Chapter 554

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
The next morning, Han Feiyang got up to visit Xu Baoqian, but he didn't expect that the ward was empty.


be missing!

Han Feiyang crazy search, finally sent someone to find out Xu Baoqian finally appeared in Yanda.

Han Feiyang ran all the way in the past, regardless of his wound, and finally saw her in the playground of Yanda.

She changed clothes, dressed very clean, with a high ponytail, sitting in the stands, watching the football game below.

There are also people on the track, running in twos and threes.

Her hair rose in the wind.

She is not the only one in the stands. There are many green and astringent students around her. She has a very charming temperament. Even the ordinary clothes can't cover her up. As long as someone looks up, she will be able to lock her figure in the vast crowd.

She is young and beautiful, with bright eyes and teeth, and a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Although the face is pale, but the smile overflows in the sun, looking at vigorous.

When she came out of the hospital, she seemed to be a different person.

The runner below whistled at her, but Xu Baoqian just laughed, bowed her head and said nothing, and then focused on looking at the picture book in her hand.

Does she look around, then bow her head to draw, with a relaxed, focused look to attract attention.

Han Feiyang saw her that moment, nervous to now heart finally returned to the stomach.

He stepped forward.

Someone finished kicking the ball, went to the stands and handed her water.

Such a girl can always attract the attention of excellent boys.

"Are you a student of Yan University?" Asked the boy after playing with courage.

"Sister, I have graduated many years." Xu Baoqian said with a smile.

"Can I sit by your side?" The boy asked again.

"Sorry, this is my seat." Just then, a low voice came in, full of magnetism.

The smile on Xu Baoqian's face changed slightly, but in a flash, she was smiling again.

Han Feiyang came, the boy knew that there was no chance, so he dodged.

"You're still that charming." He praised it from the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. Han, do you mean to mock me?" Xu Baoqian raised her head, dragged her cheeks, and looked at him with a smile.

Han Feiyang trembled with this remark.

She called him Mr. Han politely.

He also asked with a smile whether he was deliberately sarcastic.

It is because she has left her indelible fear that she mistakenly thinks that her sincere words have another meaning.

How to say, those are not their original intention?

"Baoqian... Listen to me. There are misunderstandings. Those are not my original intention."

Han Feiyang anxiously wants to explain, but she shakes her head and is not interested in listening any more.

"You don't have to say that I woke up last night and called Ji Jin to know everything. I've ordered the factory to shut down. If the wedding dress is gone, it's unique. No matter how perfect the copy is, it's not the first one for me. Wouldn't it be nice for us to leave like that? Why are you coming back? "

"I... I want to be with you."

"Han Feiyang, we are not children. Can we be more rational. As the saying goes, there are three ways to be unfilial. You are unfilial now, you know? I don't want to be with you. I'm really tired. Let's separate completely. "

Xu Baoqian took a breath and said these words, her heart is also a lot of smooth.

It was too much for her to bear.

"Do you know that I can't fall in love with anyone else except you. I don't want to eat, hold hands or hug with other women

"I didn't expect that you would become such a saint! But... It's all your business. It's none of my business. "

She got up, took up the picture book, and was about to turn away, but he firmly held her hand.

One standing, one sitting.

"Is that your answer?" Han Feiyang inquires word by word, and her deep eyes are staring at her eyes tightly. He doesn't want to miss any details.

But... Xu Baoqian turned her eyes and looked at the sky in the distance.

"Han Feiyang, don't force me to marry any man. This is the only gift I can give you."

With that, she broke free of his hand and turned away.

Han Feiyang's hand was hanging in the air. The breeze was passing through, and it was chilly.

His heart is also full of holes.

She slowly out of the playground, make sure Han Feiyang did not catch up, tears dare to fall down.

She picked up her cell phone, dialed the strange number, and a synthesizer came across.

It's hard to distinguish between male and female. I can't tell whether the other person is male or female.

"How's it going?"

"I've done what you said. Give it to me!"

"I gave it to you, but I have plenty of backup. Are you sure you can get it safely?"“ You... "Xu Baoqian's cheeks were red, but there was nothing she could do“ Don't be angry. When you help me finish everything, I will let you go. My goal is not you! "“ So who's your goal? Who's next to me? " Xu Baoqian had no time to grieve. When she heard this, her heart trembled and she asked in a sharp voice“ Now, you don't need to know, then you will understand, this is a good play, we'll wait and see! Don't hate me, because I didn't hurt you! Xu Baoqian, I wish us a happy cooperation. " Jie Jie's strange laughter came from the opposite side, just like the devil in hell. The sound lingered in my ears for a long time. It was summer, but she felt that she was in the cold winter, and her body was so cold. No, if you stay in this city, you will only let the other party hold your own throat. Moreover, we can't hurt everyone around her. It's impossible to keep her company with the devil! Xu Baoqian returned home and was packing. Unexpectedly, the phone call came again. Xu Baoqian answers with trembling voice. I only heard the other person say: "you are packing up, and you are holding a blue cup in your hand. Do you want to pack it in the trunk?" Her limbs were cold and numb. How could she know? She rummaged through the room and finally saw a pinhole probe! Someone... Is watching himself! When was it installed? How many other cameras are there“ Don't waste your efforts. I want to know your whereabouts. It's so easy. Don't choose to resist. Otherwise, if someone dies suddenly around you, don't blame me! For example, the man you love? Your family? Your friend... Where do you want to start? " The last sentence, cold ring, is so strange and terrible. Xu Baoqian was crazy and roared: "what do you want to do! If anything comes to me, why do you hurt them? " However, the other party hung up. It's like hell.