"Oh, come." Mi Xiaoxiao rubbed her eyes. Her two white feet ran around on the ground. Finally, she found two crooked shoes and walked out of bed staring at a nest, but she almost didn't fall to death.

MMP, low back pain, soft legs, this feeling, it's just

"Xiaoxiao, be careful." pal's heart has already been full of internal flow, but on his face, he looks worried. Mi Xiaoxiao is a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, hehe, well, I'm... Nothing. I just didn't look at my feet and tripped." while talking, pal had helped Mi Xiaoxiao to the table and sat down.

In MI Xiaoxiao's heart, she scolded Li Shuo. This guy had no control and almost tossed her to death. This morning, he almost fell off a dog to eat... Shi, she was so angry!

"Xiaoxiao, have something to eat. I specially cooked the soup for you. There are fruits and vegetables here. It's warm boiled water, not hot, and the temperature is just good." Parr was busy before and after for MI Xiaoxiao, who delivered fruit and warm water.

There was no sense of impatience, but a feeling of freedom. Mi Xiaoxiao looked in her eyes and warmed her heart. Her tone of voice couldn't help but soften a bit: "don't be busy before and after. What do you eat in the morning? Do you want to sit down and eat with me?"

"Xiaoxiao eat, I already ate. By the way, Li Shuo released a message today." pal sat down next to MI Xiaoxiao and watched him smile gently.

"News? What news?! is it very important news?" last night he said he wanted to be a powerful tribe. He released the news this morning. Mi Xiaoxiao is not stupid. This news must be related to the tribe.

However, I just don't know what it is.

However, I have to say that Li Shuo is really an activist.

"Early this morning, Li Shuo discussed with several people in the tribe. After coming out, he released a message. The Canglang tribe welcomes all honest orcs who want to join the tribe, but if you want to enter the tribe, you have to pass the test.

As for the content of the test, Li Shuo said: "the content is random, the time is random, and the venue is random." pal shrugged, as if I were helpless.

"Er, it's really lishuo." there's a clanging smell in the behavior and affairs, saying that the content is random, the time is random, and the site is random, which greatly increases the difficulty for those orcs to enter the wolf tribe.

After all, this is a test that can start all the time. No matter what you are doing, it may be a test. Therefore, those orcs who want to enter the wolf must be vigilant all the time.

Otherwise, you may be eliminated at some time, and you don't know what you've been brushed down because of after elimination.

"Well, doing things is very similar to his style, but they also have a share in the idea." they all discussed the scheme together. I have to say that this method has both advantages and disadvantages.

But the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Mi Xiaoxiao finished eating, wiped her mouth, took pal's hand, turned and walked towards the cave where they were in lishuo.


"In terms of hunting and management, we should strengthen it and not be slaughtered." when Shi Nuo's ordinary voice came, MI Xiaoxiao had come to the entrance of the mountain.

"It seems that you're having a heated discussion!" Mi Xiaoxiao smiled at several men in the cave. Li Shuo's ruffian spirit, Shi Nuo's calmness, Tamo's leisure, Jin Xuan's seriousness and history don't matter.

All the things in front of her eyes formed an irreplaceable landscape.