Chapter 55

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
When Jane rushes to the hospital, Ji Jin is already hanging water. She is so angry that she suddenly doesn't understand why she is angry when she sees her red face like a ripe cherry.

Do you really take her too seriously and affect your mood?

Obviously, he just lacks a legal wife.

He fell into silence, eyes quietly flowing, inch by inch across her delicate little face. He has seen her in a lot of States, smart external image, charming and charming after drunk, and now... Quietly and lovingly.

No matter which one, always can easily affect his mood.

He even put down his work, not once.

Are you crazy?

But it does not repel, on the contrary, some like addiction.

He restrained the complex look in his eyes, and his big hand could not help touching her hot face. Maybe she was aware of the comfort of coldness, and opened her eyes just like the eyes of an elk.

"Jane Yue..."

She is not confused, still remember in front of people, can't help but smile, asked: "how can you be here? Do you want to work in a hospital? "

Smell speech, Jane more don't know the gas should smile.

He was puzzled by her. As a result, her first reaction was not that she came to visit her, but because of her work. Was her husband so bad?

But he didn't answer. He just asked, "do you still have a headache?"

She nodded, suddenly out of the bed did not hang water that small hand, seize his hand on his head.

"Feel it, and it won't hurt."

She raised the corner of her mouth with a relaxed smile, like a simple child.

Jane was more and more infected by the smile, and she felt that her tense nerves were all relaxed at this moment. His body is used to the cold breath dissipated, peaceful and noble.

The facial contour with perfect texture is very beautiful under the sunlight.

She wanted to appreciate it more, but her eyelids were heavy and she closed them slowly.

"Feel my head. It really works."

Jane Yue helps her touch her head according to her words. Her fingers go through her hair again and again. Her movements are very stiff. At a glance, she knows that she has never been in contact with the opposite sex. She can't even coax a girl.

However, she felt that this kind of Jane Yue made people feel more secure.

At least he won't fight with a woman after marriage.

When she was about to fall asleep, she whispered: "Jane Yue, take me home. I want to go home for dinner..."


Hearing his low magnetic response, she happily entered the dream.

Jane Yue wait for her to enter the deep sleep, immediately arrange people will Ji Jin carefully out of the ward, and then drive back to the villa.

Just as Jane Yue and Ji Jin disappear in the hospital corridor, a ward door quietly opens and comes out with a cold face of Shen Nan.

Once upon a time, the gentle smile was completely split like a mask, but now it reveals the most potential essence of human beings.

At midnight, Li Mu went to the biggest bar in Yancheng.

He opened the box door, and as soon as he entered, it smelled of alcohol and tobacco.

There was no light in the box, only a faint spark.

In the dark, Zhang Junrong became ethereal, hidden in the reddish light, accompanied by the mysterious smoke.

Li Mu was choked. He coughed twice and touched the light beside the door. After he turned it on, he could see the scene clearly.

Shen Nan is sitting on the sofa, puffing a cigarette, spitting out the smoke ring disorderly impatient, is no doubt showing the magnificent mood of the master's heart.

Several cigarette butts had been crushed on the ground, and four or five wine bottles were still rolling down at their feet.

Shen Nan was in such a mess that he was particularly embarrassed.

Li Mu opened his mouth wide. Originally, he had a feeling and planned to tease Shen Nan. However, seeing this scene, he couldn't spit out a word.

For a long time, he calmed down, swallowed saliva, full of surprise, said: "are you still the South brother I know? How can you come back to a place like this? Don't you drink and smoke? "

His face became more and more grim and he had realized the importance of the situation.

He and Shen Nan are both artists cultivated by century media. They follow similar routes, one is the powerful group, the other is the idol group. Since his debut, he has been stepping on Shen Nan's tail and climbing to the present position step by step.

It's just that Shen Nan is a serious and honest man. Because he is the prince of century media, he doesn't have to worry about the hidden rules. But he is not the same, he is under the banner of sunshine warm man, and then bluff.

He doesn't have much contact with Shen Nan, but he also knows his character. He seldom... Sees him depressed.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

He did not dare to take it lightly and asked seriously“ Cell phones. " Shen Nan raised his bloodshot eyes as if he hadn't slept for several nights. He raised his hand directly and cut into the subject in short words. Li Mu originally wanted to make fun of each other and ask about the mischief between them. When he saw that he was not in the mood of joking, he quickly handed over his mobile phone“ There is a lock on it. Shall I find a mobile phone expert to unlock it for you? " Shen Nan put it in his arms and said in a cold voice, "you can go." Li Mu's face was angry. He muttered for a moment. At last, he didn't say anything and turned to leave. When he was about to close the door, Shen Nanyou said coldly, "turn off the light." Li Mu looked anxiously, then obediently turned off the light, and the room fell into boundless darkness again. As soon as he went out, he called Frank. Shen Nan was so abnormal that he was so freaking. After making a phone call with frank, he sent a text message directly to a Kai. He will meet the little reporter for a while tomorrow. He was suddenly full of curiosity. In the quiet and cold box, only the weak light from the mobile phone reflected on Shen Nan's tired and pale face. He skillfully slides the unlock pattern, and then looks through the contents of her mobile phone one by one. I don't know why, Shen Nan feels like a thief now, peeping at the SMS call records inside. There are very few things in her mobile phone. Apart from work SMS, there are very few personal calls. There are two numbers without notes that have made several calls. The rest is the chat record with Xu Baoqian. As expected, she is a person with a single life structure. He opened the photo album, and there were few photos in it, but... An album was encrypted. He hesitated and typed in his birthday. The album opened unexpectedly. There are more than ten photos, including not only two people's group photos, but also many personal photos of him. The angle composition fully shows that he took the photos with his own knowledge, and he was wearing home clothes in the living room or kitchen.