"Ha ha, fool." Mi Xiaoxiao smiled back, turned around and left the original place, but people with clear eyes can see that she is in a good mood. At least, the smile on her face is sincere.

Li Shuo and Shi Nuo took advantage of MI Xiaoxiao's contract with parchie to pick some fruits and catch some prey nearby. Not much, because of time, but they can fill their stomachs.

Running to a shady place under a tree, making a fire and taking it away from Shuo, it was more than ten minutes later. After all, there was not only one prey. Tamo held a pile of fruit and ran to the side of the river for cleaning.

Although it is a wild fruit, natural and pollution-free, it is necessary to wash it anyway.

Jin Xuan was driven to pick up firewood. Pal gave Shi Nuo and Li Shuo a hand and cooked the meat piece by piece. In this way, Shi Nuo and Li Shuo just had to be roasted together. Tamo helped Mi Xiaoxiao with fruit, like apples and pears, which had to be peeled.

Li Suo found some cabbage and pepper and helped Mi Xiaoxiao clean it.

Near noon, MI Xiaoxiao plans to have lunch on the spot. Anyway, the tribe has nothing to deal with recently. It's also good to relax properly.

I really don't know that a bloody baptism is taking place in the tribe.


"Scar, go find the leader. Today, he followed his wife to the love tree and said that the leader's wife wanted to make a contract with pal. come on, I'll take people to resist for a while. Tru and scar looked back-to-back at the tall orcs in front of him, with the same cruelty in his eyes.

This morning, the situation in the tribe was quiet and peaceful. Most of the females went out to look for wild vegetables and fruits, and the males set out to hunt early in the morning.

Although the leader promised to rest for one day last night, he also rested for seven days. The orcs did not relax. Otherwise, there would be more people dead today than just two or three females.

"OK, you pay attention to safety." scar nodded tacitly and leaned against tru to attract attention. Scar rushed out quickly, but his arm was cut. Although it was a bone knife, it was also sharp.

He was immediately marked with a deep scar, which showed bone and blood flow, but the scar didn't frown and ran away quickly in the direction of the love tree.

"Oh, it's just a dying struggle. Why be so serious? It's good for us to kill. Maybe I'll leave you a whole body with some cooperation." the man who stabbed the scar with a bone knife just now has red lips and sick pale skin.

His eyes were deep set, sharp as a poisonous tongue, with a cold light. He slowly raised the bone knife in his hand and leaned close to his lips. The next moment, he stretched out his bright red tongue and licked the blood pasted on the bone knife.

Dark, bloody and devoid of human nature are synonymous with them.

"There's a lot of nonsense." Trudeau looked at them and was not sure. Even if his skills were no matter how powerful, he would always be unable to bear and hurt others when besieged by more than a dozen expert orcs. At the same time, he could only barely protect himself.

Otherwise, I won't watch those females being killed. If he didn't have something to deal with today, he would stay in the tribe, or scar would be really hurt alone.

After all, there are still children and a small number of females in the tribe. These people suddenly rush in and kill people without warning. Unlike those orcs who want to compete for the females of the tribe in the past, they just want to kill.