"I'll give you an appetizer, nah Dinner is coming. Don't fight with me for a while. I must fight hard today. " Wei Yao said.

Voice down, I saw deep in the roadway, a man dressed like a painting platter, head dyed with a pinch of red hair, is leading people towards the direction of the pub.

Seeing this, the guests of the tavern were so scared that they immediately settled the bill and left. If there is a real fight in this scene, it may cause people's lives. They'd better not stay here to make trouble.

"You You go. It's none of your business. You go. " The girl suddenly cried anxiously, but her face was as white as paper, and her body was shaking wildly.

Qin Yewen looks at the girl with complicated eyes. The girl is very scared, but at this critical moment, she doesn't want to involve them

I don't know why. At that moment, he suddenly felt that he wanted to protect this woman.

Qin Ye looked at the girl with a gentle smile on her face. "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

The girl was stunned. She immediately bit her lip and looked lonely. Then she shook her head. "No, I'll protect myself. You go first. You're not brother Long's opponent."

Qin Ye raised his eyes and glanced at the Dragon brother who was coming towards them. His face didn't change at all. He couldn't figure out these little characters. How could he be in the imperial capital?

"Master Yao What brings you here today? Which dog is so bland that he dares to offend our Lord Yao Brother Long's face is full of flattery.

Wei Yao glanced at him faintly, and his voice was cold: "guess."

It's a simple word, but it makes brother long sweat all over. Today, what kind of dog dares to offend this master? You know, this master's slap is enough to make him into mosquito blood, OK!

Damn it!

Brother Long's eyes suddenly swept, and his eyes fell on brother Kui, and his face suddenly became gloomy. "It's hard to live impatiently that you dare to offend Mr. Yao! Come on, get rid of them all! "

Kui GE's face faded in a moment. He looked at him in shock and fear. His back was sweating and he stammered: "brother long, it's not It's them who meddle first Is there something wrong? "

Brother Long's face trembled, and he said coldly, "you bastard, dare to quibble! Don't you kneel down and admit your mistake to Mr. Yao

Kuige was stunned, but he didn't dare to attack. What's the origin of Lord Yao? Even brother long is afraid of it!

Not much. At this time, brother Kui can't care so much. It's important to protect his life first.

Kui Ge was covered with flesh, but now he was kneeling on the ground with a plop, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yao. I'm wrong. I have eyes and don't know Taishan. I bumped into your old man. Please give me a fart, OK?"

Wei Yao suddenly gave a low sneer, "it's about the morality of the world, bullying weak women What kind of morality is that? Let go of you as a fart You really look up to yourself

The implication is that Kuige is not as good as a fart

Kui GE's face suddenly froze. "What do you want, Mr. Yao? I give this little sister No, can the lady apologize? "

Wei Yao glanced at him with no expression. The next second, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked Kui Ge in the heart. Kui Ge was kicked to the ground and couldn't even get up.

Then, Wei Yao stepped on Kui GE's abdomen and said in a cold voice: "if we didn't do it just now, she would be the one who was trampled at will. You scum, if I beat you once, it would be killing the people."

"Well, Mr. Yao, how can you do such a small thing yourself? How about he leave it to me?" Brother long wiped a cold sweat and immediately said.

Wei Yaomin pursed his lips, turned his head to look at the girl, and said in a deep voice, "it's up to you."

The girl was stunned, as if she did not expect that Wei Yao would let her decide. Her pale face was even more white. She tightly pursed her lips, and her head hung low. She didn't say a word.

Qin Ye couldn't see it any more. She said, "what can a little girl decide, just this group of scum, is it over if she can fight directly?"

Brother Kui and a group of his subordinates immediately knelt down to beg for mercy, but Wei Yao seemed to have heard nothing and said with no expression: "just do what he wants."

Brother long said with a flattering smile: "yes, what are you still doing? Didn't you hear Mr. Yao? Not yet

Wei Yao frowned and waved, "stay away. Don't scare the little girl."

Longerton nodded as if pounding garlic: "yes, pull this group of scum away from me, do it!"

After hearing this, brother Long's men did it immediately. Wei Yao didn't bother to pay attention to these people any more. He went back to his position and continued to drink. He didn't get loose. He was a little upset.

Qin ye said a few words to brother long and sent him away. But the girl was standing there all the time and didn't mean to leave."Girl, it's all right here. They don't dare to bully you any more. You can leave at ease." Qin night converged the cool color on his face and said with a gentle smile.

The girl bit her lip and whispered, "thank you May I have your name, please

Qin Ye was stunned, and his ears burned inexplicably. When it was over, how could I suddenly feel that my spring was coming

"Well, my name is Qin Ye. The fierce one just now is my friend." Qin night dry cough a, tone as far as possible calm mouth way.

The girl nodded, "my name is Shen Yanqi Thank you for saving me

Qin Ye silently read the name again and said with a smile, "it's a good name. Miss Shen doesn't have to be so polite. However, as a girl, you'd better not come to such a place in the evening."

Shen Yanxi said gratefully: "well, I see. Thank you very much today. Another day May I treat you to dinner as a thank you? "

Qin Ye immediately said: "of course, you wait..."

Qin Ye finished and walked toward the bar of the tavern. A few seconds later, he handed a torn note to Shen Yanxi, "this is my phone. You can call me if you have anything."

Shen Yanxi takes the note and thanks Qin ye again and again. Then he leaves the tavern.

Qin Ye stood alone in the street with the dark night, as if something had taken root in his heart, waiting for the moment when he broke the ground.

A few seconds later, shivering, he took out his cell phone and made a call. "Hello, sister-in-law Can you tell me, what is love at first sight