Chapter 489

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
However, I don't have any scars on my body. My voice comes from behind!

She turned her eyes in amazement, but saw a tall man standing in front of her.

She did not have time to see who was coming, did not expect that the person has extended a big hand, tightly hook her waist, rolling on the ground, quickly hiding behind the car.

The sound of shooting came from the ground, but he was quick to avoid it.

Two people hide behind the car, outside comes the gangster's furious voice: "who! Who's sneaking after me? Come out

All this happened so fast that a man suddenly appeared behind Elena, blocked the next shot, and then took the man away.

Damn, it's brave to save people under his eyes.

"Come here!"

The gangster was angry and angry. He tied Ji Jin tightly in his hand, pointed the gun at the car and said, "if you don't come out again, I'll kill her. Believe it or not, I'll count to three! One... "

Elena's face was anxious and she was about to rush out subconsciously, but Norman held her wrist tightly.

"Don't go. It's dangerous."

"But my sister-in-law, she..."

She looked back at him nervously. It didn't matter. She saw the wound.

On the right chest.

He holds the pulse in his hand so that the blood flow will slow down.

Norman's face was pale, and his forehead was full of sweat. He tried his best to endure the pain, and the tendons on his forehead jumped up.



Just as the last word fell, Norman frowned and appeared.

At that moment of turning around, he dropped a pistol: "protect yourself."

With that, he had stepped out of the car.

Elena looked at the pistol on the ground, her heart suddenly blocked.

Norman went out with a gun in both hands, aimed at the gangster and said coldly, "don't hurt her!"

"Oh, it's a Jane Yue, and now there's a foreigner! Who are you? Why do you want to spoil my good deeds? "

"You kidnapped my fiancee." Norman light said, even if there are injuries, but momentum is not lost.

He is a soldier and the gangster is a bandit.

He was born with an air of iron and blood, which made people afraid.

When that pair of bloodthirsty cold light looked at the gangster, the gangster could not help shaking his legs and shivering all over.

Just one look made him feel the fear of death.

From the heart and eyes of fear, a chill from head to foot, swept the whole body.

Before I saw such a big man as Jane Yue, I was not afraid to laugh. I didn't expect that this foreigner could frighten him to death. What a devil!

"I don't care who I kidnapped. If you want to save this woman, give her the gun, or I'll shoot her now!"

Ji Jin smell speech, quickly shake his head: "don't listen to him, he will shoot you!"

"Shut up! Damn it

He pulled Ji Jin's hair, and his face was full of ferocious colors.

Seeing this, Norman quickly put down his pistol.

"Throw it."

"Good." He threw it, raised his hands and said, "I'm injured now. I can't keep up with my physical strength. You don't need to worry too much. Let go of the hostage first and let her feel better!"

The gangster didn't listen at all. He looked around to make sure it was safe and held the grab tightly in his hand.

"And the woman? Tell her to come out, too! What are you doing behind your back

Elena smell speech, slowly come out from the back of the car body, Norman can't help a little change.

"What are you doing out there? Jane Yue will be here in a minute. She can meet you... "

Norman lowered his voice and said it in a voice that two people could hear.

"But... You are in danger."

She tightly pursed her lips and blurted out this sentence without hesitation.

As soon as she spoke, she didn't even think of it.

They were both slightly stunned.

The gangsters were annoyed by their chattering.

"Come on, come here. What are you whispering about?"

"The gun is in my pants pocket."

Elena whispered, then slowly over him, in front of Norman, blocking the gangster's sight.

She walked slowly to make sure Norman had enough time to get the pistol.

As soon as she felt the pocket of her trousers loose, her heart went down.

At this time, a car came in the distance, which immediately lifted the gangster's heart.

It was Jane Yue who came. He was the only one.

He gets out of the car, cold eyes tiny MI, see Ji Jin embarrassed appearance, can't help but anger.

"Now there are no police. Let my wife and sister go. I'll let you go."

"If I leave, I have to have someone in my hand. Otherwise, how can I know if you will hurt me behind my back? Just now the foreigner had a gun with him

"You let my sister-in-law go, and I'll be the hostage!"

Elena spoke.

"Elena, no!"

Cried the three.

Elena said with a smile: "you can't take two people with you. Since you have to take one, take me with you. My sister-in-law is delicate and frail. It's not good for you to knock anywhere. What's more, my brother has left D.E. now, but I'm still the director of public relations of D.E. I have absolute power to command others. I can satisfy whatever you want! Besides, don't you think I'm more fun than Ji Jin? "

The last sentence is meaningful.

She gave a bright smile and a wink.

Most of Elena inherited his father. Although she is a Chinese French hybrid, her features are not obvious. Her features are small and delicate, and she has the unique European profundity, so she looks better.

Bright eyes and white teeth, a smile, no man can resist.

This smile, hook gangster's mind, think of the beautiful picture just now, really delicious.

One is a married woman with a child.

One is an unmarried girl, like a goblin.

After a comparison, he knew who to choose.

"Well, I'll let Mrs. Jane go. Miss Jane and I will make sure I'm safe."

When the gangster said this, he had a serious fantasy.

Two people on the bed, sweating like rain, the appearance of the concubine.

It must be ecstatic and heartbreaking.

His mouth is licentious smile, but also alert, this in case of any mistake, that his own small life can be accounted for in this!

Both sides succeed in changing people, Ji Jin is pushed out by the gangster.

Jane Yue immediately stepped forward and held her tightly in her arms. She looked up and down and was relieved to find that she was OK.

"Drive away immediately. Norman and I will deal with it."

"Be safe. Niannian and I will wait for you to go home."

Ji Jin also knows that she can't help at this moment, and maybe she will become their weakness, so even if she doesn't give up, she still leaves quickly.

When she got into the car, she saw the pistol Jane Yue had given her in the co driver's seat.

She returned the gun to Jane Yue, but she didn't expect it to appear again at the moment.

Does he want to keep this for her to protect herself?

Through the glass, she looked at several people in the distance. Jane turned her back to herself. Her tall and resolute figure was deeply imprinted in her heart.

Eyes blink, tears such as broken line bead general fall.

In the end, she left.

The more Jane heard the sound of the car leaving, her heart slowly put down, her clenched fist stretched out, and her mouth gently raised a smile.

Finally, I left.

So I can look back.

He looked back at the car and hoped that she would have a safe journey.

Just now, he did not dare to turn around.

Fear a turn around, will let Ji Jin not give up.

So, it's been hard to bear until now.

"Mr. Jane is so devoted to Mrs. Jane that I envy him! Now that I have released people, should you also let me go? "

"Let Elena go!"

Norman coldway.

"Hum, you don't dare to be so arrogant

The gangster narrowed his eyes and fired a shot at their calf for fear that they would come after them.

Because of their identity, so this shot dare not hit too accurate, lest leave lifelong disability.

He took Elena to the car quickly, tried to start it, and found that the car could barely walk.

As long as we get out of this place, he can find a way to get a car to leave!

The off-road vehicle drove slowly. Every minute passed, and it also drove out a lot.

The gangster looked in the rearview mirror, but there was a strange scene.

There was nothing on the ground except two pools of blood.

Anyone here?

His heart suddenly uneasy, quickly stepped on the brake to stop, looking out of the car.

"Fool, I'm behind you."

Behind him came a very cold voice.

The gangster's heart trembled and turned back quickly, but he saw a black muzzle in the distance, facing his head.

Before he could get the gun, he heard a bang.

One shot through the head.

With the sound of gunfire, and the sound of the window being penetrated.

The fragments burst and Elena couldn't dodge. A small fragment cut her skin and hurt her. The warm blood immediately covered her cheek.

It turns out that

It hurts to be scratched.

What about being shot? She stared out of the window at Norman. The shot just passed in front of her. The air wave made her cheek ache. Outside the window, Norman frowned and asked, "you're ok..." but before he finished his last word, his body fell down. In the back of Jane appeared in time, caught his body. Elena immediately got out of the car, hugged Norman's body tightly, looked at his chest had been dyed red by blood, heart instantly raised to the throat. She didn't cry. I didn't cry when I was humiliated. But at this moment, tears are splashing down. She hugged Norman tightly and shook him hard: "Norman, don't die! Please, don't die Jane Yue has no time to talk nonsense, simply put people on themselves, said: "call quickly, call an ambulance." Elena wipe tears, also know that this is not the time to cry, about to dial the phone, did not expect Ji Jin actually drove back“ Ji Jin Jane frowned harder and harder“ What are you doing? Get on the bus She didn't hear the gunshot long after she opened it. Someone must have been shot. No matter whether it was Jane Yue or not, how could she be relieved if she didn't look at it? But, fortunately, he is still alive, can stand in front of himself, I hope Norman can be so lucky!