Chapter 437

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
As a result, such a scene appeared in the street shop.

A man in a suit, standing tall and straight beside the freezer in front of the shop, holding an ice cream in his hand, eating like nobody else.

And next to him stood a beautiful young girl, long wavy hair, soft on the chest, because the weather is too cold, so she has been stamping in place.

She kept her hand in her pocket all the time. If she wanted to eat, she would open her mouth and the man would pass a spoon to her.

So her hands won't freeze.

Jane Yue's stomach is not good, eat very little, so most of them into Ji Jin's stomach.

And he could only lick the spoon pitifully. He never thought that he would do such a thing.


Very happy.

As long as you are with the one you love, you will feel happy doing anything. Even if he can't eat at the moment, his heart is sweet.

He took her hand across the road, back to his car, and then closed the door, the first thing is to put Ji Jin's little hand in his pocket.

"It'll be warmer." He said.

Ji Jin smiles and says, "go to the supermarket."

When she came to the supermarket, Jane Yue was already a qualified cook. She could tell what kind of food was fresh and what kind of food had been put for a long time. Also told Ji Jin, which vegetables have what kind of nutrition, often eat what will be good for the body.

"How do you know?"

"I got a Nutrition Certificate in my spare time."

He said lightly, not satisfied.

What he said is taking time. That's really taking time. Maybe you can get a qualification certificate in less than a week.

This is Xueba!

Ji Jin admires her. She and Jane Yue, together with a group of housewives, appear in the vegetable area. He is a man, tall and straight, dressed in a suit, and looks very abrupt.

But he perfectly suppressed other housewives. When it comes to frozen shrimps, he is very smart. What kind of vegetables are good for children. As soon as the housewives heard this, they gathered around and patiently asked for advice.

Jane explained casually that everyone rushed to grab the vegetables he said.

He picked out the dishes quickly, and bought them in two out of five. By the way, he also helped her buy her favorite snacks. When he was about to go to the cashier, he turned them back.

"What's the matter?"

"I forgot to buy food for my daughter."

"And Ivan?"

"He's not my son." Someone is very proud and willful said, but still bought a double snack.

In the afternoon, after dinner, they set out to Nina's hotel. Unexpectedly, Jane Yue had prepared an indoor studio in advance, and the outdoor bases were all selected. She could even guess what style she wanted, and the outdoor base she chose was very suitable for her.

It's good to have such a husband.

He didn't ask for anything, so he had already arranged it!

The scene is very harmonious, Ji Jin busy shooting, constantly need to transpose around, tripod has been taken by the assistant, her assistant is her own husband.

When Nina saw Jane move her position with the tripod consciously, she was shocked and even couldn't imagine that the high-ranking people were talking about hundreds of millions of projects. Now they even condescend to do some chores?

Even no regrets, look at the corner of the mouth smile, seems to be very useful.

After shooting for a period of time, Jane Yue would pour a cup of hot water and pass it to Ji Jin.

In winter, the weather is dry and the mouth tends to crack.

If Ji Jin is tired and stretches, Jane Yue will take the initiative to pinch her shoulder.

Ji Jin went to the toilet. He was waiting outside with his bag on his back.

Ji Jin is a little greedy. She will buy anything delicious nearby. After eating, she will show her love in public and kiss her little wife.

These things, do with ease, is not the first time to do it, it can be seen that Jane's wife has reached a terrible situation.

Ji Jin looked at their gaping expression and wanted to cry without tears.

Jane Yue really just greedy, want to taste what it is, absolutely not deliberately show love!

At the end of the shooting, Ji Jin just needs to sit in front of the computer and look at the pictures. The rest of Jane Yue will help clean up.

Someone wanted to help, but was stopped by Jane Yue: "these are my wife's tools to earn money and support her family, or I'll do it myself."


Earn money to support your family!

Jane and his wife need to earn money to support their family. Is there any king in the world?

All people press wipe canthus, what is senior show love?

Even if the other party doesn't mean it, you can eat a full bowl of dog food.

Merciless dog food slapped me in the face.

That's what I mean!

"All right?" Jane asks Ji Jin.

"Well, it's OK. I've been busy all afternoon. I'm so hungry." Ji Jin stretched a lazy waist and said pitifully.

Nina immediately offered to treat her to dinner, but Jane Yue refused.

"No, I'll go back and cook for her."

"Er..." Nina looked confused.

"Nina, thank you very much for your cooperation. I'll be here at nine tomorrow morning, please."

"No... no trouble..." she said stupidly.

Then I saw Jane leave with Ji Jin in her arms.

Nina didn't recover until the car went away.

An assistant came forward and asked, "sister Nina, what are you looking at?"

"Is there such a good husband? I want it, too! "

She spoke to all the women present.


At the moment, not far away has been a black humble business car, not a luxury car, has been parked here without moving, no one down, so thought it was an empty car.

In fact, the people inside have been paying close attention to everything outside.

His report: "Miss, our people found out in France that there was an important meeting on Wednesday, which must be solved by Jianyue. He should deal with business on that day and won't accompany Ji Jin."

"Well, keep staring. I don't want to make any mistakes that day."

With that, her eyes narrowed fiercely, which revealed the meaning of ferocity and horror. Finally, the woman's eyes fell on the last row of seats, her body curled up, her eyes closed, and she seemed to be asleep.

She is now her last weapon, the best person to defeat Jane Yue and Ji Jin. She will take her with her wherever she goes to make sure she won't die.

She believed that they would like this gift.

Since you don't accept the fake Su Xinqing, what about it?

She seems to think of the next three people meet the picture, can't help laughing, that smile is really happy.

What she can't get, others want it.

She wants to destroy them one by one and make them regret it all their lives!

"I know you're still awake. You don't need to pretend in front of me! You must be worried about their safety now, but you can't tell them to be on guard. Su Xinqing, you are useless. "

"Then why did you let me know?" The woman with closed eyes spoke slowly.

She was su Xinqing, who had disappeared for many years. She didn't die and was not buried in the sea. Instead, she was rescued by someone and lived like this.

Her voice was so quiet and cold that even she felt that she was about to become a ghost.

"Because I have to watch you live as if you were dying. Jane Yue's favorite is your kindness, but no matter how kind you are, it doesn't help. Strength and kindness are linked. I want to see your heart condemned, life is not like death

Hearing this, Su Xinqing couldn't help but smile: "it's you who want to kill them, not me. Why should I be condemned. You're right. Strength and kindness are linked. I can't protect myself now. Why care about them. There are countless lives that have been wasted in the hands of the young lady for so many years. If I were really condemned, I would not be safe until now. "

Her tone is light, and she seems not to care about those people's lives. Her eyes are closed peacefully, and there is no confusion because of her words.

"Yes? It's very kind of you to be so nice. If you die early, it's really boring

Julia's eyes burst out of evil light, and she squeezed her whip hard in her hand. Hatred wandered in her heart.

And the woman in the dark is still tightly curled up body, corner of the eye has a crystal tears slowly fall, disappeared in the temples.

The tears soon became cold, and the chill penetrated into her skin, making her shiver.

If you die, it's all over.

Not so painful to live.

It's not going to cause them any trouble.

But she can't die.

She also has her own people to guard, above Jane Yue.

She gave up all her self-esteem to Jane Yue, but for another person, she was willing to give up her life to protect her.

This is what she owes.

"I'm sorry."

She silently read in the heart, heart hard twitch, pain of some numbness.

All she could say to Jane was sorry.


Jane Yue drives to school to pick up Niannian and Ivan. She meets Dingdang and is waiting for her mother to pick them up.

Niannian is about to leave. She holds Niannian's hand tightly and is reluctant to let go. She also looks at Ivan full of vigilance.

"Auntie, who is this man?"

"He is Niannian's friend. He is in the same class with you. You should get along well, you know?"

Friends... Wuwu, her only friend has been occupied by others, and she is the oldest person in the class. She has been enjoying the special treatment of "dominating the world". Unexpectedly, now there is a little boy, who is so cute and cute, but also as old as her, and snatches her "leader's throne" instantly. And he also asked the teacher to change seats every day, and wanted to sit with the memorial. It's too much. I don't know first come first served“ Auntie, today I went to the toilet with Niannian and found Ivan peeping outside the door. " Dingdang girl began to complain“ Shrimp Ji Jin is stunned. Ivan, who could not speak Chinese, could only say in French, "you forgot to bring the paper again. Niannian asked me to go in and give it to you!"“ You are an alien. Can you speak human language? " Dingdang didn't understand. He said he was an alien. Ji Jin looked at them, suddenly some laughing and crying. Three live treasure, later some make trouble!