Tonight, it's the customized fashion show of the early spring series next year. The person who personally takes part in the show is Yaheng, the young boss of the top manufacturing group in the clothing industry, and the man who is known as the prince of fashion circle. He has superb business acumen and outstanding talent. In his hands, any kind of color cloth can become a gorgeous dress for everyone.

It's an honor to be here tonight.

In the morning, Xia Wan is still going to the company to report. She can only go in the evening, just in time for the opening.

The two kids followed Xu Xiaotian to the company first. At the moment, a group of children are resting in a rest room, watching animation movies, and being coaxed by various toys. The two kids are also among them. Their mixed blood faces are very distinctive.

Xu Xiaotian also stepped out. Her job today is to do chores. She is a person who serves tea and water in the backstage and is recruited.

"Xiaotian, Linda wants coffee. You can send it to the lounge on the 8th. Remember, the 8th Come on, she'll have a meeting later. " Very busy backstage home, anything, need to be emphasized once more, otherwise, it is likely to go wrong.

"OK, I know number eight!" Xu Xiaotian immediately answered in a loud voice, carrying a cup of fresh, hot, and very fragrant coffee to the eighth lounge.

"Eight, eight..." Xu Xiaotian murmured, the foot of the wind, eager to take small steps, in the passage of people shuttle road.

At this time, she saw her boss in front of the way, she certainly can't let the director get out of the way! She had to be clever to get past. However, the coffee in her hand suddenly fell to a dark gray meat wall. Although she tried to hold it, the gray water stains spilled from the coffee still splashed on the man in front of her.

Xu Xiaotian's breathing is short, little by little along the dark gray high-grade clothing to look up, this look, she almost fainted, my God! Avoid the director, but don't want to, or avoid big boss Yaheng.

His iceberg like face was rather ugly, and his dark eyes were staring at her, like two cold swords.

Her coffee juice spilled on Yaheng's top vest.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Xu Xiaotian was so scared that she felt that she was about to hear a sentence that you were fired.

See the man's slender fingers, immediately took a handkerchief next to him, very calm wipe his vest, over Xu Xiaotian, cold voice way, "find me a new vest."

"Yes, boss."

"Xu Xiaotian, you don't want to mix. You dare to spill coffee on the boss." At this time, her boss, a woman with gold glasses, came to pull her.

"I'm sorry, director. I didn't mean to." Xu Xiaotian said with a face of panic.

"You're lucky he didn't let you go at once."

Xu Xiaotian also took a breath. How lucky!

Looking at the boss whose face is also very bad, she thought to herself, just now, she just chose to change the way in order to protect the high-grade dress on her body, and then she spilled it on Yaheng!

After delivering the coffee, Xu Xiaotian was told by Linda that she was not interested in drinking the spilled coffee.

Xu Xiaotian took a breath and hid in a small corner for a breath. Her work seemed tall outside. She was dealing with the top people in the clothing industry. But God knows, she was very tired and embarrassed when she was called into a little sister by them.

What's more, they are facing the end of being fired at any time.

However, Xu Xiaotian feels that she has lived through a great disaster in her life today. She spilled it on Yaheng, but she was not fired. It is said that this man is a very strict and meticulous man. He is famous for his strictness and can't make any mistakes.

Maybe he's in a good mood today, so he doesn't care about her!

Xu Xiaotian sent a message to Xia Wan to come as soon as she got off work. Don't miss the baby's show.

At the moment, Yaheng has put on a new vest in the No.1 lounge, and a gold wire vest beside him is picked up by him and thrown into the garbage can. He doesn't like the soiled clothes. Even if he washes them, he won't wear them again.

"Boss, do you want to fire the little clerk just now? She should not stay like that." One side of the man, want to let him Jieqi.

Yaheng's eyes narrowed, thinking of the small face just now, inexplicably, his endurance to oriental girls is better, he said faintly, "today, I need hands, even if it's OK."

"All right." The man went out, and Yaheng picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to ISI, telling him that he must come early.

ISI replied, "try my best. I'm in the presidential palace now."

Yaheng was speechless and had to say, "anyway, you must be here tonight."

"I understand." Replied ISI.

At the moment, Xia Wan in the company obviously feels that Della is not happy with her. Even if she says hello to her, she pretends not to hear it. Instead, she turns around and talks to her assistant.And Della's assistant is also a gossip person. Soon, the whole company knew that Xia Wan was not liked by della. Many people, seeing Xia Wan, put on airs, as if they were close to Xia Wan, and they would feel bad luck on her.

Xia Wan is also very helpless. Fortunately, her transfer is the decision of the top management. If della doesn't find her fault, she can't be fired immediately.

Therefore, the three orders in her hand seem to be related to whether she can continue to work here.

Dora came in from the outside with the ingredients and said angrily, "what's the matter with these people? I've been whispering about you all the way. "

"What did they say about me?" Xia Wan asked with a curious smile.

"It's all about you. You come in depending on the relationship of the upper class. You don't have any real material and dare to be the chief flavorer."

After hearing this, Xia Wan laughs, "let them have a chat! Don't be angry. We can't control other people's mouths when we are angry. On the contrary, we make ourselves feel stuffy. "

Dora felt right and put down her basket. "Sister Xia, I've got all the raw materials you need."

After checking, Xia Wan found that one bottle was missing. She believed that Dora didn't take it all. Maybe even the people in the raw material warehouse were making trouble for her.

"Dora, you get off work first. I'm going to a place later."

"All right! Don't be too busy, sister Xia. "

"Well! All right

At about 5:30 in the evening, Xia Wan got out of the garage. She didn't want to miss the children's performance. Moreover, the afternoon was also a rush hour, and there was a serious traffic jam.

Xia Wan also expected the jam, but she didn't expect it to be so serious. It was almost six o'clock, but the front was still motionless, and the show hall was about to stop entering at half past six.

Xia Wan made some progress in the long dragon. As night fell, the venue of the show was not far away from the art museum. She killed a path from the side and passed it. When she saw the time, it was 6:22 and there were eight minutes left.

Her heart began to jump, tightening a string of her, the foot of the accelerator immediately stepped down.

When she got into the parking lot, the front of her car was immediately blocked with a motorcade that was also coming. Seeing the two front of her car, she had a kiss. Although it wasn't a heavy kiss, Xia Wan saw that it was a grey gold Rolls Royce car in the color of limited edition.

Her head blows, and the driver of the other party has already pushed open the door to get off. Xia Wan is short of breath, so she quickly pushes the door to get off. She also wants to make sure that it's not serious.

Otherwise, it's enough for her.

Xia Wan got out of the car, and the middle-aged driver took a look. As both of them retreated, he could see clearly the severity of the impact.

Simply, just a few shallow traces.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll pay for your loss." Xia Wanxian admits her mistake because she is really the responsible party.

The driver was a smile, "you wait a moment, I ask my master, such as damage, should not want you to compensate."

Is Xia Wan really happy? That would be great.

But don't know, in her surprise smile, in the dark car, a pair of dark blue eyes, slightly shocked looking at her.

Sitting in the back seat, it was ISI who came. He didn't expect to meet the woman he met in the bar last time.

Besides, she hit his car.