew that shanliu didn't necessarily like money, but he had an irresistible power to drink, otherwise he would not have this gambling appointment with him.

This young man is really interesting. I'm afraid he doesn't know what happened to him? If she knew her past, she would be afraid to run out of the night market.

"Well, what are you talking about? You want to take him back, aren't you crazy? " The shopkeeper came out of the tent with a bucket of black dog blood in his hand and looked at Su Miaomiao incredulously.