Chapter 685

Originally, when he came, he was full of heart and eyes, but now he hesitated.

I don't know why.

Maybe because I feel that I owe her, so I want to make up for it.

Maybe it's because I think I agreed with her, so I want to give her a good impression.

Maybe it's because he's afraid to face Tong Xinyi, who has become a stranger. Even if he catches someone, what can he do?

He used to feel that he could control Tong Xinyi because she loved him, but now after so many experiences, she is reborn, like a silkworm in the difficult molting, growth, breaking cocoon into a butterfly.

Such a childlike innocence makes him uncertain.

Silent for a long time, Qin Shuangning flight signs, "go back."

Xu Ming was stunned. He felt Qin Shuang's voice was feeble, as if he was too tired.


Qin Shuang returns in vain and gives up looking for Tong Xinyi.

He decided to give her purity, which is the only thing he can give, and what she needs most now.

What he does every day is to see the circle of friends, the places she went, the people she met and the scenery she saw.

Tong Xinyi's previous circle of friends can be traced back to half a year ago, but the latest circle of friends has been updated most frequently for such a long time.

Almost one or two a day.

Sometimes it's the shadow of trees flying outside the car. She said that there must always be one on the road between people and heart.

Sometimes it's roasted lamb leg and big bowl of tea. She said the mutton here is really delicious, but she didn't bring Li Fei.

Sometimes it's the blue sky, the sea and the golden beach. She said she wanted to be as free as a fish.

Words sometimes witty, sometimes bold, say what you want to say.

She has blown the wind in the northwest and stepped on the snow in the south of the Yangtze River. She has traveled a lot, seen a lot of scenery and appreciated the beauty of the world.

Do what you want to do and release your nature.

If she didn't see the circle of friends, Qin Shuang didn't know that Tong Xinyi was good at taking pictures. She liked spicy food. She would be depressed because she missed the sunrise, and she would think about what her children would be like in the future because she met a lovely child.

She's being herself.

——She felt that she had been very tired for so many years. She had been scrutinizing everyone's thoughts and taking care of other people's feelings. She had never been herself and really lived for herself. She wanted to do something she wanted to do.

Qin Shuang remembers what Tong Xinyi said to her mother.

Her grievances, tiredness, scruples and feelings are mostly for him. Now she has put everything down and wants to live for herself.

So she's changing and growing.

Such changes make Qin Shuang happy for her, but worried.

Happy her happiness, worried about her changes, she is no longer the former Tong Xinyi, she is unpredictable, she can not guess.

Qin Shuang is now turning the circle of friends every day. In order to keep up with the changes of Tong Xinyi, she has to figure out a punctuation mark for a long time.

Qin Luo came in, "second brother."

Qin Shuang saw that it was him, holding a mobile phone to quickly say, "you come to have a look at this."

Qin Luo looks at it suspiciously. It's a small bridge with a boat in a canopy. Tong Xinyi is wearing a pink and blue cheongsam. The unique design of the cheongsam outlines her concave and convex figure, which also sets off her skin.

Without the usual glasses, the eyelashes are long, the eyebrows are gentle, and the white face has the unique mellow beauty of Oriental women.

She was holding a teacup and smiling at the end.

Qin Luo glared, "this is the second sister-in-law! It's so beautiful to go out! "

Qin frost speechless white he one eye, "I am not to let you see her float not beautiful, I am to let you see, don't you think this picture is very strange?"

Qin Luo has a serious look, "I see beautiful, which strange?"

Qin Shuang angrily pointed to Tong Xinyi, "no! Tong Xinyi used to take pictures of scenery or food. She occasionally took a selfie. Why did she take a full body photo now? "

In this way, Qin Luo also felt that he had never seen it before. He suddenly sent out one. He touched his chin, "it seems to be."

But in a twinkling, Qin Luo said, "it's not strange for others to take a picture!"

"No!" Qin Shuang stares at Tong Xinyi's smile on the photo again, "you look carefully, her action of raising a cup to offer tea, her smile, it feels like someone you know on the other side!"

"... any?" Qin Luo really didn't see it.

"Really, my gut tells me it must be a man! Do you think Miss tong can travel and know someone? She seldom goes out, but don't be cheated... "

Looking at Qin Shuang pointing to her mobile phone, Qin Luo can't stand it any more, just like an old woman, "when you are a three-year-old child, are you cheated?"

Qin Shuang chokes. Seeing that Qin Luo is out, she puts down her cell phone.

He thought to himself, it's not easy to be cheated. What he's afraid of is that she's attracted to others. It's said that her peers are the most easily attracted

Qin Shuang was worried again, but even if he was worried again, he had to bear it. He could only comfort himself that tongxinyi would not like him for so many years if he was so easily moved. But that's the problem. Now she feels that she wants to cut off the past and start a new life. Does she want to put him down? Qin Shuang so uneasy, brush to the key point of tongxinyi journey. She said the last stop was the Tibetan palace. Qin Shuang is so happy that she is finally coming back. She is so excited that she is full of hope to wait for Tong Xinyi to come back. As a result, she brushes her latest circle of friends. Tibetan Plateau is a vast expanse of blue sky, with mountains and snow in the distance and the majestic Bula palace nearby. Tong Xinyi changed her style again. She wore a Tibetan girl's robe and stood in front of the Sutra tube with her hands folded in a pious manner. What is the reason for copywriting? What is the result? Cause and effect cycle, love and hate entanglement, no cause and no result! It's all obsession, it's broken! You can't break it! The words of the Buddha are beyond understanding. In the former Qin Shuang's view, that is what you are talking about, but after so many things, Tong Xinyi said such a specious word, Qin Shuang felt a little taste. Seeing this circle of friends, Qin Shuang lost sleep Looking at the waves of tongxinyi, Li Fei envies her real name. He envies her to put everything down completely and start again, but she can't. Her mother's business, after all, is a stone in her heart, can't move, pressure uncomfortable. This day, Qin Luo comes to see her and meets Li Fei. Qin Luo shakes his head at her. Li Fei's heart sank, but he still didn't find it. Qin Luo hugged her shoulder and comforted her, "in fact, it's a good thing. We can't find anyone. Maybe, maybe we're still alive. Are you right?" He said that he was not confident. Li Fei looked at Qin Luo's worried eyes and nodded. However, he thought that the current river goes straight to the sea, and the probability of survival is basically zero. But as Qin Luo said, this is at least a thought. If she is alive, she can still see her mother and know who her father is. There are so many mysteries before. Unfortunately, her mother fell into the current river, and now she is dead. It seems to know what she is thinking, Qin Luo pinched her chin to tease her, "if you smile, I will tell you a good news?"