"This is bubuniao's egg." Shi Nuo suddenly made a noise and interrupted Mi Xiaoxiao's idea.

"Hey? This is Bubu bird's egg? It's amazing!" Mi Xiaoxiao sighed from her heart.

She really didn't expect that a bird's egg was not only special in color, but also a little too big.

Have you ever seen a bird's egg as big as an egg? Well, except for those ostriches or something.

"OK, let's go back!" with these four eggs, we'll be ready to cook some bone soup at that time.

But the key is to find the remaining bones, but it's easy to find. Just go to any house to find some.

Because the orcs here generally throw away the rest of the bones they eat. They don't know that the bones can still make soup.

Although there is no salt to taste, there is still some nutrition.

"Xiaoxiao, take the bird's egg for me, let's go!" at this time, Shi Nuo has returned to his original state, and the color of his eyes has returned to normal.

But there was no more talk in the past, and there was a little more seriousness and silence on the white Jun's face.

"It seems that you are much better now." Mi Xiaoxiao wrapped the bird's eggs in leaves and handed them to Shi Nuo.

"Be careful, it'll be over if you break it." Mi Xiaoxiao doesn't want to find another nest of bird eggs.

"Don't worry." no matter how bad his shinuo is, he won't even be able to take a bird's egg!

But Xiaoxiao is going to give this bird egg to Jin Xuan?

It's soft and tastes strange. It doesn't taste very good.

At this time, on the other side, Jin Xuan listened to MI Xiaoxiao and just lay on the stone and rested motionless.

Because he lost a lot of blood, Jin Xuan faintly felt dizzy. Now he is very weak and needs to rest.

"You carry him to my cave."

A woman in a white fur skirt pointed at the men beside her.

"This... Nina, we still..." Jike hesitated to Nina.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't listen, get away from me and don't come back!"

Nina glared at Jike fiercely. She was really a timid male. How could she have liked him?

Hum! The little female actually injured Jin Xuan, but this time she must let Jin Xuan become her male.

"Nina, don't be angry, don't be angry, I can't move!"

As soon as Jike heard Nina tell her not to come back, the whole person was suddenly bad.

The male abandoned by the female will not only be excluded by other males, but also no other female will be willing to accept him.

Therefore, for a male, being abandoned is tantamount to losing the meaning of his own life.

"Hum! It's almost the same. Don't hurry up!" Nina put her hands around her chest and looked arrogant like a showing off peacock.

"OK, OK, I'll move now." Jike nodded helplessly, and then pulled the three people watching the excitement to move Jinxuan together.

These three men are also the males of Nina. There is no way. In the thar tribe, Nina is the most popular.

"I'm sorry, Jin Xuan. Who told Nina to have a crush on you? You must forgive me."

Jike carefully lifted Jin Xuan and tried to avoid his wound.

"Let's go." Nina waved to the jiks, and then took the lead in walking towards her own cave.

There are two rows between Nina's cave and Jinxuan's cave, so it's still a little far away.

"Where are you taking me?! put me down!"

Jin Xuan woke up and struggled hard. The blood on his hand had slowly seeped out.