"Well, how can I go back to bed so early when I travel? It's a waste of time."

"Yes, I'll have to hang out a little longer."

"Which night market will you go to first? I heard that Chatuchak, huaikhwang, asiatique and Khaosan are all very good night markets. I checked the strategy before I came here."

"One by one, it's too late anyway."

"Let's go to Chatuchak tonight. It's said that there are a lot of local products and funny ornaments. The most important thing is that you can buy real Goodman."

"I've wanted to buy one for a long time."

"Goodman boy? What is it? " The other three looked curious.

"You don't know about gumentong. I'm here to popularize science for you today."

"Gumantong is a sacred object from Southeast Asia with a history of more than 100 years, also known as golden boy or Buddha boy."

"It's made of different materials to look like a child. After the blessing of eminent monks or mages, the soul of the child who died by abortion or accident can be moved in."

"And make them have magic power to take care of and help their dependents, so that they can live and work in peace and contentment, achieve what they want, and accumulate happiness for themselves and future generations."

"Gumantong takes incense as his staple food and has a good nature. When people support him, he must make good use of his mana to benefit mankind and accumulate merits, so that he can reincarnate and become a man or a God in the next time."

"It's said that it's super effective. Two years ago, a colleague in our company worked very hard, but he didn't have a good life and didn't do anything well. When he was about to succeed, some accidents would happen, leading to failure."

"Later, he provided for a Guman boy, and everything went well from then on. In just two years, he became a big boss with assets of over 100 million, not to mention much success."

"True or false?"

"Really, if you don't believe it, look at his circle of friends, the people they contact now are different from us. They have already entered the upper class, and they go in and out of those tall places all day."

"My cousin has been infertile for ten years, and she almost has no hope of having a child. Last year, she came here to travel and support a Guman child. Now all the children are born. Do you think it's magic?"

"Really or not, such an evil family?"

"Really, look at her baby. How lovely." The girl went through her circle of friends for a while.

"I didn't believe in these magical things at first, but now I can't help believing it."

"So I also want to support one when I come out to play this time. It's better to be effective. If not, there will be no loss. It's a kind of spiritual sustenance."

"Where can I get it?"

"Many shops in the night market sell them, but it's hard to distinguish between true and false. Fortunately, my cousin gave me an address, so I can buy them."

"If it's so amazing, I'll support one. Let's go and have a look."

Several girls discussed while eating, and after eating, they said they would go to the store.

"Mom, let's go and have a look." As soon as Su mantong took her mother who had not finished eating, she went out.

"What are you looking at?" Su's mother was confused. She just concentrated on her meal and didn't listen to the chat.

"What is that Goodman boy?"

"What gumman boy?"

"Let's go and have a look. If it's really so amazing that I can have a baby, that's great."

"Who blessed you to have children?" Mother Su is still confused.

Su mantong no longer explained, holding her mother's hand, she quickly shuttled through the crowd, following the girls in front of her.

Several people came to a shabby shop and stopped. Compared with other shops, the shop was a little lonely and had few customers.

There are all kinds of strange small ornaments on the shelves of the store, especially the dolls made of various materials, which look very strange.

There was only one old woman in the shop. Her skin was a little dark, her eyes were deeply sunken, her face was full of immortal wrinkles, like old bark and deep ravines. In a word, the old woman looked strange and frightening.

The old man was not very enthusiastic when he saw the guests coming in, and what he and other stores didn't have to say was not English or Chinese, but Thai.

The girl who took the lead to communicate with the old man in English. The old man couldn't understand them at all. She looked at them with deep sunken eyes but didn't speak. It made her feel fluffy.

"What if she doesn't understand us?"

"Fangfang, let's go. I think this shop is strange. It's cold and quiet. There are no customers. It's scary."

"Yes, those dolls look so funny. I'm a little scared."

"Fangfang, let's go. Don't buy such evil things."

Fangfang also left under the persuasion of her friends. In fact, she was just stared at by the old man, and she was a little scared.

After several people left, Su mantong took Su's mother and went in together. He communicated with the old man in fluent Thai and said what he wanted to buy.

After a while, the old man handed her a doll, and then muttered something. Then he stared at her with sunken eyes and gave her a smile. It was just that Su mantong thought her smile was strange.

After she got the things, she didn't dare to stay much longer and quickly left with her mother.

Mother Su couldn't understand what her daughter was saying. After she came out, she asked curiously, "this little doll is what you said about gumentong. What do you want to buy it for?"

According to Fangfang's words, Su mantong explained to Su's mother the role of gumantong.

"Is it true? Is it so amazing?"

"If you don't know whether it's true or not, just take it as a psychological comfort, in case it really comes true."

"What did you just say to the old woman?"

"She told me something about the methods and taboos of providing for the Guman children. She also said that her Guman children are very effective. As long as they are provided by heart, no matter what wishes will come true."

"Any wish can come true?"

"That's what she said. Who knows if it will come true?"

"That wants to curse a person to die early, can realize?"

Su mantong suddenly turned back and looked at his mother in shock.

"Ma, what do you want to do?"

"No... no, I'm just asking!"

Su mother face some embarrassed explanation: "you don't want to find Wenwan revenge, we will live our own in the future."

"Now I just want to have a good life with Mo Chen and give her another child. I don't want to be entangled with Wen Wan any more."

"In the future, we will complement each other and go our own way. It's very good."

"You don't want to have the idea of revenge. If the police find out what happened before, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"After these things, I can probably feel the gentle mood. When her father died, her sadness and pain should not be less than mine."

"What's more, you have to do good things to support gumenton, but you can't do bad things. Don't think about it any more."