Chapter 719

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
"I seem to have a little impression on you, but it's not very deep. Don't be discouraged, I'll try my best!" Ji Jin comfort said, and then weak asked: "now... Can I continue to eat?"

"Yes, eat it." Jane looked at her carefully and couldn't help smiling.

He knows that Ji Jin is also very hard-working, and she is very strange to everything in front of her. Here is a foreign land for her, without familiar environment and people. He also needs to find information from various news magazines to prove the rationality of all this.

And when she saw their children, she didn't admit that they were her. She said how could a new born child be so ugly.

She does not admit that she has lowered her child's face!

And after admitting the child, problems will follow.

She thought she was a little girl who had just entered the society for one year. In a flash, she had two children and had to feed them shamefully.

Ji Jin's nerves are a little weak!

"I can go home today. Shall I take you back?"

"Well, we have to face it!" Ji Jin said with a smile.

After she finished eating, she went back to change her clothes and went back with Jane Yue.

The car is an extended Bentley. The space inside is very spacious, with her photographic materials.

It can be seen that she has done what she wants to do in recent years. Instead of reporting entertainment magazines, she is engaged in photography related to her major.

She looked over and asked curiously, "I know the plot between your mother and uncle Shen... But I still forgive you, don't I?"

"Yes, if you hate me now, it's better than not having me in your heart."

Jane looked directly into her eyes and said word by word.

This is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, bright and moving.

Her heart is very calm, can't lift a little hate, on the contrary to such line of sight, the heart is slightly painful.

The man in front of them must have loved each other enthusiastically, and the process will be unforgettable. Otherwise, she will not trace the truth now. She will be honest, but she can't bear to hate.

Her painful experience of more than 20 years has disappeared, which shows that she loves the man in front of her very much.

And Jane Yue's love for herself is beyond doubt.

But she did not remember, must have forgotten a lot of important things.

She apologized: "I'm sorry, I'll try..."

"You don't have to say I'm sorry. You and I don't have to. And... The child belongs to both of us, but you have paid so much. It should be me. I know that you are still very kind to me. No matter you can think of it or not, I will try my best to live in your heart and never give up. "

Ji Jin hears these words, the heart gushes up an unknown emotion.

She looked at him steadily, a little distracted.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

Ji Jin a Leng, quickly touched the small face, found that really tears!

The tears seem to be a natural physiological reaction. Is it because of the touching words?

His big hand naturally stroked her cheek and wiped her warm finger. His eyes were full of heartache and remorse, which made her feel embarrassed.

She fumbled her cheek and said, "it's OK. It's just sand in her eyes. Is your mother there when we go home? "

"She has her own residence, because we used to live in Yancheng. This time, I'm afraid that you will be upset if there are too many people. So there are me, Niannian and children at home."

"Doesn't the baby have a name?"

"I haven't had time to take it. Do you have a name in mind?"

"People say we're a couple of editors, just Jane? OK? It's been a month since I was born. How can I do without a name? "

"Well, just as you say." Jane more shallow smile, eyes color doting, is the most gentle look.

Ji Jin really felt that she must have saved the earth in her last life, otherwise how could she have such a good boyfriend?

Now she feels that some of her children have gone through the stages of falling in love, seven-year itch and having a baby. She has successfully gained two children, a perfect husband and a perfect family!

My husband's younger brother is handsome. He is a director of the company. He lives on his face.

My sister-in-law is a famous pharmacist who works in a hospital.

My husband's sister is a company PR, beauty and wisdom coexist.

My brother-in-law is a descendant of a large family, and he was a former chief executive, and has a lot to do with the government.

As for her mother-in-law, best friend, best friend husband, ex boyfriend


A lot of big people have sprung up around her.

She used to have only one best friend who went to the market every day, but now she has a lot of rich relatives.

This feeling... As if sleep on the end of the peak of life in general!

"Jane Yue, how is my daily life? Is it a mess? It's the kind of... Spending a lot of money and spending a lot of money. Going out in a mink coat and wearing a brand perfume to attend your wife's banquet...... excuse me... Have I been assimilated? "

"No, it hasn't changed for so many years."“ How come I'm not assimilated? I also want to live a corrupt life... "The little guy was a little disappointed and regretted. Jane Yue was teased: "it's too late for you to feel it now. Do you want it?"“ Is that ok? "“ of course! You are my wife, as long as you want, as long as I have, can“ My God! I really feel like I'm dreaming! " Ji Jin excitedly hugs Jane Yue, but she reacts quickly and pushes her away immediately. But... It's too late. His big hand clasped her back, the strength was not heavy, but she had no ability to push it away. She was slightly stunned and embarrassed“ Now I can still have you, I feel like a dream. Ji Jin, I really thank God that you are still with me Ji Jin heard this, but also reluctant to push him away. After all, he was his wife. She needs to get used to it“ I've been in a coma for a month. Are you worried? "“ You said The man's voice is low and deep, magnetic and hoarse, which is very pleasant to hear. Ji Jin's mind moved slightly and nodded gently. She didn't want to ask such nonsense. It's not the first time she touches his arms after she wakes up. He also holds himself pitifully. It's very gentlemanly. In order to prove her existence, he's not dreaming. Every time he hugs, his arms are extremely warm, making people feel safe. In fact... Hold for a long time, really easy to addiction! At this moment, she has been reluctant to push away! The car was still driving, and soon in front of the villa, she said, "here we are."