Empty hall, suddenly fell into a silence again, the needle can be heard.

Yunweiyang's words are like two sharp blades, which plunge into the heart of Yunlan and Yunchen. Although they have long expected that yunweiyang would not listen to them, especially Yunchen, yunweiyang was famous for his obstinacy in the organization.

If she didn't know, she would never step back.

It's going to rain and my mother is going to marry. No one can stop it.

"Come on, it's so far. You can't hide it, but you must remember that you can't hurt yourself at any time, otherwise, I will force her out at any time." Yunlan sighed helplessly, and finally made a compromise.

Since they know that yunweiyang already knows about it, they know that they can't stop it at all.

Since we can't stop her, we can only save her as much as possible.

Yunweiyang hanging in the heart of a big stone is finally falling, "you can rest assured, I will protect myself, now, you can tell me, waste city there in the end what the situation."

Cloud LAN and cloud dust two people looked at each other, did not expect, this wench is really vigorous and resolute, even a breath of opportunity do not give them.

Yunlan recounts the situation of the abandoned city. Because they are in a hurry to come back, the king's family is temporarily under house arrest, cutting off all contact with the outside world. The Baron's side also turns a blind eye. As long as there is no big noise, the Baron will not take care of it.

However, there is a group of forces ready to take advantage of the abandoned city to seize the site. After all, the Jing family is like a piece of fat, and everyone wants to share it. For these mobs, Yunlan don't have to worry too much. They have deep admiration for them, and they don't have to do anything at all.

Yun Weiyang took a deep breath, "that is to say, in addition to the Mu family and the Jing family, our cloud family also had a ghost, but now the information about this ghost, in addition to the letters and the mysterious cloud seal, there is no other clue?"

In those years, all the secret links, including those involved, seemed to be covered with a layer of ethereal veil, unable to let people see the truth under the veil.

But with their years of investigation, Yunlan seems to have finally poked a hole. Little by little, the light of the fire spread. The truth, which has been covered with dust for many years, gradually gathered into an invisible rope. The other end of the rope is the inner ghost of that year.

Although Yun Weiyang really couldn't figure out how the insane people could kill their blood related clansmen for their own selfish desires and spend the rest of their lives happily afterwards.

Won't he have nightmares at night? Won't you dream that those wronged souls will ask for his life?

Yunlan nodded: "when we came back, ah Chen and I checked the genealogy left behind, and we didn't find any name that matched Yunduo's, so, Yunduo Maybe it's just a symbol, not a name. "

Who is the seal of cloud pattern, the insider who has been hiding himself in disguise?

Originally, I thought that if I caught the people behind Jing Xuan and Mu's family, I could find the ghost of Yun's family. But I didn't expect that because of the limitations of the times and the fact that these old foxes were used to playing with eagles, they succeeded in concealing each other's identities.

Yunweiyang was silent for a moment. "Can you show me the pattern of the clouds?"

Yunlan took out his mobile phone, opened a photo and handed it to him, "this is what I took. I've sent someone to check it. It's just that all the things in Yunlan's family were burned down in those years. Basically, there was nothing left to look up, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope, we can't give it up."

Yunweiyang took the phone, the screen is a clear shot down the seal, the seal is a red cloud, although experienced years of corrosion, but still as bright as yesterday.

Yun Weiyang suddenly raised his eyes: "the color of the seal looks very new. Have you ever thought about checking the source of the seal paste?"

Cloud LAN a Zheng, seem to think of what, the eye bead son a bright, "you mean, this inkpad perhaps is what special material make?"

Yun Weiyang: "yes, it has been more than 20 years since the fire, but the pattern still looks so clear, and there is no trace of corrosion. Let's not say whether it is well preserved or not, the inkpad itself should be very good. Maybe some methods in those years can't find out the material of the inkpad, but it's not difficult to find out the current technical means, if it can Finding special materials may be a breakthrough. "

Yunlan immediately made a phone call and arranged for someone to decompose the composition of the inkpad. If the inkpad is indeed mixed with special ingredients, it is tantamount to opening a way for their investigation to continue to track.

After the call, Yunlan and they talked together for a while, until it was getting dark. Yunweiyang received Xiaobao's call and asked when she would go back. Then she realized that it was so late.

"It's getting late. Let's talk about it today. I I'll go back first and bring Xiaobao to see you another day. " Yun Weiyang tapped his finger on the screen of his mobile phone and said.Xiaobao is yunweiyang's own son. Yunlan and Yunchen already know about it. In sum, it's the blood of their family. They are uncles and naturally like it.

Yunlan: "well, I have nothing to do with it. Ah Chen, you can send the girl back."

Yunchen nodded: "I just went to the hospital. There's something wrong. Let's go."

Yun Weiyang is not stupid either. Of course, she can hear that Yunchen is worried about her accident, so she specially wants to send her back. She doesn't refuse either. Just on the way, she asks him something. Some words, she doesn't know how to ask in front of Yunlan.

Two people leave, the wind and snow is still very big outside, the cold wind is rolling snow pouring over, Yunchen holding a big black umbrella in his hand, most of them are covered in yunweiyang's head.

Yunlan and Shen Yue stood at the door, watching them get on the bus.

This scene, Yunlan had fantasized many times, now really see the two people on the car, he suddenly had a sense of separation.

Night has come, lights, Yunlan had in countless such cold nights, feeling alone, helpless, how many old dreams, were burned in the fire beyond recognition.

Shen Yue gently grasped his wrist. "It's cold outside. Let's go in."

Yunlan's eyebrows moved, and she turned her face and looked at Shen Yue. For so many years, no matter what time it was, this man was always by his side and became the only lamp in his lonely life.

"Do you regret it?" Cloud LAN asks him suddenly.