She flashed a flashlight around the hole again. There was no stepping stone or anything to use. Her only hope was the hemp rope.

"I'll tie the rope to your waist. After a while, I'll climb up first and then pull you up. After a while, you must firmly grasp the rope, because I'm not sure if I can pull you!"

"Will you... Ignore me?" Just as Su wennuan put the rope on his waist, Fang Chengzhe suddenly pulled her wrist and asked seriously.

Su wennuan was stunned for a moment, then gave him a warm, firm and adoring look and said, "no! I don't care about you. Even if I'm going to die, I'll be here with you! "

At the end of the speech, she gave Fang Chengzhe a very emotional kiss on the forehead. She was not sure if she touched him. But she knew the plot needed to be done. If she saved him today and said a lot of love was better than Jin Jian, he would be moved. Then... Cough, maybe the money would be in hand!

Poor someone is really moved, but don't want all this is a woman deliberately said, pure routine.

And the routine of peace of mind, first, I really tried to save you, second, you want to kill me, I just lied to your feelings, compared with a life, it seems not too much.

Fang Chengzhe just looked at her and said nothing, then watched Su wennuan move clumsily and hard to grasp the rope to climb up.

"Cheng Zhe, you're ready. Hold on to the rope. I'm going to pull it up. Hold on to the rope." Su wennuan shouts at the entrance of the cave. Fang Chengzhe answers weakly, and she starts to pull up, but with the strength of sucking, the man below still doesn't move.

"No, I can't pull it. I can't pull it at all..."

Fang Chengzhe listened to Su wennuan's angry words, and his hope gradually faded. In fact, he knew that this method was not feasible for a long time. Although he was not fat, he also had 140 Jin. Su wennuan's thin girl was estimated to be 90 Jin. It was strange that she could pull him.

"Don't worry about this. You'd better go back and find someone to save me. Maybe there's still a glimmer of hope!"

Su wennuan listened to his weak words and didn't say a word. Instead, she bowed her head and thought of other ways.

Now it's obviously unreliable to go back along the road and find someone to save him. There are poisonous snakes in the cave. She can't walk there any more, but she has to walk around the cave and find a new way at the same time. It's time-consuming and laborious, and it's easy to get lost.

What's more, even if she finds her way back, it's still an hour's walk from the foot of the mountain to the resort, and then she can bring people to the resort. The mountain road is too narrow to drive, so the rescue workers have to walk to the resort. It's daybreak to get back and forth. Maybe when she takes people to the resort, Fang Chengzhe will be poisoned, and his body will be cold!

Fang Chengzhe, who is still in the cave, is living like a year. He doesn't know that Su wennuan is still trying to save her. He thinks she's really gone, but he's inexplicably upset and disappointed. He says that he will accompany him even if he dies. How can he leave without saying a word now? The woman's words can't be believed.

Just as he was thinking wildly, a dark shadow fell from the hole and hit his feet. Fang Chengzhe saw the thin, long and coiled things here and changed his face subconsciously. He really fulfilled that sentence: once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the well rope, and a cane scared him to almost pee.

Then the rope around his waist suddenly moved. Then he looked up and saw a dark figure crawling down awkwardly.

"Why did you come down again, not to find someone?" Fang Chengzhe's words contain a trace of anger and happiness, but he did not find it.

But Su Nuan said, "I said I won't leave you alone. I will die together!"

While speaking, she didn't give Fang Chengzhe time to react, so she picked up the cane on the ground, squatted in front of the man, and said in a crisp tone: "come up!"

"What for?"

"I carry you up, two hands can't pull you, maybe the strength of the whole body can carry you, no matter whether it's OK or not, I have to try first!"

At the end of the speech, Su wennuan, you don't look at Fang Chengzhe's shocked expression and don't give him time to grin. You stretch out your hand and pull her, let his hands around his neck, and then use rattan to wrap them tightly together, so as to save him from falling out of the air and falling to death.

Fang Chengzhe looked at her every move so seriously, so insisted, has been silent, not that he did not want to speak, but he did not know what to say, and even the guilt and shame in his heart continue to expand.

After su wennuan tied up, she grasped the rope tightly with both hands and was ready to stand up. She thought she could stand up with full strength, but she didn't stand up at first. Instead, she was strangled by the weight behind her. After all, the cane was too hard.

She tried to stand for several times, but she still couldn't do it. Fang Chengzhe had already given up: "forget it, you can go by yourself. You can't carry your back. Don't worry about me. I'll suffer all this for myself!"

Instead of giving up, Su wennuan comforted him and said, "believe me, I can do it. It's just a little bit too close. I have a sense of propriety!"

While talking, she took out some food and drink from her backpack, and said with a very optimistic smile: "eat something, you can carry it if you have strength, believe me!"

Fang Chengzhe looked at her as if she was joking, but Su wennuan really took a big bite and asked him from time to time if you want to have some, and then said, forget it, you can wait until it's on top, otherwise it will be heavier.

Fang Chengzhe looked at her and was still in the mood of joking. Instead of being angry, he thought she was more naughty and lovely than usual. She was really attractive.

Why didn't you find her good before? If he found out, he would not hate her, and what happened today would not happen.

"Well, eat and drink enough and start to work!" Su wennuan finished the last bite, holding the rope tightly with both hands, and stood up with enough strength.

"Ha ha, you see, I said I can, so you have to believe me!" The woman smiles happily, this kind of pure happy and smile is fascinating, just like a little girl who eats lollipop.

Fang Chengzhe listened to her happy laughter with a little bit of complacency, even with a slight hook lips, said: "well, I believe you!"

I don't know why I think her smile is so beautiful now. Her appearance is the same as before, but her soul seems to have changed. He seems to like her now, who is strong, brave and optimistic.