Facing Jiang Beichen's anger, Shen Hao's smile is very brilliant, "Jiang Beichen, you can die at ease, your woman I will take care of for you!"

Jiang Beichen wants to stand up and let the disgusting man disappear, but he is tied with a rope and can't move.

The time on the bomb is getting less and less. Shen Hao finally has enough satire. He orders the people around him, "take this woman and let's go!"

The bomb is about to explode. Anyway, Jiang Beichen can't escape. There's no need to stay here and die with him.

Two men go to hold song Xiaoya and want to take her away.

"You let me go!" Song Xiaoya grabs Jiang Beichen's clothes and won't let go.

Her struggle, angered Shen Hao, "Song Xiaoya, I was so good to you, but you insist on my divorce, now Jiang Beichen is going to die, don't you give up?"

Song Xiaoya pours on Jiang Beichen and glares at Shen Hao, "you know how good you were to me at the beginning! You can never compare with him in life or death! "

After such a long time, this man is still disgusting as always!

After listening to song Xiaoya's words, Shen Hao suddenly laughed loudly, "ha ha ha! So what? He's going to die. Sooner or later, you'll be mine! "

After that, he will come to drag song Xiaoya.

The bodyguard came by, "boss, it's almost time. If you don't go, you can't go!"

Shen Hao took a look at the time of the bomb display on Jiang Beichen's body, hesitated for a moment, and his face was not reconciled.

There is a long corridor outside the secret room. It will take some time to get out. If you delay, you may be buried here together.

But He is not willing to let this woman go!

Originally song Xiaoya belonged to him, but he was robbed by Jiang Beichen. Now he can finally possess this woman without any scruples. Is he going to give up like this?

"Boss, it's too late!" The bodyguard reminded him seriously that if they want to survive, they must leave immediately.

Shen Hao reluctantly looked at Song Xiaoya, "do you really want to die with this man? Just follow me and you'll live! "

Song Xiaoya didn't even look at him. Her eyes stayed on the flashing number. She held Jiang Beichen and said, "Jiang Beichen, we're going to die together!"

Shen Hao angrily pushed away his subordinates, turned around and walked out, "since you want to die, I'll help you!"

After that, he left with someone.

Originally, he did not intend to let song Xiaoya live, but, before death can not get her, is always a pity.

But it doesn't matter. From now on, he can finally wash away all the humiliation, and never think of being trampled on.

Only Jiang Beichen and song Xiaoya were left in the secret room.

seeing that the time of twinkling is less and less, song Xiaoya calms down and is not afraid before.

It's just She reached out and touched her stomach. The child was not born and would die with her. She felt sorry for the child.

Jiang Beichen frowned and looked at her, a low voice sounded, "idiot, do you really want to die with me?"

Song Xiaoya didn't even think about it and nodded.

She couldn't imagine how she would survive if Jiang Beichen died alone.

Jiang Beichen's black eye son, tightly stares at her to look at, "if we all died, stinky boy how to do?"

"I..." At the thought of her child, song Xiaoya's tears came down. She shook her head, "I don't know..."

From now on, she can't grow up with zixie. She's sorry for zixie and even more for the unborn baby.

However, she can't leave Jiang Beichen to live alone, she can't do it!

If the person with the bomb is her now, Jiang Beichen will certainly make such a choice.

"In your heart, I am more important than smelly boy?"

Smell speech, song Xiaoya a Leng, this all when, this man is still jealous unexpectedly, "this all when, you still think this kind of thing, really naive!"

Song Xiaoya's tears are still flowing down, but she is not so depressed when she hears Jiang Beichen's sour problem.

A few minutes later, they will be blown to pieces, Jiang Beichen at this time is still concerned about him and baby who is more important!

Jiang Beichen's eyes have been stopped on her face, expression is very serious, "just because we are going to die, I want to hear your answer more!"

"Jiang Beichen, you are..." Song Xiaoya wiped a tear, do not know what to say.

Is this really more important than life and death?

Jiang Beichen lowered his head and said to her in a low voice, "wife, tell me who is more important to you, me and smelly boy."

Song Xiaoya bit her lip for two seconds, then replied, "you..."These two people are the most important people in her life. It's really difficult for her to choose a more important person.

But now life and death, she felt that Jiang Beichen was more important, although this answer was a little sorry for zixie.

But it doesn't matter. They're going to die anyway.

The last thing left is the news of her pregnancy. In this case, telling Jiang Beichen will only make him more painful.

Song Xiaoya touched her stomach, but she didn't open her mouth with tears. She didn't want to make Jiang Beichen sad before she died. Let's treat it as an eternal secret.

Only the last minute, song Xiaoya lying in Jiang Beichen's arms, "Jiang Beichen, do you have anything else to say?"

Jiang Beichen looked at the woman in her arms very much, "what do you want to say?"

Song Xiaoya suddenly raised her head and whispered: "Jiang Beichen, I love you!"

In the past, she was always coquettish, and the couple was always passive in their feelings. She was never embarrassed to speak.

But now, it doesn't matter. She's not afraid of anything.

Jiang Beichen's eyes showed a touch of joy, and his cold face was full of proud expression, "well, I know!"

After a pause, song Xiaoya said, "Jiang Beichen Don't you want to say anything to me? "

This man has always been very domineering. He would ask for what he wanted, but he seldom said those three words to her directly. Even when he proposed, he only told her to marry him.

She knows Jiang Beichen's disposition, does not like that kind of affectation, moreover, the real emotion is also not on the lips..

But now, if he doesn't say it again, there will be no chance.

At this time, she really wants to hear, otherwise, she will die