It was because of him that she was pushed into the river. Her life and death were unknown, but it was about the person he really sorry.

She is mi Xiaoxiao and can only rank third at most.

First and second, they can only belong to the two small children who are innocent and even killed.

He said that the two children who had already gone to the yellow spring, rather than her mi Xiaoxiao, were the people who were really sorry for Ott and who should feel regret.

"Uncle ruanzi..." as soon as otzha heard Mi Xiaoxiao's words, his eyes couldn't help brightening, and then he soon began to dim.

Does uncle hazel want to keep him?

He, he

He didn't have the face to see him alive. The end was his own fault. He shouldn't harm Mi Xiaoxiao, he shouldn't.

"Ott, as the leader, haven't you realized your mistake yet?" Mi Xiaoxiao stepped back and looked at the eclipsed Ott. His tone was not excited just now and recovered a little calm.

"I shouldn't have hit your attention." he was wrong. If he hadn't felt jealous and resentful because Mi Xiaoxiao was becoming more and more popular.

No more suspicion of her, no joint Lin drag to start with her, will everything be different?

But how could he persecute her if she had not been too dazzling? Although he was wrong, he was only lost in his nature by lust for profit.

What's more, a slap can't make a sound. How could he really make up his mind to harm him without the encouragement of leader Lin Lan and his help?

Therefore, he is wrong, but wrong, but it should not only be on him. Lin Lian is also wrong.

Thinking, Ott's eyes were originally dead. At the moment, there was a beam called escape, rising from the bottom of his eyes.

Gradually, Yun wet the whole eye socket. The originally lost vitality is slowly returning at the moment, and has the desire and persistence to life again.

"Oh, stubborn." Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Ott's transformation. Listening to his words, MI Xiaoxiao could only whisper sarcasm.

There are many thick skinned people in the world. Unfortunately, Ott is one of them.

The moment before, he vowed to tell her that he was wrong, and even showed a look of lovelessness. If anyone wants his life, just take it.

But now?

He doesn't know where his fault is, let alone defend himself and take it for granted.

Others say it's serious for only three seconds, but Ott blames himself for only three seconds.

"Xiaoxiao, don't be angry with yourself." Jin Xuan stepped forward, hugged Mi Xiaoxiao's waist and stretched out his hand to give her a smooth touch, which made Mi Xiaoxiao feel a lot better.

"Don't worry! I'm fine." Mi Xiaoxiao smiled at Jin Xuan. Indeed, she didn't have to be angry for a scum man.

"Xiaoxiao, why don't you change me?" Li Shuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, her emerald green eyes, flowing with fireflies.

Xiaoxiao just had a good intention to chat with Ott. If he were him, it would not be as simple as chatting.

"Hum, come to him all over again!" Mi Xiaoxiao said unhappily, looking at the eager Li Shuo.

"All over again?" what all over again? Why didn't he understand Xiaoxiao? Jin Xuan looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and wondered.

"Well, didn't you say something about whipping, group beating and so on? Come to leader Ott again!

Anyway, we have to take good care of the leader, don't we? Otherwise, if we don't agree with him, we'll die if we're not careful. "

Mi Xiaoxiao glanced at Ott, who was immersed in his own thoughts, with a bit of sarcasm in his tone.