"Eat." He then put the cell phone away, and then looked at her with a smile.

On the first night back from s City, eat more. Only when you get home can you do your wife's duty!

Ginger North Chen evil smile, returned to own seat.

Song Xiaoya stands in the same place full of resentment and looks at him for a while. Then she has to admit her life and go back to the dining table to sit down.


on the other side, inside the Roman restaurant.

The atmosphere is very good, and the environment is very elegant. Zhou Heng gallantly helped Milan to serve food and wine, while Milan sat there quietly, silent and unresponsive, as if there was nothing to say.

For her, it's just an ordinary meal.

"I want to give you a present." Zhou Heng put down the wine cup in his hand, and then clapped his hand. Magically, a rose appeared in his hand.

This is to let Milan a little surprised, some new look, did not expect Zhou Heng will magic.

"Do you like it?" Seeing some reaction on Milan's face, Zhou Heng began to ask triumphantly.

"I didn't expect you to do that again." Milan quickly recovered the indifferent expression, still deliberately maintaining the distance between the two people.

"For you." Zhou Heng gently smile, very gentleman's hand rose to her in front.

But Milan didn't take it with their hands. Instead, they apologized and said politely, "I'm sorry, I'm allergic to pollen."

"Oh?" Zhou Heng leaned on the table, looking at her expression playfully, "and this kind of thing, why have I never heard of it?"

In fact, Zhou Heng has been chasing Milan since a long time ago, but he has been interested in her for some time. He has investigated all the information of Milan in detail, but he never knew that she had allergic reaction to pollen.

Obviously, Milan are deliberately alienating him.

"Maybe the weather has changed a lot. I'm tired recently, so I'm allergic to pollen." Milan went on without a hurry.

Zhou Heng nodded, then took back the rose and threw it into the garbage can. "Since you don't like it, don't want it."

"How about we have this drink?" He raised the glass in front of him.

Milan looked at him and this time picked up the glass in front of him.

She knew that Zhou Heng wanted to intoxicate her, but since she entered the entertainment industry, drinking was almost routine, and she had already practiced a good amount of drinking.

After a glass of wine, as soon as she put down the glass, the mobile phone in Milan's bag began to ring, and she subconsciously wanted to take it out.

"At this time, you'd better not answer the phone. It's very disruptive." Zhou Heng tried to stop her.

At this time, Milan had already held her mobile phone in her hand. When she saw that it was song Tianyu, her face was excited and immediately couldn't hide, "sorry, I need to answer the phone. I'm afraid I'll be called in case of emergency."

"Well, please." As soon as Milan said it was a staff member, Zhou Heng agreed.

"Hello, Tianyu, what can I do for you?" Milan asked when he got on the phone.

"Today is my sister's birthday, but her mobile phone has been turned off. I can't get through to her, so I want you to say happy birthday to her for me."

Milan then knew that today was the birthday for Xiaoya. She replied honestly, "now Xiaoya is not with me. She should have gone back to where she lives."

"How could she not be with you?" Song Tianyu asked with some worry.

"We're back in city a now, so we're separated." Milan promised song Xiaoya, so they didn't mention Jiang Beichen.

Hearing Milan say that they have returned to city a, song Tianyu was immediately relieved.

He already knew about the lifting of the blockade in s city this morning, but it's still very chaotic now. Many people trapped in s city are in a hurry to leave, so the traffic is quite heavy.

Originally, he thought they would stay for a few days, but he didn't expect that they had come back to city A.

"Well, since you are not together, I won't disturb you. I'll call Xiaoya later." Song Tianyu is about to hang up.

"Tianyu Can you come and pick me up? " Milan hesitated for a moment and then said with courage.

Zhou Heng has been staring at her with his eyes, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"I I'll have something to do later. " Song Tianyu hesitated for a while, then refused her.

"I see." Milan couldn't help laughing bitterly. He still didn't want to see her.

When the phone was about to be hung up, Zhou Heng looked at the food and red wine on the table, and finally said to Milan, "Lan Lan, after the phone call, let's continue!"

The voice is a little impatient, but also a little obscene.

Song Tianyu on the other side of the phone immediately heard him and asked, "where are you now?"Milan hesitated for a moment, then looked at Zhou Heng who raised his glass to urge him, and hung up the phone.

"Lan Lan, let's have another drink!" Zhou Heng said to her with a smile.

Milan had to pick up the cup and have another drink with Zhou Heng.

At this time, song Tianyu was driving on the road.

After he asked, Milan didn't answer and hung up the phone. Song Tianyu was in a hurry and almost hit the car next to him. Fortunately, he controlled the direction in time.

His hand clenched the cell phone, and his face was a little pale. For a moment, he heard a man's voice calling her "Lan Lan".

She is dating a man now.

Although song Tianyu knows that one day, she is no longer his girlfriend and will meet the right man for her, his heart is aching when this day comes.

At this time, he found that he still did not put it down, he was still very concerned.

After a long time, he still can't forget Milan, the woman who has hurt him a lot.

When he was sad, his mobile phone suddenly rang again, there was a note tone.

It was a short message from Milan. He quickly opened it and looked at the content. It said the address of a restaurant named Roman.

Milan didn't want to drink too much, but then they began to drink crazily, and finally got drunk.

She took a look at the time on her mobile phone, then stood up and said to Zhou Heng, "thank you for your invitation. It's getting late. It's time for me to go back."

"It's not safe for girls to go home alone. I'm just driving here. I can take you home by the way. We can get to know each other better on the way." Zhou Heng put down his glass and stood up.

Milan, of course, knows the hint in Zhou Heng's words. She politely refuses, "Mr. Zhou, don't bother you. My boyfriend will come here soon to pick me up."