"Something's wrong. I'm here for afternoon tea." Lin Chuxin is concise and comprehensive.

Gu Yi said hello to Jiang Xiu: "whew."

"Elder martial sister." Jiang Xiu nodded in greeting.

"Do you know each other?" Jiang Lian seems to have been betrayed. He looks at Jiang Xiu fiercely.

"..." Jiang Xu said, "didn't I tell you? Gu Yi and I are in the same teacher's experimental group. "

Jiang Lian said, "is your relationship good?"

"..." Jiang Xu said in a low voice, "it's OK."

Jiang Lian said, "no! You're breaking up with her! You're on my side

Jiang Xu: "what's the matter with this kind of primary school students who I've made trouble with a and you're not allowed to talk to a?

"Ah Lian." Lin Chuxin not salty shout a: "won't shout a person?"

Jiang Lian raised his eyelids and looked at his father, "Dad."

"Well." Jiang Shi nodded.

Lin Chuxin looked at Jiang Lian: "there is more."

Jiang Lian turned his head aside and didn't say a word.

"..." Lin Chuxin said to Gu Yi apologetically, "your brother didn't mean it. He just couldn't accept it for a while."

Gu Yi is very understanding: "it doesn't matter, I also know I appear very abrupt."

"It's not your fault." Jiang was distressed and said, "it's all my fault that my father didn't get you back earlier."

Gu Yi shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm very happy to be back to my father now."


Jiang Xu inexplicably felt that the picture was a little dazzling, stood up and said: "I'll go out for a walk."

Jiang Lian immediately stood up: "I'll go too! Wait for me

Jiang saw the two children leave one after another and laughed: "they have a good relationship."

Lin Chuxin smiles: "it's not bad."


Jiang Xiu walked aimlessly on the racecourse. Jiang Lian lazily followed her and said, "Jiang Xiu, I'll tell you, you really don't get too close to Gu Yi. She's not a good thing."

Jiang Xu often heard this sentence from Pan Luo's mouth, and said perfunctorily: "mm-hmm, I know."

Jiang Lian walked in front of her and looked back at her: "are you not happy? Who bothered you? "

"No one." Jiang Xu said, "maybe there are too many people there. It's a little stuffy."

She suddenly asked: "Jiang Lian, what is it like on the aurora island?"

"Ah?" Jiang Lian was stunned and said, "it's almost the same as here. It's like a small country with legal constraints. Its economy is very developed and many things are ahead of the inland."

Jiang Xu asked, "since it's called aurora, can you see the aurora on the island?"

"No Jiang Lian said, "it's just the name. Maybe it's for the sake of being nice? Anyway, I haven't seen it for more than ten years, but it's really fun on the island. If I have a chance, I'll take you to play. "

Jiang Xu nodded and asked, "you are the master of the little island. When you are on the island, will there be children playing with you?"

"..." Jiang Lian paused and said, "no, the adults in their family are afraid that they are not serious enough to hurt me and don't let the children play with me."

As a child, Jiang Lian's parents had a very bad relationship, which can only be described as walking on thin ice. He didn't know when a good family would fall apart. His father didn't like his mother. Everyone regarded him as the heir to the crown prince and flattered him carefully, but no one would play with him.

It's not that he hasn't heard people talk in private that he is not the natural child of the island owner and his wife. Otherwise, if he is the natural child, how can he ignore it all the time?

He was too young at that time, crying to ask his mother, the mother's voice is very gentle, but very cold expression: "how can you not be a mother's child? Ah Lian... You don't know. My mother tried her best to give birth to you... "

Jiang Xu interrupted Jiang Lian's memory and said, "you're OK. When I was young, my children didn't play with me because I was an illegitimate daughter."

Jiang Lian frowned: "what's the matter with the illegitimate daughter? Has she eaten from him?"

Jiang Xu laughed and picked up a piece of grass from the roadside to play with: "you see, you can think like this, how can you not accept Gu Yi?"

"I don't like her because she's illegitimate." Jiang Lian said, "I just don't like her."

He said, "it's like I just like you."


Jiang Xu was shocked, and quietly moved away from Jiang Lianyuan: "do you, do you want to have a brother-in-law relationship with me?"

It's her carelessness! Unexpectedly did not see that Jiang Lian has been holding such an idea to her!

"..." Jiang Lian looked at Jiang Xu with the eyes of seeing the mentally handicapped, and rolled his eyes: "what are you thinking about? What I say is like, not the kind you think."

Jiang Xu was relieved, patted his heart and said: "fortunately, if you like me that way, I'll break up with you."

"... why?"

Jiang Xu was very upright: "to protect you! If you like me to be known by my uncle, you'll see if you die. "

Jiang Lian: "Mom's dog is colder than Fu.

Jiang Xu patted Jiang Lian on the shoulder and said, "young man, promise me not to think about me, or you will come to the end of your life."

With that, she couldn't help laughing: "ha ha ha ha ha!"

Jiang Lian

Does the state have a law on the protection of mentally handicapped children?

Jiang Xu, a strange woman who grows up on her own smile.

After walking half a circle around the huge racecourse, Jiang Xiu couldn't walk any more and sat on the ground looking at the sky.

Jiang Lian: "are you still playing tricks? Are you sitting here waiting for someone to pick you up? "

"High." Jiang Xiu stretched out his finger to the sky, hooped out a heart, and said: "wait for you to pick me up."

"OK, I'm a garbage collector." Jiang Lian said, "what kind of rubbish are you

"What pigs eat is wet garbage, what they eat will have diarrhea is dry garbage, what they eat will die is harmful garbage, what kind of garbage are you?"

"..." Jiang Xiu looked at Jiang Lian and said, "the kind of pig that will die after eating."

"Ha ha ha ha ha." Jiang Lian said happily: "so you are harmful garbage."

Jiang Xiu had been tortured by garbage sorting, and sighed sadly: "do you want to raise a pig at home if you don't want to be fined in the future?" She looked at Jiang Lian sincerely: "are you willing to let me raise you?"

Jiang Lian: "no, go away."

Two people in the racecourse laugh with neuropathy like, at that time there was a gentle wind, shallow flowers, gentle sunshine, everything is very beautiful.

Jiang Xiu looked up at the dazzling sunshine, soft expression, leaning on Jiang Lian side slowly fell asleep.