Song Xiaoya sat in the car, and finally couldn't help asking the question that she didn't dare to ask yesterday, "you said you did something to hurt my brother, what is it?"

Her brother didn't say anything, so she had to ask her.

Milan looks pale, "I..."

"If you don't make it clear, there's no way to solve it. You don't want to go on like this all the time, do you?" She advised her.

She sympathizes with Milan and loves her brother, so she wants to help solve the problem. The premise is that she needs to know what happened before she can find a way.

Milan hesitated painfully for a while, then nodded to her, "OK, I'll tell you."

Song Xiaoya immediately put up her ears to listen.

Milan lowered his head, stroked his stomach with his hand, and then summoned up the courage to say, "I used to We killed our children... "

After that, her body began to shake.

Although things have been over for a long time, but every time I think about it, her heart is too painful to breathe.

As soon as the words came out, the car immediately quieted down, leaving only Milan's sobs from time to time, while song Xiaoya stared at her

The car was completely quiet. Song Xiaoya opened her eyes and looked at Milan with her mouth open.

Beat the baby out! Such a serious matter, no wonder his brother will be so painful, has refused to forgive her.

"Why are you doing this?" Song Xiaoya also has some anger, how to say is also her song family's child.

"I was just entering the film and television industry, and my career was just beginning. I didn't want to disappear because of my children. So for the sake of my career, I chose to sacrifice my children. " Milan wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said with regret.

Only after that did she know that song Tianyu was ready to propose to her, and even the wedding ring was ready.

But everything so beautiful was destroyed by her own hands.

At that time, she was still very young, with childishness. She didn't know what was the most important thing in the world for her. She was confused for a moment and made the decision to regret her life.

Over the years, she has paid a huge price for her mistakes. She lost not only her children, but also her lover. The one who loved her the most was now the one who hated her the most.

Quite the reason for the matter, song Xiaoya also silent, her heart also has some uncomfortable.

Before he became a father, he experienced the pain of losing his son ahead of time. How sad her brother should have been at that time, it's hard to imagine how he survived.

"I regret it. I regret it when I walk out of the operating room..." Milan covered his face with his hand, sobbing, "I'm sorry for him..."

"Xiaoya, please help me. I really love Tianyu. In recent years, when I was filming, I never got close to an actor and had no affair. I just hope he can see me and I will never forget him.... "

Milan took song Xiaoya's hand and turned to song Xiaoya with the last prayer in her eyes full of tears, just like seizing the last hope.

Song Tianyu refused to see her. Now I'm afraid only song Xiaoya can help her.

At this time, song Xiaoya understood a lot of questions and knew why Milan always put on such a cold appearance in front of the public.

She felt some sympathy for the poor woman in front of her.

Although she made a mistake and killed her brother's child, she should be hated, but at the same time, she is also a poor person, who has paid the price for her behavior.

She couldn't disguise the way she cried. She must be very sorry.

Song Xiaoya suddenly softened. She made up her mind and nodded to her, "don't worry, I will help you!"

She knows that she helped not only Milan, but also her brother song Tianyu.

For so many years, her brother has never started a new relationship, but also secretly pay attention to the situation of Milan, obviously, he still can't let Milan go.

It's not that he doesn't love her, but that he can't forget that she knocked out the child.

Milan heard that song Xiaoya was willing to help her, and cried with excitement, holding her shoulder and crying very sad, "Xiaoya, I know I'm wrong, I will never hurt him again."

When song Xiaoya came home, song Tianyu had finished the meal. Seeing her coming back, he asked, "Xiaoya, what are you doing out there?"

Song Xiaoya pretended to be very casual to answer him, "just went out to throw a garbage, and chatted with a person I knew by the way."

At this time, seeing song Tianyu, and remembering the news just heard, song Xiaoya only feels that her brain is still buzzing and can't calm down.

"Who do you know, your classmate?" Song Tianyu asked casually, and then took off his apron.

Song Xiaoya to him, some mischievous said, "this person and you are more familiar, you guess who?"

There is a certain age gap between brother and sister, and song Tianyu's friends are not familiar with song Xiaoya. Song Tianyu shook his head and said he couldn't guess.Sonya told him, "look at his face

Sure enough, song Tianyu's expression changed immediately when he heard the name of Milan.

Leng for a moment, he returned to the original expression, silently put the breakfast on the table, "your fried eggs are ready, eat it quickly."

Song Xiaoya is not in the mood to pay attention to fried eggs. She comes up to him and says, "don't you want to ask, how can Milan appear in front of our house?"

"I don't want to." Song Tianyu sat down on the sofa, looking indifferent, but his fingers trembled slightly behind his back.

Song Xiaoya didn't give up. She secretly looked at his expression, and then sighed, "she wants to see you, but she's afraid you're angry, so she doesn't dare to come in front of the door."

Song Tianyu did not speak, just quietly eating his breakfast, the line of sight pressure is very low, perhaps, he is afraid that his eyes betray his heart.

If she can't see through others, her brother knows better.

Although he doesn't care, song Xiaoya still uses her eyes to find the evidence that song Tianyu loves Milan.

At home, song Tianyu is responsible for cooking, while song Xiaoya is responsible for washing the dishes when he is full, and then he talks about Milan.

In the afternoon, song Xiaoya is ready to go back to her room to show off and have a sleep. The mobile phone in her bag rings again.

She thought it was Jiang Beichen who began to recite the mantra again. As a result, when she saw the number, it was Qiao runzhe.

This makes her a little surprised, that bastard actually has the face to call her? Did you want to call her and insult her when you scolded her last time?