Chapter 367

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
William sensed the movement, came over, and laughed meaningfully.

But Arthur didn't look at it, so he took Ji Jin back to the room, and he didn't give William face at all.

Back to the room and shut the door, Ji Jin said with a smile: "if you drive away Fanfan in this way, you won't be afraid that he will be angry with you and ignore you in the future?"

"Now is an extraordinary time. His presence here will seriously affect the safety of his sister. He can restrain her, but I won't. William doesn't dare to do anything to me. If my sister goes out smoothly, I can leave safely. "

Arthur said faintly, his face full of wisdom.

Ji Jin pursed her lips and asked her questions: "just now William said that the Kapei family is talking about you. You should know about this bracelet!"

She rolled up her sleeves and showed her bracelet. It was obvious that Arthur's face had changed a little.

It seems that... He really knows this bracelet!

"And William told me that Fanfan's father was under officer Norman. Is that true? What's your role in it?"

"Sister Ji..."

He opened his mouth, some of the appearance, it seems that the next words, it is difficult to say.

For a long time, he said slowly: "in Yancheng, it's not Fanfan who has been informing us, it's me."

This answer is like a dull thunder in my mind, let Ji Jin a time reaction.

"So... So when you first came into my house, you had a purpose, didn't you?"

"Yes." Arthur replied.

"What William said is true. Is uncle really a bad man?"

"I can't give you a perfect explanation for this. Chu Mingcheng is a member of the Kapei family. We planned everything in Yan Cheng, which has nothing to do with Chu Fanfan. I don't want to hurt my sister, it's just... I have to. " Arthur said painfully, as if he was trying to suppress some emotion.

"Why, what's the reason that makes it so hard for you to say?" Ji Jin suddenly anxious, she just want to know the truth!

What is their purpose, and why does William confine himself? Does Jane know?

Now, in her mind, one problem after another, let her almost collapse.

"I can't say now that I'll protect my sister from now on, and I'll be safe until brother Jane comes!"

"Can I still believe you?" Ji Jin said with some pain.

She's helpless now, and she feels like she's going crazy.

Arthur pursed his lips and looked a little complicated. At last, he stepped back to keep a safe distance from her: "I'll make my sister believe it."

At this moment, aken appeared at the door and said, "young master Arthur, my husband asked you to get together in your study."

"I see." He said faintly, all over the body is the noble pride, and the fierce military momentum, in the moment of reply, the face has returned to calm, cold and fierce some terrible.

He passed Ji Jin's side, silent for a moment, or said: "last night, thank you for saving my big brother."

"If I knew that he was behind all this, I think I would hesitate and even hand him over to William."

"You will not." Arthur said in a low voice: "sister Ji is too kind to be helpless to an injured person. I'm very grateful to sister Ji, but with this kindness, even if it's owed by my Kapei family."

He said meaningful words, and then followed Arken away.

Arthur came to the study, which is very busy, not only William alone, there is a familiar figure, it is Jane Yue!

He narrowed his eyes, understood his purpose, and said, "what do you want me to do?"

"As the successor of the Kape family, I naturally want to find you. Now we are all together. If you have something to say, just open the window."

William folded his legs and sank leisurely on the soft sofa, holding a cigar in his hand. Akon understood and lit it.

For a moment, there was little smoke, and his face was not very real. William's voice was hoarse and strange, and it was because of his voice.

"We don't talk much. As long as the Kape family doesn't care about it and turns a blind eye to it, it will be considered that it didn't happen. Then everything is easy to discuss. Take the last time you asked Chu Mingcheng to take Mrs. Jane away. If it happens again, don't blame me for being rude! "

"Now it's you and me chasing. We all know the importance of Mrs. Jane. It's used to restrain Mr. Jane. Why don't I leave you alone and let Mr. Jane take people back?"

As the voice fell, Arthur subconsciously looked at the figure in the corner, where the light was dim. Generally, his body was in the dark, and his face was bright and extinguished in the dark, making people unable to see the specific color.

What is he thinking?

No one knows!

What he talked about was obviously his business, but he didn't have any words. He was as silent as a statue. He didn't even open his eyes. He was lazy and unconcerned.

And William's eyes also looked in the past, full of smile, hidden a touch of unknown meaning.

"Mrs. Jane came to my house as a guest. She can go back at any time as long as Jane always comes to me for help."

He asked the man in the dark, smiling.

Jane more smell speech, that narrow Phoenix Mou slowly open, inside deep as you tan, surging with the most dark color.

"Here I am."

It's only three words. It's very cold and terrible.

"Well, have a good trip."

Jane Yue said, directly stood up and walked towards the door, the cold and resolute figure, let a person's heart a su.

In the room, there were only Arthur and William left.

"The next step is for us to sign a contract. The struggle of our three families should not involve outsiders! Otherwise, the balance is out of balance, and I'm not to blame for my impoliteness! "

Arthur stood up and said coldly, his face covered with frost.

They all know that the most important thing for Ji Jin is to be able to contain Jane Yue, so Chu Ming City takes her away. Later, William brings her back. Now, putting Ji Jin beside Jane Yue is the good answer.

They all want to attract D.E. as long as they catch Ji Jin, but because the balance will also tilt, it's the scene now.

If Ji Jin is taken away by Jane Yue, the relationship among the three families will be slightly balanced.

"Well, I don't want to break the balance. It seems that the capex family has been making trouble for us all the time. It was then, and it is now! " William's voice slightly harsh up: "last night, you seem to have not given me a reasonable explanation."

"Before today, Mrs. Jane is in your hands. Our family can't do anything too much, so you're not qualified to ask me for an explanation. In the future, if Kape's people move again and are caught by you, they will be killed or cut casually. Of course, your people fall into my hands, I will not be a bit soft hearted. I will certainly destroy this organization to safeguard the interests of the law! "

Arthur said in a cold voice, with a terrible air.

"In that case, let's rely on our own abilities." He laughed, got up and left.

William just out of the door, did not expect Arken said: "Jane's two little hard to break through, how to do?"

"He's here? That's what happened to the two brothers. I'm afraid I can't get involved. Where did you catch him? "

"Er Shao... Was sent by himself. He came all the way through the gate."

Ken can't help but think of the picture just now. Er Shao seems to be crazy and kills all the way with his bare hands.

"Let's leave it to Jane Yue. We'll watch the good play."

But at the moment, Jane Yue didn't come to Ji Jin's room, so she heard the news at the door, and her face became dignified.

He clearly told Joel, let him stare at Jianyu's action, in order to prevent him to die, did not expect that he still came, is Joel negligence?

He locked his eyebrows tightly and came downstairs.

He stood at the door, the scene outside is clear, a group of black bodyguards around Jianyu, did not take a gun to fight, so many people beat Jianyu one person.

Jian Yu's whole body is full of blood, and her face is even more embarrassed. She can't see the appearance clearly, but her eyes burst out with a crazy chill, which falls on Jian Yue's body in a flash across the distant space.

Why is he here?

Isn't he indifferent to Ji Jinmo? Is the purpose of this time the same as him, is to save Ji Jin?

He just walked for a second, but he didn't expect to be caught. A tough man's fist fell down and hit him on the back. Jian Yu, who had been standing still, finally knelt down.

Those people are ready to rush up, when William came out and said, "stop it all!"

The venue was a little strange all of a sudden.

"This is general manager Jane's housework, which should be solved by general manager Jane herself. Ken

He called the name of Akon, Akon immediately understood what he meant and handed over a pistol.

William approached Jane Yue and said in his ear, "why can Chu Mingcheng take Ji Jin away so easily? I think you know best! This time, it's a good time for you to show your determination. Let me see your attitude of cooperation with me! Please

He stepped back with a death smile on his lips.

Jane Yue's hand held the pistol tightly, cold eyes swept on it, and then slowly raised her arm.

The muzzle of the gun was straight at Jianyu!

Arthur's face changed and he said, "brother Jane, what are you doing? Er Shao is your brother!"

"Young master Arthur, I can't say that. My brother still knows what to do! Er Shao has been hindering Jane a lot over the years. It's time to solve this problem. Besides, it's Jane's household chore. It has nothing to do with the Kapei family, right

"You..." Arthur's whole body trembled, a pair of blue cold eyes, looking at William for a moment.

But at the moment of Jianyu also found this, wiped the blood of the mouth, a smile, asked: "you want to kill me?"

"Yes The man indifferently answered a word, sonorous and powerful, with absolute dignity. As the words fell, a shot rang out. Bang!