Because the distance is not far, the car will arrive soon.

After the car stops, song muyuan gets off the car first and opens the door for her. Shen Yanqi unfastens the seat belt, gets out of the car in a bit of a mess, and quickly walks into the coffee shop.

Because it's working time and there are few people in the coffee shop, Shen Yan habitually chooses a window seat because song muyuan likes it.

She remembered that she had seen a movie before. There was a line in the movie saying that if you really like someone, it's like living like that person after separation.

After leaving song muyuan, she found that some habits had already gone to the marrow.

For example, she often goes to the coffee shop and does nothing. She just sits by the window in a daze. Sometimes she watches the rain drop on the window lattice, sometimes she watches the clouds rise and fall, the sun sink and the moon rise

"A cup of blue mountain, no sugar, double milk..." Shen Yanqi almost opened his mouth subconsciously, but he suddenly felt that he had a lot to say and dropped his head wisely.

Song muyuan is partial to blue mountain. Shen Yanxi used to prepare coffee for him. He never had to worry about it. Since Shen Yanxi left, he never had the taste he wanted.

"Do you need anything else, miss?" The waiter asked with a smile.

As Shen Yanqi opened his mouth, song muyuan looked at the waiter, "latte, double sugar and double milk, thank you."

She doesn't like things that are too bitter, but because she often stays up late and works overtime, she can make her own coffee, only adding more sugar and milk.

The waiter asked a few questions and left.

The coffee came quickly. Shen Yanxi put the sugar and milk into the cup, stirred it gently, and said, "if Mr. Song has any questions, please. I'll go back to the company later."

Song muyuan looked at her, "it's not a big problem, just some details. You were in charge before, so you want to ask clearly."

Shen Yanqi hung his head, "well." Song muyuan's fingers are slightly stiff. In order to avoid her suspicions, she asks a few small questions, and Shen Yanxi answers them very well. When she first entered the company, although she was helped by song muyuan herself, after she entered the company, she never caused any trouble for song muyuan, and she rose step by step with her own strength.

Time goes by bit, until it's getting late, and light rain begins to float outside the window.

Shen Yanqi holds the cup with some residual temperature, and his eyes can't help looking out of the window. The rain drops fall on the lattice, just like jumping in her heart.

"It's getting late. It's time for me to go back..." Shen Yanxi put down the cup and slowly stood up.

Song muyuan straightened his back and his heart beat fast. "It's raining outside. I'll see you off."

Shen Yanxi shook his head. "Don't bother. There's a subway station nearby. I'll just take the subway. If there's any doubt on business, Mr. Song doesn't have to go there in person. Just ask your secretary to call me."

Song muyuan fingers slightly tight, thin lips pursed into a straight line, look dim down, "OK, that's to take you to the subway station, OK?"

It's a long way from the coffee shop to the subway station. Shen Yanxi has never been in the habit of taking an umbrella. She is so weak now. If she gets caught in the rain, she may have to get sick again.

Shen Yanqi's lips moved a few times. She knew that she shouldn't be greedy any more. But when she got to her mouth, she swallowed it back. She just nodded a little, "thank you." As soon as song muyuan was happy, he immediately got up. They came out of the coffee shop one by one, and the rain was getting heavier. Shen Yanqi instinctively wanted to step into the rain and drive the car. Song muyuan suddenly grabbed her wrist, "you wait here, I

drive the car."

After that, he ran straight to the direction of the car without waiting for Shen Yan to react. In the rain, the man was dressed in white and black pants. In the yellow light, he was very bright. Shen Yan looked at his back curiously. From the first moment she saw him, she found that he was much thinner. She wanted to ask if he had eaten on time,

was he tired from work and had stomach trouble again

But she has thousands of excuses to ask, but she lacks an identity to ask.

Black Bentley drives over quickly. The car stops. Song muyuan gets out of the car with a black umbrella and carefully delivers Shen Yanxi to the car. After Shen Yanxi gets on the bus, song muyuan returns to the bus. He is caught in a lot of rain, and his white shirt is half stuck on the bus. Shen Yanxi almost subconsciously reaches out and pulls open the storage box. She used to put dry

towels in his car, but when she opens the storage box, her fingers are stiff in the air.

A moment later, she took out a towel and put it on the armrest box. "You were in the rain just now. Wipe it."

Song muyuan's heart suddenly trembled, "good."

The car soon arrived at the subway station. It was raining heavily outside, but Shen Yanqi didn't want to stay any longer. He directly opened the door and ran in towards the entrance of the subway station.

Under the rain, the girl's thin body soon crowded into the crowd, but song muyuan's line of sight was always at the entrance of the subway station. I don't know how long it took him to restart the car. He didn't get into the rain. He drove the car to the exit of the subway station and waited quietly. He didn't know why he wanted to do it. He just didn't see her back safely. His heart was hanging, so he went to workI can't put it down.

About 10 minutes, a familiar figure came out of the subway station. The girl looked around at the exit of the subway station, and then slowly walked into the rain.

She did not run, as if the rain above her head did not exist, as if walking leisurely, trampling on the water, walking forward step by step. Song muyuan frowned and immediately followed her. Although she came out of the subway station and was not far away from the community, it took her more than ten minutes to walk back. Her thin body was drenched with rain, and she was very lonely under the rain.

When she got home, Shen Yanqi was tired. She found clean clothes and took a hot bath, but her head was full of song muyuan's face.

That person, clearly does not like her Why is she so persistent? She never wants what she can't get. She tells everyone that she doesn't like song muyuan any more. Even she thinks that she has cheated herself. But on many long cold nights, as soon as she closes her eyes, the cold and indifferent face of a man appears in her mind.

Shen Yanqi squatted down slowly, holding her knees in both hands, and letting the hot water fall from her head, she suddenly felt very lonely, as if she was alone in such a big world. In the world of song muyuan, she was always alone. Even if she left song muyuan, she was the only one in her world?