Out of the intensive care unit, Xiangshan forces Yan Shenghan to go to his own ward to have a rest. Wu gege rushes into the hospital and finds nannuo's ward according to Xiangshan's words. As soon as he rushes in, he can't help yelling.

"Damn it! Nannuo, you are not afraid of death. Are you really bored? What's good about Yan Shenghan? You have to get shot for him

Nannuo was woken up by wugge's voice and just fell asleep.

Looking at the confused woman on the bed, Wu gege sighed helplessly and walked up with the rice box in his hand. He was calm and his eyes were slightly red.

"Don't blame my elder sister for coming late. I don't know anything about last night. If I didn't get off the boat today and didn't find Xiangshan, I don't know what happened to you."

That damned Xiangshan is really hiding from her. If she didn't recognize the clue, she would have been fooled by him.

Nannuo straightened up and tried to avoid the leg, but still involved in the wound, could not help breathing out a voice, "hiss..."

Hearing the sound, wugge put down his things and hurried to the bedside, looking anxious and worried, "what's the matter? Does it hurt? I'll call the doctor

"No need..." nannuo shook his head, his face was a little pale, felt the pain slowly fade, and then relaxed and leaned on the head of the bed, "I'm sorry, I'm ok."

Wugg snorted and rolled his eyes. "Do you want to cheat me? Guns are not for fun. What if that crazy man shoots you in the head? " As he said that, his eyes were filled with mist, and Wu gege choked his mouth. He was very unhappy. "What's more, Yan Shenghan's related women have no good end. You were shot in the leg for no reason. Do you know that Xiangshan's sister... Was shot in the heart, almost lost her life!"

As he said this, Wu Ge reached out and took nannuo's hand. His eyes were full of displeasure. "When you get out of the hospital, you completely get rid of Yan Shenghan. The enemies around that man are all wolves, tigers and leopards. You can't guarantee your life this time..."

"Is Xiang Xue shot in the chest?" All nannuo's thoughts stop at Wu gege's words. No wonder Yan Shenghan refuses to say that the woman even wants her life for him

She didn't know what it was like. She thought that Xiangxue and Yan Shenghan were just the right couple. The so-called marriage was just because it was suitable. But now it seems that the woman loves Yan Shenghan, even to the core.

Wuge nodded. "Well, if Xiangshan hadn't been on the boat, his sister would not have survived." With a slight sigh, Wu gege looked at nannuo, who was in a wrong mood in front of him. "Don't think about it. It has nothing to do with you. Xiangxue is willing to block bullets for Yan Shenghan. It's her business. You are also the victim of it. Don't take all the responsibilities to yourself, just like your sister before."

Nannuo nods with a bitter smile. She has some pain in her heart. I can't tell why. She doesn't hurt Xiangxue or Yan Shenghan, but what does she hurt?

What's the relationship between Xiangxue's love for Yan Shenghan and her? That man, she said she was not rare, and she never thought about having a future with him

There are women who are infatuated with each other. What does it matter to her?

"I don't have that leisure. She didn't block bullets for me."

Listening to these words, Wu Ge Ge felt quite at ease. She was afraid that the girl would treat herself as a virgin and fight against everything. Fortunately, she could still distinguish.

"I've bought you a lot of delicious food. You can eat them all and recover as soon as possible. I'll elope with you!" With that, Wu gege got up and went to the table, opened the lunch box, which was full of nutritious porridge and stewed chicken. "It's all made by my elder sister. You can see how lucky you are. That demon begged me to make a meal for him, but my elder sister didn't agree. I'm the one who loves you."

Nannuo smiles. Is the evil in Wuge's mouth Xiangshan? It's really unexpected that these two people who are not related to each other have come together.

"You're a monster. You were Xiangshan's companion last night, right? I introduced Tenglan brocade to you before, but you didn't plan to consider it? "

Tenglan brocade? Wu gege went to the bed with porridge. He searched hard in his mind, and finally remembered the shadow of the handsome man in a corner, "Oh, I'm sorry for such a handsome man, you know..."

"I'm sorry, or I'm not? I think you have a good relationship with Xiangshan. "

"Who... Who gets on well with him? Let me tell you, Xiangshan is so big that it's just an old cow eating tender grass. I will never be abducted by him! " Said, scooped up a spoonful of porridge handed up, "eat fast, so many delicious can't block your mouth?"

Nannuo had no choice but to smile and eat a mouthful of porridge. She was still familiar with the taste, which made her feel warm and comfortable. Her heart was filled up in an instant, and she couldn't help reddening her eyes.

"It's nice to have friends."

Wu gege was slightly stunned. He was very upset by this sentence, so he began to look at the woman in front of him. "You, don't hide anything from me in the future. Although I don't have any skills and can't help you to teach Yan Shenghan that scum man, I can still scold for you. It's better than you carry it alone."


If next time she's in pain, tell her.

Outside the gate of the accident, two cars stopped at the same time, and the people on the car got off one after the other. One of the women was still carrying a food box.

"Ma, is it necessary? Just pretend you don't know, and take me to the hospital early in the morning... "Is acting really addictive?

Nan Yurou reaches out and pokes Nan Mengjie's forehead. A trace of displeasure flashed across her eyes. "You, you always don't know how to have a good relationship with that girl. How can you forget that?"

Nanmengjie snorted coldly, and her eyes were full of disdain. "Hum, mom, don't blame me for throwing cold water on you. I went back to think about those plans you said for a long time, and there was no possibility at all! The Teng family is not so easy to fool. Please stop. I don't want to be a Teng family lady. Now I'm Yan Bei's wife, and I have enough identity. "

She didn't want to play around with her mother. In case of the east window incident, her present good days would come to an end!

"I don't know what to say about you who don't know how to make progress. Since you don't want to take part in this, it's also possible... I naturally have other candidates." Say, hard pull South dream Jie to walk toward inside.

Along the way, Nan Yurou thinks a lot. She admits that Nan Mengjie is right. Her previous plan is full of flaws, which is not on the table at all. But even so, she will never stop... Since it is not feasible to let Mengjie be the daughter of Teng family, she will find another one that will work.

In a word, she will never let nannuo go back to Teng's home. Hum, the pain of losing her son, how can it be enough for her to taste it all her life?

When she inquires about nannuo's room, nanyurou pulls nanmengjie to walk quickly. As soon as she gets to the door, she meets Wuge who comes out of the ward. Nanmengjie hums coldly and turns over her eyes. "Oh, it's not the one who likes to get mixed up with my sister most..."

Wu gege disapproved of the return of a white eye, "Yo, this is not the favorite bully her sister, but also robbed her sister's boyfriend that what!"

"You Nanmengjie frowns, looking at the Wuge in front of her eyes is full of displeasure, nannuo that dead girl itself is an uncivilized, did not expect even this woman is the same!

"I don't have the same opinion with you, please get out of the way!"

Wugge stepped forward to block in the door, chin slightly, "why do I want to get out of the way, who knows what you and your mother are doing here, if you want to harm people again, then I'm not guilty?"

South rain soft slightly frown, face endure temperature anger did not attack, really don't understand what nannuo all make disorderly friends.

"Girl, I'm nannuo's mother. You'd better get out of the way."

Nano's mom? Of course, she knew it was nano's hypocritical mother. Wow, there was a surge of disdain in wugg's heart. She didn't know what the woman was doing in front of her.

"Nannuo fell asleep after eating. The doctor said it's not suitable to disturb. You'd better come back at another time. Oh... If it's too troublesome, you don't need to come. Anyway, nannuo doesn't need you."

Nanmengjie's eyes sank, and she went forward to push away the woman who had no vision in front of her, "who dare to stop me and my mother? Get out of my way now

Nannuo leaned on the head of the bed, heard the voice coming from the door, and a trace of coldness flashed through his eyes. Was it nanmengjie's voice just now?

Slightly drooping eyes, lips more than a sneer, she just got the news, they really enough "care" about her adopted daughter.

"Gege, let them in."

Wu Ge Ge hears nannuo's voice slightly a Leng, lean, but they go in to do what? Isn't that for her?

See Wu Ge Ge still don't let, South dream Jie direct impoliteness hand to ruthlessly push her to the side, "good dog don't get in the way."

Wugge didn't notice. One of them staggered back to one side and saw nanmengjie and nanyurou enter the ward. She was angry and angry, and suddenly put her foot on one side of the door. Wugge was biting the two women who wanted to rush up and kill them.

Damn it, sister, curse you two!

Nannuo leans on the head of the bed and looks at the person who comes in. She smiles faintly. Since she knows that she is not nanyurou's own daughter, she has some feelings in her heart, especially after thinking about her attitude towards herself for so many years.

"Nuo Nuo, what's the matter with you girl? I heard that you were hospitalized, so your sister and I quickly stewed some soup to see you!" Nan Yurou put the food box aside, then went to the bedside, with love on her face, "you shouldn't be too close to Yan Shenghan, do you see what happened now?"