Ginger whew opened the door of the basement, and Jin immediately looked over. Ginger whew put the tray on the small table and said, "I made it. Try it and see if it suits the taste."

Considering that Jin is from Y country, Jiang Xiu fried his steak.

Jin has been hungry for a long time. At this time, he can eat anything. He thanks Jiang Xiu and immediately cuts a piece into his mouth. After chewing, he is surprised and says, "delicious!"

Jiang Xu said with a smile, "if only the count could speak."

"Thank you very much," Kim said after eating the steak and drinking water

Jiang Xu said, "we just take what we need, not to mention thank you“

Jin wiped the corner of his mouth and said with a bitter smile, "I really have nowhere to go now. As long as ophea sees me again, I will be replaced by humanoid."

Jiang Xu said, "don't worry, she won't find you for the moment." She touched her chin and said, "count, do you know anything else about the cocoon breaking project?"

Kim shook his head. "I've said everything I know."

Jiang Xu stood up and said, "have a good rest. I have something else to do."

Kim nodded.

Jiang Xu left the basement and said to Fu Chenhan, "let's see Ranke again."

Fu Chenhan is assembling a gun. He hears the words: "what's the matter?"

Jiang Xu said, "no, but this time we already know the core plan of demoneye. I don't believe that Ranke's words can't be cheated“

Fu Chenhan said, "go now“

Jiang Xu nodded.

Fu Chenhan took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and put it into her habit to drink on the road. They left Tingzhou Bay together and went to Linshui street.

Ranke's body is much better. At least she can move by herself. Jiang Xiu still brings her food. Ranke says: "is there s whereabouts?"

Jiang Shuo shook his head: "No."

Ranke looked disappointed: "so."

Jiang Xiu sat down beside her and said, "I've come to see you today because I have something else to do“


Jiang said, "do you know Kim Thomas“

"I don't know," said Ranke, pausing

Jiang Xu said, "you lied."

Ran Ke said, "I really don't know..."

”Think you don't know each other“ Jiang Xu said: "count Thomas was assassinated, but the corpse disappeared in the morgue. Are you surprised“

"Is the body gone?" said Ranke

Jiang Xu nodded: "yes, guess what's going on?"

Ranke frowned and said, "did someone steal the body?"

Jiang Xu said, "guess again?"

"I don't know," said Ranke

Jiang Xiu showed a smile and said: "in fact, he didn't die at all. I had the foresight to block the way that the count left. Now he is in my hand. He has said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said."

Ran Ke clenched his teeth in an instant: "you..."

Jiang Xu said, "don't you know him?"

She turned pale and said, "little sister, I think I've done my utmost for you. Since you hate demoneye, why do you cover it for him? Tell me where the demoneye division is. "

Ran Ke pursed his lips and said, "how can I know if you are lying to me?"

Jiang Xu said, "break the cocoon."

Ranke's pupils immediately narrowed, and her fingers clung to the sheet for a long time before she said, "it seems that he really said everything. Yes, I know him. His fiancee is one of the partners of demoneye. I've met him before

Jiang said, "you don't want to say where the branch is because you want to protect s?"

Ranke dropped his eyes and said nothing.

Jiang Xu said, "don't you think you are contradictory? You hate demoneye, but you don't want to destroy it. Like you, you can never escape from the cage."

"... I know." Ranke's voice trembled and his eyes flashed with water: "I know... But I can't do it... I really can't do it. I'm a half-way monk killer. I hate demoneye, but I don't want s to be hurt..."

"If what he does is wrong, your maintenance will only lead him to a deeper hell," Jiang said She pause, don't know how to think, suddenly said: "maybe he has also hated all this."

Ran Ke looked at her in a daze: "really?"

Jiang Xiu looked away and said, "I don't know. I only know that if you don't say it now, I will give you to the Council room immediately."

"..." Ranke lowered his eyes: "the Gulf of glam, where I escaped“

"What?" Jiang Xu was surprised and said, "Gelan bay!"

Ranke said, "well, Glen Bay is one of the branches. I had a mission to take a test object this time..." she hesitated for a moment, and then said, "it's Kim Thomas. Ophea thought that he was no longer the one she liked, so she wanted to replace him with humanoid. When I received the mission, I had a plan to escape, So it wasn't implemented. "

Jiang Xu narrowed his eyes and looked at Fu Chenhan. "Ophea had planned to go to Gelan bay to take wedding photos for a long time. On the aurora Island, both the owner of Jiang island and Mrs. Lin were there, so it was not easy to do. Jin was not easy to handle, so she used the wedding photo as an excuse to cheat Jin to Gelan Bay, At that time, king should have been missing for a few days because of the dangerous terrain of Glam Bay. According to ophea's plan, the maritime search and rescue team will find a king who has been replaced by humanoid

Fu Chenhan said: "it's just that there's something wrong with the plan. The killer who received the task didn't start, so there were no waves in the last voyage."

Ginger whew some uncomfortable way: "ophea really think, kind person or oneself love of that person?"

"Maybe." Fu Chenhan said carelessly: "maybe she doesn't love, just wants to feel loved."

Jiang Xu sighed softly: "maybe so."

This kind of love is too abnormal.

"That's all I know," said Ranke. "I can't touch more core things."

Jiang Xu said, "how much force is there in the branch of Gelan Bay?"

Ran Ke said: "the guard is very strict. If outsiders come near, they will be killed immediately. Without identity cards, they can't even enter the gate. And there will be special watchmen who will sink suspicious ships once they are found. You should know the legend of the Gulf of glam, right? Fishermen are not allowed to go there because there are frequent shipwrecks, all of which are man-made. "

Jiang Xu said, "as you say, solid as gold?"

Ranke nodded: "if Kim has already told you, you should understand that behind the scientific research institution of demoneye is the support of several countries."