Chapter 209

"Be careful!"

Suddenly there was a warning sound. She looked back and saw the car coming.

At that moment, she suddenly thought that Qin Shuang hated her because of Gu Yue's death memory. If she died, would Qin Shuang also remember her?

A strong force pulled her back!

She staggered back a few steps before she managed to stabilize herself, with a sharp pain in her ankle.

I think it's coming.

Cheng Wei helped her to rest and looked at her feet. "Are you ok?"

Looking at Cheng Wei, Tong Xinyi shakes her head and says, "Why are you here?"

Seeing her talking slowly, Cheng Wei sighed, "when I get off work, I see you are out of your mind. I'm worried that you have problems, so I follow you quietly. As a result, I see you cross the road. What do you think?"

Tong Xinyi looks up at the elegant and handsome man in front of her. Her suit is white lined, her neckline is loose, and she has no tie. Her eyes are long and thin behind her gold rimmed glasses, which always makes her feel familiar.

She said, "I was thinking, will you remember me when I die?"


Cheng Wei thinks he heard wrong and shakes Tong Xinyi.

Tongxinyi this complete soul homing, looking at the worried Cheng Wei, she raised her usual smile, "I'm ok, thank you!"

Seeing that she didn't want to say it, Cheng Wei didn't force her, "what about your feet?"

"It's OK, it's OK!"

She stops Cheng Wei, who squats down to check her foot injury, with abrupt and impatient movements.

Seeing a flash of embarrassment on Cheng Wei's face, she quickly got up and said, "it's OK, you see I can walk and run... Ouch!"

She was in pain and took a breath of cold air. Maybe she sprained badly.

Cheng Wei shook his head and sighed, "come on, get on the bus, I'll take you to the hospital!"

"No, no, I'll just go home and wipe some wine. Go home and leave me alone."

At this moment, she doesn't need to be cared for so much.

There is no need to have a person similar to Qin Shuang around. She has just been in a trance and can no longer admit her mistake.

Not as much as she said, she got up and left, but just two steps, she reeled in pain.

One hand held her in time.

"Come on, I'll take you home!"

Home, she doesn't want to go back!

She's afraid to go home!


The refusal to export was interrupted by Cheng Wei's helpless tone, "I'm a monster, so you're afraid of this?"

"No, it's not!"

Knowing that he had misunderstood, Tong Xinyi shook her head. What she refused was to go home.

Cheng Wei then held her with a smile, "it's not good. Let's go. I'll take you back!"

When he got downstairs, Cheng Wei stopped and went to the co driver's office first. He put his hand on the top of the car. He was afraid that Tong Xinyi would touch her head, but he didn't touch her directly. He just watched carefully and needed to help her at any time.

Tong Xinyi thinks Cheng Wei is a gentleman and the distance between men and women is just right.

Among the female teachers, Cheng Wei has a good reputation.

It's very gentlemanly to a lady, but it can't be overstepped.

She limped down and said thanks to Cheng Wei with a smile. Cheng Wei looked at her feet anxiously, "can you go upstairs alone? No problem? "

Tong Xinyi holding the car, lit the injured foot, "nothing, you can rest assured!"

"Then remember to wipe some medicine and wine. If you can't do it tomorrow, ask for a leave."

"Well, I think it's good to have a night off!"

Cheng Wei looked at her smiling face as if nothing had happened. After enduring it, he said, "well, some things you still want to open up. In fact, sometimes it's not a bad thing to end them!"

Said so implicitly, but how can tongxinyi not understand?

She and Qin Shuang are nothing new in school. They have everything to say.

Sympathizing with her husband, she said that her life was not easy. Jealous, she said that she died for the money and reputation of the Qin family. What's more, she said that she couldn't live, because she was a broken shoe, so she was despised by Qin Shuang.

There are all kinds of people who speak, but Cheng Wei never listens to them and never says a word.

Now even he said

Tongxinyi mouth Yang high, eyes confused, "what do you say? I don't understand? "

Looking at Tong Xinyi, who pretends not to understand, her eyes are fragile. Cheng Wei's lips move, but he doesn't say anything. He reaches out and pats her on the shoulder.

Silent comfort, tongxinyi received, looking at teacher Cheng Yingman care black eyes, her words to the mouth, but stopped.

I don't know whether to say it or not?

After all, they didn't say anything, and they didn't give any hints. It's a bit self indulgent and humiliating for you to say so.

But women's intuition is accurate.

Perhaps in the past, everything can be attributed to the concern of colleagues, but today, she wanders so long after work, but he always follows.

You can't lie to yourself any more.

She doesn't want to delay others and give them hopeless waiting. Because of the feeling of falling in love with an impossible person, she knows best. She finally laughed, "Mr. Cheng, you are a good man, but I..." "you don't have to say!" Cheng Wei stretched out his hand to interrupt her with a smile of understanding, "I understand, I understand! If you don't understand, I've already said, "do you still have to wait for you to send a good card?" The first one is always the first one. Each other a look, an action, you will guess her mind. How can he not understand Tong Xinyi's devotion to Qin Shuang after seeing it for so long? So he chose silence! Tong Xinyi was still struggling with how to say it. As a result, Cheng Wei's understanding made her feel relaxed. She laughed and sincerely said, "thank you, Miss Cheng!" Cheng Wei couldn't laugh or cry. "Your face is so relieved that I'm in such a mood... Can't you pretend to be a little sorry or something?" Tong Xinyi was amused to laugh. Their joking appearance fell into the eyes of a pair of Yin ducks in the corner, and the lenses were full of blue light. He came back occasionally today and saw this unexpected scene. Looking at the childlike innocence with a smile, Qin Shuang narrowed her eyes slightly“ All right, I'm going up! " Tong Xinyi waved goodbye. Cheng Wei nodded, "come on, I'll see you go up!" Tong Xinyi turned and walked to the door of the building. She saw a tall and cold figure. Qin Shuang! He copied his pocket and looked at her with partial eyes. His eyes behind the lens were secretive. He seemed to be standing there for a long time, waiting for her to find out. Wait for her to see to come over, Qin Shuang long leg one step, stride toward Tong Xinyi. Seeing Qin Shuang, tongxinyi's heart comes to her throat. Why is he here? He seldom goes home. Why does he come back all of a sudden? Yeah, divorced her? Thinking of this, tongxinyi's legs and feet trembled and almost ran away. She was so fast that she had a foot injury and fell“ Be careful Cheng Wei takes a quick step and pulls her away. However, in the next moment, he was pulled by another force. She faltered back to Qin Shuang's arms, hurt on the injury, she breathed low in pain. Cheng Wei looked at Qin Shuang's savage and rude posture and couldn't help reminding him, "she's hurt. Be careful!" Eyes full of condemnation! His wife wants to be reminded to be careful?