She lives so depraved, no different from the mud in the stinky ditch, but Jiang Xu is the whitest cloud, who dotes on her and loves her... She is not reconciled! How can you be reconciled?!

Jiang Wei's eyes were cold and frightful, which she didn't find.

But soon, she began to laugh, as if she had put on a perfect mask for herself, and got up to congratulate Jiang Xiu: "whew, Congratulations, now it's really smooth."

Those who don't study medicine don't know what the special interview of "seeking medicine" and Ouyang Ming's research team are. If all the people in this school are still on the way to Rome, then Jiang Xu has been firmly seated on the throne of Rome.

Yin Fei said, "that's not what you said before."

Jiang Wei said: "I was cheated by Meng Zhen too... Whew, will you forgive me?"

Jiang Xu just laughed, "are you cheated by Meng Zhen? Why did Meng Zhen tell me that you gave her the idea to plagiarize my paper? "

Jiang Wei's face changed and she said wrongly, "how can I do such a thing?"

"Yes." Jiang Xiu lowered his eyes and said in a soft voice, "I'm really curious about how Meng Zhen got my manuscript."

"What manuscript?" Jiang Wei's face was blank: "I don't know what you're talking about... Whew, do you blame me for not defending you?"

"No Jiang Xu said, "thank you for not defending me, otherwise I would be sick to death."

Yin Fei couldn't help laughing and said, "when is your mouth so powerful“

Ginger whew innocent way: "what's wrong with me?"

She just said the truth!

Jiang Wei's eyes flashed and wiped her tears: "whew, I know you blame me... I won't make you unhappy."

Jiang Xu said, "then you go quickly."

Jiang Wei

Yan Fei was going to laugh, "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Smell Asarum knock on Jiang Xiu's table: "got the first place, how also have to invite a guest?"

"Yes, yes! No matter what, we have to invite a guest! The place is up to you. I can eat anything. "

Ginger whew helpless way: "good, then tonight."

Qin Ying rubbed her hair: "they just talk about it casually. Do you really believe it?"

Jiang Xu said with a smile: "I haven't invited you to dinner yet. It's time to invite you once. When you have settled the place, send the address to the group."

She was quickly called away by Professor Chen. Several professors were in the office with a happy look on their faces. Although sloanya won the first prize in the competition every few years, Jiang Xu was only a preparatory student. She took part in it as an exception. She had been very excellent when she could have been in the top 50, but she was so aggressive that she came back with the first prize, Even got the interview opportunity of ouyangming research group!

The most terrifying thing is that she wrote the paper that won the championship in two days!

It is said that people are in a good mood at happy events. Professor Chen said with a smile, "Jiang Xu, congratulations."

Jiang Xiu bent his eyes: "thank you."

Professor Chen asked her to sit down and said, "Liao Yan just came to tell me that the vice president appreciates you very much. If you join Ouyang Ming's research group, you will become famous!"

Jiang Xu was stunned - it turns out that Liao Yan's old teacher is Professor Chen.

Professor Li also said with a smile: "it's really a young hero. We old guys are useless after all."

Professor Chen straightened his face and said, "but you can't lose yourself because of your immediate success. Things that hurt Zhong Yong happen all the time. You should always remember your heart!"

Jiang Xu nodded seriously, and Bai Jingxiu's face looked particularly clever. Professor Chen felt softer and sighed: "Meng Zhen, that child... Alas, she is also guilty of her own crimes."

Professor Li shook his head: "if she doesn't have a bad idea, she will make some achievements on the road of medicine in the future, but it's a pity that she will make a mistake..." he is Meng Zhen's tutor. When students do such things, he has no light on his face. He sighs and doesn't mention it any more.

"That's right." Professor Chen thought of something: "the president has just discussed with us that he is going to hold a commendation meeting for you. What do you think?"

Jiang Xu quickly waved his hand: "no, no, no! It's not a big deal. Don't be so troublesome. "

She doesn't want to be seen as a monkey by a group of people!

Professor Chen Wen Yan also did not force her, said: "then you well prepare for the interview, if you have anything to ask me."

Jiang Xu nodded his thanks and left.

In the evening, she and Qin Ying went to Yuwei Xiaoxuan.

Yin Fei looked at the sign and wondered, "doesn't it mean that there are only 20 tables of guests here every day? How can we still get to the position at this time? "

After a pause, she thought of something.

Jiang shuxiu, who is that? He has a lot to do with Han Yeh. Not to mention that Yu Wei Xiaoxuan only receives one table of guests in a day, but he goes out of business directly. In a word, isn't Han Yeh going to open the door immediately?

The general manager of Yuwei Xiaoxuan personally led the people in and arranged a table against the waterside pavilion. The scenery was very good. He also ordered a few palace lanterns, which were actually mosquito repellent lamps to drive mosquitoes.

Several people ordered food and chatted. Suddenly they heard a voice. It turned out that a guest was leaving. The general manager was leading the way,

It was a group of elite people in suits and shoes. The leading man was only wearing a mouse gray shirt. Two buttons on the collar were untied, revealing a little delicate clavicle. The two black crystal cufflinks on the cuffs gave out a little light in the night.

A woman in a red dress said, "don't you really go to the entertainment city? There's a lot of fun there. "

A woman is only in her twenties. She is very beautiful with light and thick make-up. Her red dress is enchanting, revealing her turbulent career line. She is almost blinded with white.

The man's face is much more beautiful than the woman's. his facial features are delicate and deep, his eyes are narrow and long, his double eyelids are very thin, and his narrow line forms a sharp angle with his long eyelashes, which brings a bit of blood evil without any reason. His voice has a very confusing magnetism: "no more."

The woman coquettishly said: "Yeh... It's not easy to see you once. I don't know when I will meet you next time. Are you so cruel?"

Although she has a sticky voice, she has a sense of propriety and doesn't dare to stick it on a man.

Qin Ying looked at Jiang Xu: "know?"

Jiang Xu: "of course I know. I put on the two black crystal cufflinks on people's Cuffs this morning.