Su wennuan clenched his fist with one hand and covered his face with the other. He knelt down in the same place as if he had been silly.

"Girl, let me see if the injury is serious?"

"Go away, don't touch me, you murderer!"

"Father Fang is right. I killed Cheng Zhe. If he hadn't saved me at the beginning, he wouldn't have died miserably now." Su wennuan covered her face with tears in her eyes and pushed Fang mujin's hand away.

Fang mujin was annoyed by her attitude of no distinction between right and wrong, but she put up with it and said to her, "you've seen it. Now come home with me!"

Su wennuan didn't say anything. She followed him unhappily. Now she wants to know what Fang Guoqing put in her hand. Is it the evidence of Fang mujin's murder?

But since there is evidence, why not give it to the police, why give it to her?

Only when you go home can you know what you are holding in your hand.

They had nothing to say all the way. When they got home, Su wennuan shut himself in the room for the reason that he was in a bad mood. Only then did he dare to open his hand to see what was in his hand.

I saw that her palm was full of sweat, even the USB flash disk in her hand was wet.

Is it a USB flash drive? Is it really the evidence of Fang mujin's crime?

But now she doesn't have a computer. How can she read it?

Two days later, Su wennuan finally found a chance. Fang mujin went to work in the company. At 4 p.m., Wang Ma took Tang Tang and Tian Tian back from the kindergarten.

The two children were playing in the garden. When they saw her, they immediately calmed down. They were pinching and pushing each other, as if they wanted to come and talk to Su Nuan, but they didn't dare.

Daddy told them that mommy was ill and didn't remember many people and forgot her babies, so now they want to be close to Mommy but dare not.

Because Mommy doesn't seem to like them. When she sees them, she either ignores them or frowns.

"You go..."

"No, baby is afraid... Brother is going..."

"I went yesterday, and it's my sister's turn to go today..."

"Go and ask Mommy if she thinks of us..." the two children pushed each other, and they didn't dare to come forward.

Su wennuan looked at the shy, timid and pitiful appearance of the two children. She couldn't bear it. She heard that the boy was not her own, but the little girl was probably her own, but she couldn't remember.

If she is really her own daughter, is it too cold to ignore her like this.

Thinking about this, Su wennuan took the initiative to walk past, and asked in a gentle voice: "what are you playing?"

The two children's eyes widened in surprise. Mommy took the initiative to talk to them.

"Warm Mommy, do you think of the baby?" Tang Tang looked at himself with a pair of big watery eyes.

Su wennuan gently shook his head, looked at the disappointed eyes of the children, and took the initiative to say: "what are you playing, can I play with you?"

"Yes, of course!"

"We're earthworms at the table. We'll feed the ducklings later!" Tang Tang said mischievously stretched out his hand, only to see his small claws lie two earthworms are fast struggling peristalsis.

Although Su wennuan was not afraid of these things, he felt sick after seeing them.

"No more earthworms. Let's wait for something else."

"OK, Mommy, how about watching cartoons with us?"


The three entered Tang Tang's children's room together. Tang Tang turned on his computer and searched a cartoon. The two children watched it with relish.

No, the two children ran out. The two little monkeys couldn't sit still. One had to go to the toilet, the other had to go out to get food. Su wennuan was the only one left in the room, holding the computer to watch cartoons.

Somehow, she suddenly thought of the USB flash disk Fang Guoqing gave him in the cemetery that day. Now use this small computer to play it, don't you know what's inside?

Su wennuan immediately ran back to his room, and quickly took the USB flash disk to Tang Tang's room, locked the door, nervously inserted the USB flash disk into the computer.

The picture is a video on the way to the hospital. She sees Fang mujin enter Fang Chengzhe's room, and they seem to have a dispute. Then Fang mujin's bodyguard breaks his left leg with a baseball bat, and then Fang mujin hits him with her own hand.

Su wennuan looks at Fang Chengzhe and faints in pain. She covers her mouth in shock and can't believe everything in front of her.

Now the authentication materials are in her hands. He can't help but admit it. She must give the evidence to the police and let the police arrest Fang mujin.

Su wennuan immediately logs on to the official website of the Public Security Bureau of the Imperial City, and then reports that Fang mujin is the murderer who killed Fang Chengzhe, and sends her report letter and video to the mailbox of the official website.

Then wait for the police to bring Fang mujin to justice!

"Cheng Zhe, I will avenge you!"

"Now I finally know why your father doesn't give the evidence to the police directly. He certainly doesn't want you to die in vain. He must want me to know the truth and then give the evidence to the police, so that I can get justice for you myself!"

"Don't worry, I understand uncle Fang's mind!" Su warm with empty eyes staring at the air, whispered to himself.

But I didn't know that the video Fang Guoqing gave her contained parrot virus. After playing it once, all the video content was destroyed within a few minutes. The police could only see a black screen when they opened the video.

He will not be stupid enough to let the police follow the video to find out that the real killer is pan Xueyao, and then he will be miserable.

After all, pan Xueyao was killed by him. Even if pan Xueyao killed his son, there are laws to punish him. It's not his turn to casually end other people's lives. Therefore, he can't let the police find the evidence of his killing, otherwise it may be him who will be imprisoned in the future.

Therefore, after waiting for two days, Su wennuan still didn't wait for the police to arrest Fang mujin. She guessed that Fang mujin's power was so powerful that she couldn't even help the police taking him. But she couldn't watch him go unpunished. She had to find a chance to avenge Fang Chengzhe.

"Miss Su, sir told you to go downstairs for dinner."

"I don't eat it!"

"I disdain to eat with a murderer." Su Nuan said coldly.

Wang Ma to the restaurant to convey the original words, Fang mujin after listening to just slightly frown, Fang mother can't stand this humiliation, only to see her slap chopsticks on the table, gas straight shiver.

"Mom, take it easy. She's just a little confused now. She's been cheated by bad people. I'll be fine after a while."

"Little confused? Oh, you have a big heart. You don't care if she calls you murderers all day long. I can't swallow that