Chapter 726

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
Ji Jin wipe tears, body stiff from the ground up, and then toward the general upstairs lost in the past.

She stood at the door of the room, but she didn't go in.

In the crack of the door, she saw the busy doctor inside and the weak Jane Yue on the bed.

He was anesthetized, but not completely unconscious.

The distance is too far, she can't see Jane Yue's facial expression, also can't see the ferocious wound, just standing there, feet want to lead.

There was a lot of trouble inside, and the doctor was relieved and told the servant to take good care of the wound for fear of infection.

The doctor opened the door and was about to go out, when he saw Ji Jin in front of him, he was shocked.

"Mrs. Jane?"

"Can I go in and see him?"

She plucked up her courage and said.

"Of course... Of course... You can be light..." the doctor said tremblingly, who didn't know that Jane's wife was as good as her life, not to mention that this was her home, they had no right to speak.

When the medical staff left, the room seemed a little empty.

He couldn't make it and fell into a coma, so he didn't know she was coming in.

His upper body was bare, the wound had been wrapped with white gauze, and the red blood penetrated layer by layer.

She found out that there were many wounds on his body.

Large and small, countless.

What on earth has this man experienced? There are so many wounds on his body.

Doesn't it hurt?

She didn't seem to hear him scream, or even snort.

Her fingers trembled and stroked the scar, one of which was very close to the heart, and it was a mark left by a bullet hole.

Her heart almost choked as she watched.

Her tears fell uncontrollably again, and she suddenly hated herself. Why should she forget, why did she forget such a good man.

It's his fault or his fault.

She looked at the man on the bed. Even though he was pale and bloodless, he was still handsome, just like God's artworks. Every skin texture was appropriate!

Her clear eyes suddenly become complex, and finally choose to turn away.

As time went by, it was already midnight when Jane woke up.

Wake up next to only medical staff, but did not see the girl's trace.

"Where's Ji Jin?"

"Mrs. Jane went to her study very early and hasn't come out yet."

Jane more smell speech, eyebrow slightly lock, strong support arm unexpectedly want to get up.

"Mr. Jane! You have to move around, the wound has not healed, it is easy to bleed again Exclaimed the doctor.

"I'll see Ji Jin. It's OK." He said faintly.

After hearing this, the doctor could not help sighing: "it's very kind of you to treat your wife. No wonder so many women want to marry you!"

"I'm only good to my wife. The rest of the women have nothing to do with me."

Jane said more quietly and dressed.

Doctor: --

This answer is so arrogant and self willed that people are speechless!

He didn't let anyone accompany him for fear that she would have psychological pressure. And I have survived so many injuries, what can this small knife injury be?

He came to the study, pushed the door in and found that she fell asleep on the desk.

The eyelashes were still wet, and the crystal tears had just crawled across the cheek and disappeared into the soft black hair at the temples.

She still had a pen in her hand and a book under her.

This girl is really, sleep back to the room, so many rooms can rest, why must come to the study?

He wanted to take her back to the room, but he didn't want her to feel anything. He couldn't help murmuring and turning to sleep.

"Don't... Don't leave me..."

She waved her arm uneasily, and the book in her arms was pushed to the ground by her.

Jane stooped to pick it up, but saw the content inside. It turned out to be... The little girl's diary?

He never had the habit of prying into other people's privacy, but when he saw the content, he couldn't help opening it.

"Today, I did something I regret very much. I shouldn't do it too much and put that person in, otherwise, there won't be anything later. Jane Yue was injured. In order to save her injured, she stabbed him through the chest. The blood was boiling hot and dripping down. The picture was shocking. I was stunned, I didn't react, I think I had a dream of the end of the world! He covered my eyes, let me close my eyes, let me not look at the bloody picture. I wanted to cry and talk, but I couldn't make a sound at all. At last, I closed my eyes in a mess and caught them. I thought that this powerful man would not fall down, would not be injured, and would not be vulnerable. But when I saw the scars on his body, I realized that this omnipotent man was not a God, just a person. So... Will he walk in front of me and I can't catch up with him any more? "

There are still handwriting on the back. It's just wet by tears and the ink is out of sight. She was too tired to cry, so she fell asleep. Even if I sleep, I'm not stable. He turned to the first page. It was her memory. She had never had the habit of keeping a diary before. How could she record all the things that happened during this period on a whim today. What kind of mood did she feel when she saw herself after amnesia? He couldn't help being curious and eager to know, so he went to the first page“ I remember when I woke up, I was stunned. I thought I was caught at the wedding and was in hospital. But I didn't expect it was because of having a baby! And it's almost nine years since Shen Nan got married. In the past nine years, I have finished the national two-child plan and won glory for my motherland! But I don't remember these nine years at all. I only know how painful it is to have a baby! The doctor said that I lost too much blood and lost my memory due to lack of oxygen in my brain. I'm not sure when I will recover. Maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe ten or eight years. I feel terrible. I have no memory of how to admit my two children and my husband. My husband... The man who seems to be coming from heaven is more handsome than Shen Nan, and he has made extraordinary achievements. I think I should be secretly happy. After all, he is the president of D.E group. I should be happy, like winning 50 million, but I can't be happy at all. Because, he sees my eyes as bright as water, but I see him on guard everywhere. I'm afraid... Afraid that he loves me, but I can't respond to any feelings. He has nine years of unforgettable memory, but I am like a new life, there is no his bit by bit After reading an article, Jane Yue's eyes were as bright as a candle. At this time, Ji Jin's whisper came from his ear: "what are you... Doing?"